3. Nowhere to be

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I woke up the next morning. The sun shined through the window. It was 8 am, thank god It was Saturday.

Until I looked at my phone. 18 missed calls from Yong shin.
Shit. I picked my phone from my desk and dialed his number. As I wanted to greet him an angry voice was to hear.

I hung up.

I could actually think that he would fire me. But my life is more worth than Yong's shitty pub. Well but now I was jobless and who is gonna pay the rent? Definitely not me. My only option was calling the girl from yesterday.

I dialed the number and an annoyed voice answered.
"Hello, Emida how can I help you?"
"Hey its me-"
"Oh hello nice to hear you again how are ya?" Hope you didn't get injured?" she asked.
"No I'm Allright thank you again for saving me hah."

"It's no problem but is there a reason why you called?"
"Could you meet up?"
"Sure could you meet at the park in the middle city?"
"Mhm on my way"

She hung up and I got dressed. Honestly I didn't wear much mark clothes cause from such a shit job I didn't earned much. I could barely pay and begged the past 3 months the house holder Sung Hon to give me more time to be able to pay my rent. And for food was the money also limited. So I got dressed and saw Emida.
"Hey there!"
"Where do you wanna go? Ice cream shop? Buy some perfume for ur pub haha"
"I don't work any longer there."
"It's our fault isn't it?"
"Nah your allright actually im thankful. I don't have to work there anymore but now I'm jobless."
"OH I'm sure you will get a new job soon" she smiled
We walked a little around the park until someone called her.
"OH sorry I have to take that"

Emidas PoV:

She was actually really kind than my other "friends" but I still was unsure if this would work out, we walked through the park until someone called me. Namjoon.

"OH sorry I have to take that" I said and went a little away from her.
"Whats wrong Joon?"
"I'm fine but where are you, I woke up and didn't see yo-"
"I'm with the girl from yesterday I'm Allright"
"I see don't stay to long away...we have a meeting soon."
"You sound silly Kim Namjoon I'm not a kid anymore I know who I meet up with."
"Remember what happend back then, im just warning you as a good friend."

A good friend.

"Thank you gonna go now"
"See ya"

"Who was it?" asked Y/N.

Y/N PoV:

I heard her talking, she sounded annoyed.
When she came back I asked her who it was, who annoyed her that much?
"Noone important, but I have to make my way now its getting late" she pointed at the sky and left without a bye.
She was acting weird but maybe it was her kind of being.

I came back home it got already dark and infront my apartment where boxes with clothes, furniture and stuff. I wondered who's it was till I realized.

It was mine.

I ran in my apartment and saw the apartment owner stood outside with men taking my stuff out, I was shocked. "WHAT are you doing with my Stuff?!" I shouted. The owner answered calmly

"Well Miss (L/N) you haven't payed your rent for 3 months now. I gave you enough chances but you spent this one now.
I'm really sorry but this is it.
Take your stuff and leave."

I couldn't believe what I heard. Wow. I lost my job, my apartment, what's gonna be next?
And for all greatness it started raining.
I stood outside in the cold rainy weather all by my own.

I stood outside in the cold rainy weather all by my own

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Jungkooks PoV:

"Bye everyone"
"Bye" "see ya"
I layed down. A hard day for a great man. I heard a ringing sound from the table. It was Emidas phone.
"That dummy can't do anything right hm?" I mumbled

I picked up and heard a shaky voice "H-hello Emida c-could I o-overnight at your p-place tonight I-"
"Aren't you the girl from yesterday?"

Y/N PoV:

I heard Jungkooks voice. Oh God how embarrassing.
"I will pick you up and you will overnight at my place Allright, I'll be there in 10 minutes." He hung up.
I stayed at near a bench, almost freezed to an ice cube on the street, shaking.
Till I saw a big Lamborghini arriving infront me.
The door opened automatically and I went in.
"OH God you look not good"
"Am I that ugly?" I asked sarcastically.
"No you look sick."
We arrived and when I'm gonna tell you the mansion was huge then Im lying. ITS GIGANTIC.
It's a fricking whole palace.

"Are you living here alone?" I asked.
"No I live here with my dog and my maid"
"OH wow you even have a maid? Are you some kind of king?" I laughed
"Your funny aren't you?" he looked at me with those sharp eyes.

"Depens on my mood"

We came in and his dog was coming towards us. The dog was hugeee. "Who is a good boy, you are.." Jungkook babied.
"The guestroom is next to mine top left."
"Thank you"

I was so tired from this shit day I directly went to sleep.

Till I heard a screaming noise.

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