Chapter 13

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Pan's POV

Seeing Neverland again makes me feel like a plant that has been denied water for ages and suddenly is given an ocean. To my lost boys waiting for me, it will seem like I've been gone for only a few moments.

I go to the site where I held the campfire. I plan to tell them how I easily imprisoned the Dark One. I would tell them that Erin was with him and I took her as a prize to spite him. It fits perfectly in my mind.....except when I land at the cite, there is no one here.

They wouldn't have left if I said I'd be right back. They don't dare doing anything without my permission. The fire should at least still be smoldering, but when I touch it, it's completely cooled. Something is terribly wrong here.

I hear a thud being me. It's Shadow dropping Erin unceremoniously to the ground. The look on her face makes it obvious that she has many complaints, but she won't dare utter one. Her imagination is most likely conjuring up things I might do to her. They are probably the worst he can come up with. But her definition of worst is far different than mine.

I can't waste time thinking about that now, though. It appears that my absence has been long enough that the lost boys have gone looking for me, most likely Felix's orders. I had told them all to stay put, hadn't I? I would have to punish them for disobeying me, but that proves rather difficult when I don't know where they are.

I walk over to Erin, she has huddled herself by a tree, her knees brought up to her chest.

"Get up," I order. She does so, but rather clumsily, due to the rope that is still wrapped tightly around her wrists and ankles.

I raise my dagger and Erin winces. I slice the bindings and she rubs her wrists gratefully. But she eyes me cautiously. She doesn't trust me. Trust or no trust, it's all the same to me.

"You don't have to look so terrified of me, Erin," I say, my eyebrow arching of its own will, "I just severed your bonds because I figured you wouldn't want any rope particles mixing with your own. You see, I've never tried transporting someone beside myself. My power is capable of it, but I didn't want to accidentally scramble one of my lost boys' atoms. But now I have you at my disposal."

Around the time I say "scramble", Erin's eyes have gone as wide as golf balls. I reach for her wrist, and she wisely decides not to struggle against me. Her eyes are shut in defeat. I picture Felix's scarred face in my head and will myself to his current location, Erin in tow.

I land perfectly in front of my second in command, having gotten used to teleporting myself long ago. Erin, on the other hand, immediately collapses to the ground and shudders violently. I know that since she made it here in one piece, she won't die, but the effects will certainly be... unpleasant.

Felix says, startled, "Pan? Where have you been? You've been gone for almost a full day. We've been looking for you for hours."

"The Dark One proved a bigger task that I originally thought. But no matter, for he is now locked away in Pandora's box unless I choose to release him, which I won't," I explain coolly. But it worries me that my absence from Neverland has been longer than I first anticipated.

"Okay, sir," he says, "but what about the girl?"

I hear Erin retching and heaving behind me.

"The Dark One brought her along. I've no idea why, but I figured she would provide some new entertainment for you boys. I have some business to attend to, but you can take her back to camp and rally up the other boys. I expect a celebration grandiose enough to make up for those I have missed when I return."

"Yes sir," Felix smiles crookedly. I haven't seen his smile since before Wendy died. He heaves Erin into his arms, who is still pale and trembling, and starts carrying her towards camp.

When he is out of my sight, I fly in the direction of Skull Cave.


Erin's POV

Of all the things I've been through so far tonight, transporting has by far been the worst. I'm still aware of my thoughts, but my soul is strangely disconnected from my body, this part wasn't bad, almost placid. It's the aftermath that gets to me. The transition from nothingness into solidness is agonizing. The shock of it sends shivers wracking through my body. I collapse and am unable to control anything. I've seen Peter do it so many times, and he's been fine afterwards. Is it possible that he's grown accustomed to this feeling? The thought makes me shudder even worse.

Peter pays no attention to my suffering. He is talking to another boy, but I can't make out what they're saying. All my senses are hazy and muted. Peter's blurry form points towards me. The boy, who is taller than Peter himself, lumbers towards me and scoops me up. I can vaguely make out the scars on his face and I wonder numbly how he obtained them.

He starts carrying me away and Peter stays behind. Soon I am unconscious.


I am roused by liquid splashing over my head. I hope to God that its water. The wetness of my body causes me to shiver. This leads me to a horrific realization, I'm not wearing any clothes. I open my eyes to find a crowd of boys surrounding me, staring at me while I'm only in a bra and panties.

I am too mortified to move. The lost boys look at me with the same evil glint that I recognize in Peter's eyes, but it's no where near as intense.

The boy with the scarred face, the one who carried me, speaks up, "Pan told me we had free reign over her. He just asked that we keep her alive, at least until he returns." His smile is crooked and wicked.

I bring my knees to my chest, knowing that it won't be enough to guard myself from these savages.

"Now, lets do this in an orderly fashion," Scar-face says, "everyone get in a line and we'll take turns."

Scar-face hauls me to my feet. The first boy approaches me. I close my eyes and let the abuse begin.

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