Chapter 1

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Pan's POV

I wake up on cold, dewy grass. Questions immediately flood into my mind, wiping out the dam of drowsiness from my mind: Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here? When did I get here? The question that screams above them all, though, is: Who am I?

Peter. That's my name. It's the only thing I have that's mine.

The sun is creeping above the horizon. There is no one in sight, which isn't surprising because who walks around in a field at dawn? Another question to add to the madness in my brain. I stand up and start walking because it's the only logical thing I can think of. Perhaps it will clear my head and let me straighten this mess out.

I have to shield my eyes against the sunlight, my eyes sensitive to the brightness. I notice something glinting on the ground a few steps ahead of me. I crouch down to see what it is: nothing but a piece of a broken mirror. I can't help but study my reflection, it doesn't ring a bell. I can't even associate it to anything.

Damn. I hurl the useless shard away from me. I don't know a thing about myself. How am I going to get anywhere with a huge chunk taken out of my memories? And it isn't just my memories that seem to be gone, there is something else missing. Something deeper than that. I just feel so incomplete.

I sigh and continue walking. I stumble upon a road eventually. I decide to follow it until I come across somebody. Preferably someone who recognizes me and can tell me who I am.


Erin's POV

As I'm walking to school at 6:55 in the morning, I see an unfamiliar boy walking down the street. He looks lost and confused, his (flawless) eyebrows are furrowed in concentration. My guess is that he is new in town and has lost his way.

It isn't just his eyebrows that are perfect, he has light brown hair, emerald eyes, and a lean, muscular form. He looks to be about 17, my age. I decide to go talk to him. I still have ten minutes until school starts, so I have time. And a conversation with a hot guy won't hurt.

I walk up to him and say politely, "Hey, I'm Erin Newman. It's a pleasure to meet you, are you new around here?" I extend my hand so he can shake it.

He takes my hand and smiles half-heartedly, his eyes lacking any joy, "I have no idea. I woke up today and had no clue where I was or who I am. My name's Peter... that's about all I remember."

I am so taken by his adorable British accent that I almost don't absorb what he said.

"I'm so sorry," I say, and can't help but inquire, "are you from England? I'm only asking because of your accent."

He shakes his head sadly and looks down at his feet, "I honestly don't remember anything. Can you tell me where we are?"

The hopelessness in his eyes melts my heart. I answer him, "We're in Fort Pierce, Florida. Does that ring a bell?"

"No, not at all," he says mournfully.

I look down at my watch, "Shit, I'm gonna be late for school. I don't want to just leave you here, though."

I try to think of a plan that allows Peter to come with me. I almost miss it when he says, "What's school?"

"Only the most torturous place in the world," I say, only half joking, "I think it would be pretty hard to forget."

His laugh seems slightly forced. Then I have the perfect idea.

"Keep walking, Peter, I have a plan," I say happily. I start speed walking in the direction of my school.

Peter jogs to catch up and asks, "Would you mind filling me in on this?"

"That could be helpful," I say, slowing my pace a little, "so, I'm thinking that I could pass you off as a foreign exchange student. Then I can make sure we both have the same schedule and I won't have to leave you alone."

"I don't have a clue what you're trying to say, but you seem to know what you're talking about, so I trust you," he says, confusion evident on his face. I can't believe he could forget so much.


As we approach Westwood High, I still don't think Peter has a grasp on what school is. It's almost like it isn't even locked up with the rest of his memories. It doesn't really matter though, as long as the principal buys our story.

We make our way to the main office. The secretary, Ms.Baldwin, is clacking away at her computer quickly, yet efficiently. She doesn't glance up at us when we walk in, but says, "Do you need something, Ms. Newman?"

"Uhm, this is Peter. He is an exchange student from England. Can we talk to Principal Bruner about his schedule?" I say, making it up as I go.

"Yes. I think Mr.Bruner is free right now. Go ahead and go to his office," she says, flashing her pearly white, born-to-be-a-secretary smile as we head to the office.

As Ms.Baldwin guessed, the principal isn't busy. He looks down his glasses at me when I walk in, "Erin, what are you doing here? And who is this?" He gestures towards Peter.

Before I can say anything, Peter shakes Mr.Bruner's hand and says, "I'm Peter, the new exchange student. It's a pleasure to meet you." Considering he has no idea what he's talking about, he sounds pretty convincing. British accents can charm anyone.

Bruner responds, "The pleasure is all mine. Welcome to Westwood, Mr...?"

"PAN!" I blurt. God, I'm stupid. Who's going to believe that he's named after a fairy tale?

But Peter's eye's flash darkly for a moment, as if he recognizes the name.

Mr.Bruner continues, oblivious, "Well, Mr.Pan, we need to get you a schedule and a uniform and then you'll be all set."

"If you could give Peter the same schedule I have, that would be great. I'm supposed to show him around the school," I say.

"Of course," Mr.Bruner says, "Is your family hosting him while he's staying here?"

I hadn't thought about that, but it would explain why I'm the one helping him right now. Also, I wouldn't mind him staying with me and my family, at least until his memories come back.

"Yeah, we are," I say, smiling broadly. I hope its not too obvious that I've been lying since I step foot in the room.

"Have your parents signed the permission form? If I'm not mistaken it's mandatory to turn in prior to the start of classes" he asks.

My smile falters. Permission form? No one said there would be a permission form involved. I wring my hands and look guiltily at my feet, "I kind of lost it, could you print me a new one?"

"I suppose. You must turn it in by Monday, though. Technically he can't stay with you until the form is turned in, but I'll let this one slide. Only because you're such a good student, Erin," Mr.Bruner says.

Mr.Bruner leaves the room to get the schedule and form from the printer, and I exhale in relief.

"That couldn't have gone more perfectly," I say, the grin on my face stretching toward my ears.

Then Peter says, "Good, because I couldn't tell."

Mr.Bruner returns with schedule, uniform, and permission form in hand. He writes us a pass to excuse our tardiness. We thank him and leave the office. For the first time, I practically skip to first period.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. I plan to update with a chapter or two each Monday. Sorry that this chapter was a tad boring, I promise I'll try to get to the exciting parts soon :)

Edited on 10/18/15

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