Part 24

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Y/N PoV:

"Jungkook wakey wakey! I already prepared breakfast!" I tried waking him up but Jungkook is like a stone when he sleeps. But he looked cute tho.

"Allright I will wait downstairs." i said leaving the bedroom, giving Jungkook a little kiss on his forehead.

Jungkoook's PoV:

Ugh I'm so tired from yesterday, hm what's that delicios smell. Probably one of Y/N's tasty food. I love her coking so much. I remeber when we lived together Emida would always cook for us or suga, because the others would burn the kitchen. No shit.

But to be honest Y/N' cookng will always be on first place.
Enough talk Im hungry.

I went downstairs seeing cute Y/N prepring breakfast. I sat down admiring while she cooked her last dish.

She came with bowls, grining bright. Oh damn how much I loved her smile.
"Is today something special or why are you so excited?" I asked her.
"Well today you wanted to tell me what you wanted to tell me" she smiled even more, but mine faded away. Oh baby if you just knew what i would tell you.

"Well some days ago i visited Namjoon, alone. We talked a lot about outr dark past and how many crimnal things we have done and did now.. Namjoon also told me that he tod you how i was drinking and smoking and.. you know what i mean but i wasn't so honest to you the last times." Okay Jungkook take a deep breath. Fuck I don't want to cry.

"and, the day you before you left, i wasn't sexuallly active for a long time. The feeling to please you, I missed that. I wanted you so much in this moment but you weren't there and i..i called a prostitute to.. have the nasty with me. The whole time I was imagining your face. I know that's a dumb excuse but-"

I looked up seeing tears forming in her eyes..

Y/N PoV:

I was.. how should i say??? There isn't even a way to express my feelings. Betrayal, anger?!
I couldn't believe that he even thought one moment about me while fucking this strange woman.
I was so close to cry but I could control me a little.
I stood up.

"Baby I know this wasn't right.." he said
"Well if you knew why did you still do it? Do you think it's funny to hurt my feelings? I should have known, guys like you are JERKS!" I snapped going to my old seperate room packing some stuff.

I heard someone going behind me.
"Y/N dont tell me you are going to leave because of that i know you are angry but-"

"Of course I am you fucked another woman behind my back and you still have the audacity to say you imagined my face on hers!"

Jungkook was shoked at my words. I packed my back and left. "I just need a brake" i said.

I called Emida if we could talk and if I could live with her for a while.

"Hello Y/N what's the problem?" she asked and let me in.
"Jungkook cheated on me, having a one night stand with someone."

She looked at me worried.
"I see he told you." she went to her living room.

" you mean?" i asked her.
"He told us about having a one-night-stand because he missed you, but honestly if i would miss someone i wouldn't fuck someone else." Thank god i had someone on my side.

She brought me some tea and we chatted a little.

"You and me know that Jungkook did a huge mistake but that's his habit everyone has his habits and now that you are his girlfriend official maybe he won't practise his habit anymore"
she said.
She was right till the habit part. I still wasn't really happy about his cheat but I still love Jungkook and i wouldn't just throw him away like that.

"Emida. What is our habit?" i asked.

"m-mine?" she asked a little suprised.
"Well I actually don't like alcohol but sometimes I have phases i could drink a whole bathtub with alcohol." she said a little embarrased.

The rest of the day we spent going to shopping centers, eating in a sushi house and visiting Namjoon who got send home from the hospital.
It was a great day but I was still thinking about Jungkook what he was thinking. Maybe I should go back?

(756 words)

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