Chapter 23

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Pan's POV

I now stand in front of Echo Cave. If there was any other way to do this, then I would do it. I sigh and step inside the cave, it's better to get this over with sooner rather than later.

Erin is sitting in the cage, staring at the ceiling. Her back is to me so she hasn't yet acknowledged my presence. I suppose she's figured out that her magic doesn't work in here.

"Why so glum Erin?" I tease.

She turns to glare at me, a glare that's become all too familiar, "I seem to remember you being furious at me last time we saw each other."

"Let's just say I have more pressing matters for the time being. For instance, you letting the Dark One free. Where's Pandora's box?," I say, cutting straight to the point.

"I'll tell you," Erin says, "but only if you let me free."

This is exactly what I was afraid of.

"I'm afraid that's much easier said than done, Erin," I inform her.

She scoffs, "Can't you just use some of your pixie dust to fly over here and free me?"

"You know nothing about Neverland," I say in disgust.

"If I'm so clueless, then would you care to enlighten me?" the hint of sarcasm in her voice has become a regular occurrence.

"Sure," I say, "this cave is a trap that I made when I first came to Neverland. It renders all magic powerless. The only way to get the prisoner out is to reveal your darkest secrets."

"And you didn't think to make a shortcut or anything?" Erin scolds.

It's my turn to glare at her, "Well I didn't intend on rescuing any of the people I trap in here. And if you hadn't let the Dark One go, I wouldn't have to be saving you right now."

"Instead of complaining about what I did, how about you start telling me your secrets and getting me out of here," Erin urges.

That is the last thing I want to do. If she knows them then she can use them against me. But, then again, I'm going to have to get her out of here at some point so I can use her heart to rejuvenate Neverland's magic. And if I put my secrets out in the open, then perhaps she will be able to love me again.

"Alright," I say unwillingly, "what is it that you want to know?"


Erin's POV

I can ask Peter anything I want, and he must answer truthfully if he wants to defeat the Dark One. Maybe this isn't such a bad situation after all.

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