Chapter 8

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Pan's POV

We very quickly break Mrs.Newman's rule. When we are seated, we hold hands across the table. And shortly after the waitress gives us our drinks, we kiss.

"You're a naughty boy, aren't you? Unabashedly disobeying direct orders from my parents," Erin says, smirking. I think she picked that up from me, I find myself smirking quite often, almost on instinct.

I look at her in mock surprise, "Me? It's not my fault that you are stunningly beautiful. I can't help but appreciate such beauty when I have it available to me."

She blushes and laughs. Before she can say anything, the waitress comes back to take our orders.

The food is outstanding, but it doesn't quite live up to Mrs.Newman's cooking. We each order something that sounds good. It ends up that we switch meals because I don't like my sauce and she doesn't like her meat. But it all works out in the end.

Shortly after we order dessert, I see a man being seated at a table behind Erin. The man has a hook for a hand, and he is staring straight at me. I control the anger I feel toward him because I don't want to ruin this ngiht with Erin.

However, Erin excuses herself to go to the restroom and I have an opportunity to go talk to him. I am torn as to whether I should do it or not. There is a battle going on in my head. The opponents are my love for Erin and my desire to return my memories.

Both choices are strong and I don't know which one will prevail. I choose the latter, but not without guilt. I slide out of the booth I'm sitting in and reluctantly sit down across from the man who could possibly bring back my memories.

He looks at me smugly and expectantly. I can't think of anyuthing else to say, so I say, "I hate you."

"Oh really? We've established that long ago, mate," he says, taking a sip from some his beer.

I sigh, "I figured. However, you are the only hope I have for getting my memory back."


Hook's POV

I feel a burst of satisfaction when Pan decides to come over to my table. He asks me, "Do you know how I lost my memories?"

"I see you've gotten yourself a girlfriend, Peter. I was starting to question your orientation, what wiht you hanging around all those boys," I say, dodging the question to piss him off.

It works, this time he almost growls, "Tell me how I lost my memories. Now."

"Aye. Well I don't know exactly how it happened. But I'm nearly positive that it was your son who cast a curse on you," I explain.

"Hold on, did you say son?" his eyes widen in horror, "and curse? You're aboslutely mad."

I smile, bemused, "That's right, you don't remember any of that. But if you drink this," I pull out the bottle of blue liquid, "then you'll see that I'm perfectly sane."

He eyes the bottle suspiciously, "How do I know you aren't trying to poison me?"

"Because," I say, "we share a common enemy. The only person I hate more than you is your son."

He hesitates and I shake the bottle, sloshing the magical liquid around inside it. He finally says, "Fine, it's worth a shot. Give it to me."

He reaches for the vial and I pull it away from his reach, "Ah, but first you need to promise me something."

"What is it?" he bites out.

"If I give this to you, you have to promise that you'll help me take down the Dark One. I know it doesn't make sense now, but it will when you remember," I say.

"Sure," he says impatiently, "I promise to help you take down the Dark One. Now give it."

I hand the bottle to him, amused at the fact he said 'give it'. He's become a normal teenager, and I know that when he remembers, he'll be motified about acting in such a manner. Mortified enough to kill his son, I hope.

He takes the bottle greedily. He removes the stopper and stares at it skeptically. It seems like he's debating on whether or not its worth it. He must decide that he's tired of living in the dark and downs the whole thing in one swallow.

Pan sits for several seconds and frowns, "I don't remember anything."

"Don't be so bloody impatient. It could take a few hours to set it, but I assure you, it'll work," I say, exasperated, "You'd better sit back down before your girlfriend comes back."

So he scoots out of the seat and resumes his position in his original booth. Not thirty seconds later, his girlfriend emerges from the restrooms and sits across from him.

A waitress comes out with a milkshake and sets it on their table. They insert two straws into it and sip happily. Then she leans in to kiss him. He kisses her back, but his eyes are open, looking at me. This is most definitively the last time he'll show any affection towards the lass. I finish my drink and leave.


Erin's POV

In the bathroom I take my time to fix up my makeup and hair. As I return to the table, I see Peter is there waiting for me patiently. As I sit down, the waitress brings out our dessert. I lean in to kiss Peter again, it doesn't feel quite right, but its probably just me.

When we pull away, I say the words I've wanted to say since the night we both slept outside, "Peter, I love you."

"I love you, too," he says without hesitation, and my heart soars. I want this love to last forever.

A/N: Hope you like it so far! Might update again this week if I so desire :) I've been writing ahead because I had a long weekend from school, but I don't want to publish too much in one day. Please vote and comment as well ;)

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