Chapter 27

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Erin's POV

I feel sorry for Colt, but I let him go. I want to focus my energy on Peter to see if he really is starting to love me again. I really hope that he is, because deep down I'm not ready to let go of what we had back home, before his memories returned. But he's given me no reason to trust him. For all I know, he could be putting on a nice act to cover up some plan he's brewing for revenge.

I'll just have to tread lightly, because if I do anything that even slightly angers Peter the ice could shatter and my life will become hell.

"What would you like to do today?" Peter asks once Colt is out of sight. There is a thin layer of derision in his voice, but it sounds like he genuinely wants my input.

I answer, "Well, I'd like to get a tour of Neverland if you're willing to give me one."

"Alright," he nods slowly, "where would you like to start?"

"I don't care, wherever you want to take me," I shrug.

"Then let's begin with the darkest point on the island, Dark Hollow," he says. Before I know it he's grasping onto my forearm and transporting us to Dark Hollow.

Peter wasn't exaggerating when he said that this is the darkest place in Neverland. The ground is devoid of vegetation and all of the trees in the area are long dead. It's eerie, how dead everything is, even the air seems thinner. If I were to lay down here and now, how long would it take for the darkness to wash over me and make me as lifeless as the rest of this place?

I walk around, inspecting it further. I realize that I'm searching for something, anything that shows signs of being alive. This goes on for several minutes, and Peter just stands there watching me, his face expressionless. The only sound is my footsteps. I give up on my pursuit, recognizing that it's pointless.

I turn to Peter and break the silence, "Has this place always been like this?"

"Ever since I've been here," he says.

This comment stirs up thoughts and questions in my head. Peter came to this place and made it his own, but was he the first one? How many others have made this their paradise? Is he going to be last? I mean, Neverland can't last forever, no good things do.

"Peter," I say, "do you think that Neverland will last forever?"

The question seems to throw him, but before he can answer a dark figure swoops over my head. Pan's shadow.

After my experiences with it earlier today, I can't help but cower.

Peter tells me, "Relax, he won't hurt you while I'm here."

I ease up a bit, but I still feel tense.

Then more shadows start materializing out of nowhere, more and more with every passing second. There are at least fifty and they're still coming.

"I thought your shadow was the only one on the island."

"No. The shadows of all those who have died on Neverland remain here."

He says it so carelessly. There are over a hundred shadows now, floating without purpose. How many of these deaths was Peter responsible for? I feel sick. I hope I can change Peter so that he doesn't kill any more people. I never thought that the person I loved would be a murderer. I push the thought away immediately.

I say, "Peter, can we leave now?"


Colt's POV

I don't go straight back to camp after I leave Erin and Pan alone.  I just walk around the forest and try to calm down. The thought of Pan killing Wendy keeps creeping into my mind. I don't want him to do the same to Erin. He has a reason not to, the fact that she has the Heart of the Truest Believer. But I have a right to be worried... he's come pretty damn close to killing her several times already.

Again I think of that night Pan killed Wendy. It was only a few months ago, in Neverland time. She was here when I arrived on Neverland, and I don't know how long she was here. I never really talked to her, and my only clear memory of her is when she died.


The campfire is roaring yet again, invigorating us even more after our victory. Captain Hook had paid a visit but we proved  to much for the one handed pirate.

I have to ask Pan if I'm on guard duty tonight. I scan the area searching for him. Among the wildly dancing Lost Boys, I spot him. He whispers something to Felix and turns away into the forest.

For some reason I feel inclined to follow him. I know he is probably on important business but guard duty is also important.

I follow him to a type of tree house, the one where the girl lives. I think her name starts with a W, Winnifred or something. All I know is that she is Pan's pet and sometimes he brings her to the celebrations we have around the fire. She's very beautiful, but a bit young.

He ascends the ladder and I know that I can't follow any further, but I'm curious. So curious that I climb one of the nearby trees to see what he has to say.

I can hear him perfectly clearly. I can see him through the window, and his back is to me.

"Wendy," he begins (so that's her name). He continues, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" the girl's voice is fatigued, like she doesn't care one bit what he has to say.

"I've always known that Neverland's magic wouldn't last forever," Pan says.

Wendy speaks, "Nothing lasts forever, Peter." I'm surprised that he lets her call him that.

"There's this hourglass, measuring how much magic is left. It is dangerously low. But there is one thing that can make Neverland's magic last forever: the Heart of the Truest Believer. The only thing is," I swear Pan's voice breaks, "I'm afraid that I won't find it in time. I don't know where to begin looking. And... and I'm scared. I don't want to lose this, Wendy."

"Why are you telling me this, Peter?" Wendy asks.

"Because I needed to tell someone."

Before another word can be spoken, Pan takes his dagger and slits Wendy's throat. Just like that. I am horrified. He stands above her for a few seconds and then he just leaves.

When I'm sure he's gone, I climb into the hut and get a closer look. Her eyes are wide open in surprise and her neck is oozing with blood. I stay just long enough for her shadow to leave her body. I decide never to follow Pan again.

When I get back to the campfire, everything is normal, except for the image now burned into my mind.

**End of Flashback**

Remembering all the details from that night makes me feel renewed anger towards Pan. I have no idea where the bastard is so I just start punching a tree. I almost want it to start punching me back.

I return to camp with blood on my knuckles, and nobody questions a thing.

A/N: Wow I haven't posted in almost a month and I feel really bad. I've just been really busy with school and stuff but I'll try to update on a weekly basis again. Enjoy :)

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