Chapter 6

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Pan's POV

I spend the next week mainly doing two things 1) Understanding why Erin said school was torture and 2) Getting closer and closer to Erin without making her parers suspicious. I get to know her inside and out, practically. I only wish that she could know as much about me. I'm so tired of trying to remember things, only to have that wall thrown up whenever I try.

After school on Wednesday, Erin and I are lying on the grass in her front yard. We have our Chemistry books open, but studying is the last thing on our minds.

"Do you think you should go to a doctor and ask them about your memories?" Erin suggests.

For some reason, the idea is completely unappealing to me. We've been doing some research on memory loss, and, according to the Internet, patients should be able to recover memories when they see things related to the memories. None of my memories have returned, and I'm starting to think they never will. I have the weirdest feeling that someone literally took my memories, but Erin would think I'm crazy if I suggest that.

"No. No doctors," I say adamantly.

Erin seems slightly miffed at this, "How else do you think you're going to get your memories back?"

"The only thing that's been even relatively close to getting a memory back was when I saw that man," I say. I know I shouldn't have brought it up, because Erin has been avoiding the topic since it happened.

Erin bites her lip, "I don't know Peter, you looked like you wanted to kill him. He probably wants to do the same to you. I don't want you to take that risk."

"But what if taking that risk is the only way I can get my memories back?!" I find my voice raising.

Erin begins, "Peter, I'm all for you getting your memories back but-"

"But now you're too scared of what my past might include and you want me to be in the dark forever," I say bitterly, "you're scared that if I get my memories back, I won't be you're perfect little boyfriend anymore."

Tears spring into Erin's eyes, and I feel guilty for saying it. Sad thing is, I don't think she's crying because I said it, but because, deep down, she knows it's the truth.

"Peter, I'm sorry for feeling that way. But I was really scared when you blew up because of that guy. If going after him is the only way for you to get your memories back, then we'll do it. But please, I want that to be the last resort. If we can't think of anything in a week, I'll let you do it," she says.

Although I don't want to go another week in this confused state I'm in, I'll do it for Erin, "Okay. A week."

Then we embrace, and all the tension that was between us moments before dissipates. But the salty tears on her cheek as I kiss it are a bitter reminder.


Erin's POV

I still feel horrible about our argument yesterday. His words have been echoing in my head ever since. You're scared that if I get my memories back, I won't be your perfect little boyfriend anymore. That's exactly what I'm scared of.

Today has been slightly tense between us. We still exchange kisses between periods and hold hands in the hallway, but it doesn't feel as right as it has.

When we get home from school I ask him if he wants to go running with me. Whenever I'm stressed I like to go on runs to take my mind off of things.

"Sure," he shrugs.

We change into some more comfortable clothes and lace up our tennis shoes. I drive us to the park that I've gone to since I was a kid. On Monday we established that Peter could not drive to save his life. It was raining so we took my mom's car to the school. It was only a matter of minutes before I was back at the wheel.

We run along side each other in silence for several minutes. The silence isn't awkward exactly, yet it seems to add a barrier between us. Again I notice the absence of Peter's shadow. The silence is becoming unbearable and I want to mention it, but I find myself saying, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he turns his head to me and quirks his eyebrow in that adorable way of his.

"Yesterday," I say, "I never got a chance to apologize."

"Really, it was mostly my fault. I should be the one saying sorry. I really am, I shouldn't have said any of that stuff," he says.

I grab him and bring him into another kiss. We melt into each other and everything is just the way it should be. The sun is shining through the trees, sending fragments of light onto us. I feel perfect and I don't want this moment to stop.

Then an old couple walks by with their dog and the woman says, "Aww, young love. I remember when we were like that, Harold."

We break apart and I blush furiously. Peter looks slightly embarassed.

"Don't stop on our account," the old man, Harold, says with a kind smile. Then they continue walking.

When they're out of sight, the moment is gone and I suggest, "Wanna keep going?"

Peter nods and we continue jogging down the path. This time the silence between us doesn't act as a barrier, it's a comfortable silence. Everything between us is perfect again.

And that lasts for all of ten minutes. As we're running, I see someone on the path up ahead of us. That someone is dressed in all black. The same man from the beach. And he's walking straight towards us. I desperately hope that Peter hasn't yet seen him and say, "Peter, I'm getting kind of tired, can we turn around?"

"Of course," he says, but then he looks straight ahead and sees the man. He sighs and I'm afraid he's going to go after him, but he turns around.

"Thanks," I say lamely.

After a few minutes he asks, "You weren't tired, were you?"


The silence has reverted back to a wall that spreads us apart.

A/N: Adding 2 chapters along with this one for this weeks update :) Hope you all like it so far. If you feel so inclined, then I would appreciate some votes or comments or whatever :)

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