Chapter 25

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Pan's POV

I'm glad that my shadow showed up when it did. I really didn't want to deal with the Dark One reincarnated as Hook. I hope that Killian and I can make something of a truce, at least for the time being.

"I appreciate you not becoming a crocodile," I say to him.

He ventures a laugh, "Not as much as I appreciate you finding a way out of me becoming a crocodile."

"So is this a truce?" I raise an eyebrow questioningly.

He ponders this, "I suppose it could be."

"I propose that you stay out of my business and I out of yours."

"Sounds fair," he concludes. He stretches out his hand that doesn't end in a deadly point and says, "see you in another life, perhaps?"

"I highly doubt it," I say, but take his hand anyways.

He laughs again and releases my hand. He then turns and walks in the direction of where he left the Jolly Roger. I hope this is the last time I see the sorry son of a bitch.

Now perhaps I have enough time to get to Skull Rock and preserve Neverland's magic. But that would prove difficult without Erin.

When I turn around to find her, she is gone. Guess who else just happens to be missing?


I look up in the sky. The moon is no longer full anyway, I'll just have to wait until next full moon.

When Neverland was at its full power, there were occasions where the moon when through all of its stages in one night. Now I have no idea what to expect because the time has been so weird here. The next full moon could be weeks from now or it could happen tomorrow. With the magic running out, the time that passes fluctuates immensely.

I'll just have to be prepared, which means not letting Erin out of my sight. Starting tomorrow.

Right now I decide I'll return to the tree that I've gone to every night. I think it will be my last time spending the night there. Think of it as a way of letting go I suppose.

Instead of laying at the base of the trunk I sit up in the branches.

All I really want right now is sleep, but it refuses to come to me and I have to face the thoughts swirling around in my head. I think of all that's happened lately and how different it is with Erin on the island. Not good, not bad, different.

It's hard to believe that it was just this morning that Erin taunted me in front of the lost boys. I'd almost completely forgotten about it, what with the sudden release of the Dark One and Hook complicating things a bit. I'm still bothered that she did it, because the lost boys lost some of their respect and faithfulness in me.

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