Part 21

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Y/N PoV:
They were kneeling down infornt of us.
Namjoon and Taehyung tied up and we saw the boss and...

Jimin by his side.

Grinding at us.

What is happening?  The nice and happy Jimin, a traitor?
He was so kind and... he just betrayed us.
I looked to Namjoon who had a bloody would on his mouth and Taehyung had nose bleed.
I saw Jhope from the side trying to attack them but was stopped by the boss' men.

"Why Jimin after all this years..?" Jungkook started talking.
Jimin was smirking even more.
"That's a good question..." he answered and approached Jungkook, I got goosebumps.
The jimin I got to known had a sweet voice but this Jimin in Front of me was another person. Cruel, scary...

"After the fight... After my parents died. Do you think I would still be with you... AFTER YOU KILLED PMY PARENTS!?" Jimin shouted waiting to attack Jungkook but his Boss grabed him by his Collar and pushed him back.

"That's really unprofessional." The boss said in a deep voice.

Jimin calmed down.

"All this years I was gone, and you really hadn't the idea that I would join another gang?"
"I came to the yongs with the intention to get my revenge.. on you. All this time I came back I was just here to spy on you, get information. The introduction. Do you think this was just an accident. This was all me. We have all your information. Thanks to me."
Both of them starting laughing.

My heart dropped. And I think the members heart just broke into pieces.
Betrayed by your own partner.

Now I was not thinking. I remember that Namjoon had a knife and while those idiots were laughing I crawled to Namjoon and searched in his pockets for a knife.
I took the knife and carefully cutted Namjoons rope. I went back to my place like nothing happend.
As they stopped Jimin went to Namjoon, kneeled down and started speaking.

"What about your head starts rolling first hyung? " He asked smiling.
Namjoon shaked a little and punched Jimin in his stomach. The fight began.

While the others were fighting I crawled to Tae, cutting his ropes.
We both stood up and ran into the battlefield.

But I got dragged by someone. It was Jungkook.
"Y/N hide somewhere I won't lose you like i have lost. I can't." Jungkook said.
I did as he told me. I hid myself, but who said I wasn't stabing the other Yong members which walked past me. Their gang was much bigger than Jungkooks.
After a while almost all people of the yongs got defeated.
I saw the others having bloody scars.
But then I saw something which I wish I didn't see.
Emida lying on the floor. Half of her clothes were covered in blood.
I saw the one eyes boss slowly walking towards her. I have to save her.. or she would die.
I walked carefully to the pillar she was lying infront, hiding behind it.
I saw the Man walking faster.

"My Name is sora-jun, I'm the Leader of the yongs.
you took my eye and my beloved brother. And now,
I'm going to take your life. A soul... for a soul."

He said raising his arm. He had a pistol.
Everyone freezed not able to do anything..

Emida PoV:

You are weak.

Get your ass up and fight.

I wish I could stand up but my body was paralyzed.
Was this the moment I would die?
All the moments all the memories. Gone?
I closed my eyes. Maybe it was just right I would die. How Jungkook said, there will always be someone to sacrifice themselves.

And this someone would be me.

"You may kill me today but the spirit of this gang... family will never die." I laughed and spit on his shoes.

The others got attacked so they couldn't help me.
And thats okay. Really!
Now I would join my parents. He came closer and I heard only a "NOOO" and gasps.

And a..


Everything went dark. Bye bye..

(691 words.)

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