5. Interest

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Y/N PoV:
I woke up the next morning and as I went downstairs I saw Jungkook sitting in a large chair drinking his coffee.
Shirtless. Oh my God. I wanted to go back to my room but Jungkook noticed me.
"Where are you going?" He asked me.
"I thought I'd go back to my room so you can breakfast in peace." I told him.
He looked at me and pointed to the chair across of him.
I came towards him and sat down.
"As long as you don't talk im fine."

Oh well but atleast I could eat. I went to the kitchen but there was no food.
"Well there is no food."
"Hm?" He looked to the kitchen island where I stood and just drank his coffee as he didn't care.
I went to my room and put some clothes on, which were still lying in the boxes from yesterday.
I went down and was going to the store.

On my way a man came towards me. "Hi I remember you! You are the girl from the pub"
Shit who was he again?
"Oh nice to meet you...?"
"My name is Jimin I'm a friend of Jungkook. Don't you remember me?"
"I did, I forgot for a second haha. Where are you going?"
"Well we have a meeting at his place so I decided to go a little earlier and what are you doing here?"
Should I say I'm staying with jungkook? Maybe he is ashamed if I say so.
Then I have nowhere to stay.

"Just going for a walk and I need food for breakfast."
"Why don't you come with me and we breakfast at Jungkooks. I bought some stuff with me and we can cook?"
He was definitely kinder than jungkook.
But I didn't want to sound rude so I agreed and went back.
We opened the gate and opened the Frontdoor (which I forgot to close).
"You are already back?" asked Jungkook.
Jimin gave me a confused look but I just shrugged.
"It's me and uhh ah right Y/N! Its okay if she can stay for breakfast?"

Jungkook PoV:
She didn't told him that she lives here.
Well she doesn't but, whatever.
"Yeah whatever" I said.
I saw Jimin going with Y/N to the kitchen Island and preparing Breakfast.

I saw Jimin going with Y/N to the kitchen Island and preparing Breakfast

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{Just an Inspo how it could like}

It smells good.
I heard a bark and Bam ran to me.
"What's wrong big boy?" I asked and he pointed with his nose to the rope.

Y/N PoV:
I saw Jungkooks dog running to him and pointing to the rope. Maybe he wanted to go out? Jungkook was shaking his head as a disagree that he couldn't go.
I went to jungkook.
"Should I go for a walk with him?"
He looked at me with disbelieved eyes.
"Yeah... thank you" he mumbled.
"What was that?" I asked him again.
I'm honest I love teasing people especialy people like jungkook.
"Thank you" he said louder and I took his dog, whose Name is Bam, for a walk.

Jimin PoV:

"Come on tell me Jungkook."
"What do you want to hear?" He asked me.
"I know that Y/N lives with you."
"It's so obvious. When you asked if she would be back then I knew exactly you meant her."
"Whatever she isn't staying for long till she finds a new job and gets a new apartment."
"Where is Ye jun?"
"OH God what happend?"
"That slut tried to rob me and tried to kill me in my sleep."
"Oh I'm really sorry did Y/N-"
"Jimin could you once shut up about Y/N she is just some girl nothing more"
"Alright" I went back to prepare the breakfast.

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