6. Idea

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Y/N PoV:
As I arrived at the mansion everyone gattered but one person was missing. Jungkook himself.
I saw Emida and the others, their dirty plates and glasses still on the table.

I went in with Bam and let him go

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I went in with Bam and let him go. I picked up the dirty dishes and placed them in the sink to wash them. Until someone tapped my shoulder.
"Hi there" a girl giggled.
It was Emida.
"I wanted to apologize that I just left you all alone, I hope you are not angry I really didn't mean too I had a business meeting-"
I smiled "It's Allright."
She smiled even more and hugged me.
I hadn't had a hug a long time.
"Why don't you sit with us Jungkook will be back soon!"
She asked. But I declined her suggestion. I think I'm just disturbing and the only thankful thing I could do for jungkook, would be helping in the household and I don't even have a job.
What would I do without him?
"If you say so but you are always welcome to join" she sat down.
I heard steps from the stairway and knew it was him.

Jungkook PoV:
I didn't expect that the shower would take so long.
I saw Bam lying on the floor, sleeping and the others gathered around. Where is Y/N?
Why do I even care. I saw her washing the dishes of my friends. Oh?
I sat at the table and we discussed our plan.


Everyone went home, as I lied in my chair. I closed my eyes. This day was so stressful.
"You look tired should I make you something? "
There she was. I didn't know if I should happy or even more mad.
"Bananamilk." A smile appeared on her face as I was joking.
She walked to the kitchen and prepared my drink.
Now that I'm maidless I have to take care of myself, of my house and Bam. But I had an idea.

"Y/N hurry up I want to discuss something with you."

(343 words)

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