Chapter 18

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Erin's POV

I don't know how long I'm in the air, but it feels like forever. My body is numb from the cold air when I finally find the will to come down. I land underneath the tree where I was kept in that cage. Peter has left and so has Colt. I am completely alone, and that's all I could ask for right now.

My anger has almost dissipated, leaving nothing but numbness inside. But this dreamy absence of feeling is ruined by the questions screaming in my head.

Why did Peter do something like that to me?

How could I have overpowered Pan?

Does that mean I'm stronger than him?

Then an excellent thought makes itself heard over the chaos in my head: Maybe it means I can go home.

I close my eyes and visualize myself at home in my bed. Instead of pain in my head, there is a sharp pain in my chest, more accurately my heart. There must be some deeper magic keeping me here that is more powerful than Pan. Looks like I'm going to have to find some other way out of this place.

I realize that I'm still wearing my flannel pajamas and decide it's time for a wardrobe change. I picture this outfit that I have at home, brown leather jacket, army green tank top, black leggings, and tan combat boots. The outfit is almost as comfortable as the pajamas I was wearing a few moments ago, but infinitely more badass.

"Erin," says Peter, but the way he says my name, it sounds like the old him, the one I loved. But I'm not fooled, this is probably just one of his cruel tricks.

I turn around and I see him standing there. His facial expression reminds me of the first time we met; he looks lost again. Another thing startles me about his appearance, he's injured. If he was able to heal a stab wound through the heart, he should be able to heal himself, right? For a second I can almost feel a drop of sympathy towards him. Then I remember what he's done, and I want to see him suffer.


Pan's POV

Erin is staring at me in disgust and distrust. I knew from the get go that this wasn't going to be an easy task, but I have to start somewhere. I honestly hope that this won't take very long because 1) I can't go on pretending to be powerless for very long and 2) I have a limited time to gain her trust and save Neverland.

"I need to talk to you," I say, letting desperation drip into my voice. It doesn't even sound like me anymore.

Her eyes narrow, "I remember the last time you wanted to 'talk'. You almost killed me."

"Look," I say, "you can tie me up, restrain me however you want. There is nothing I can do to stop you anymore. Just, please, let me talk."

I see a flicker of interest in her eyes and suppress the urge to laugh. She closes her eyes briefly, and when she opens them I am chained to a tree. She wants to see if she really is more powerful than me.

I struggle against the chains for effect, making it look like I truly can't get out. In reality, any magic we try to use against each other would just cancel out. But I can't let her know that, now can I?

"You can't get out? Does that mean I'm stronger than you now?" Erin questions once she's satisfied that I'm "stuck" where I am.

"Not only are you more powerful than me," I explain, "you've taken my power away from me. I am powerless against anyone. You, you could kill me right now and I could do nothing to fight back. You could kill me and become the new Queen of Neverland."

She doesn't speak for a few seconds, and I don't know whether it's because she's shocked or because she is deciding on how she wants to kill me.

"No, I won't kill you. That would be too easy for both of us," she says, as I predicted she would, "but I will take you up on the 'Queen of Neverland' offer."

I laugh bitterly, "The Lost Boys won't take very kindly to that."

"Not if they discover how weak you've become," she says ominously.

This statement strikes a small amount of true fear in me. What does she mean by that?

A/N: I am so sorry for the late update :( I've been really busy this past week and half, but I am including Chapter 19 in this update too.

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