Chapter 24

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Pan's POV

The last thing I expected was for Erin to kiss me. But it's probably the best thing that could have happened. It shows that I have gained her trust.

I suppose that she is turned on by honesty and soppy, emotion filled stories. If I were her, I would have asked how to defeat me once and for all, not about my sob stories from the past. Her loss I guess, and all the more advantage to me.

We separate from our embrace and exit the cave. I look up at the moon. It's full. That means that if I can take care of Rumple in time, then I can use Erin's heart and restore the magic. If not, then I'll have to wait an entire month, and that will be my only chance.

"So, what have you done with Pandora's box?" I ask her.

She averts her eyes from me, a sign that what she is about to say will not please me, "It fell.... into the ocean.... after I let him free."

"Fat lot of good that does us," I turn on her angrily.

"Wait! Before you do anything to me," Erin says, gripping my arm, "I found his dagger on the ground. It can control him, right?"

"Why didn't you tell me that in the first place? Give it here," I yank my arm from her grasp.

She bites her lip, "I don't have it. I gave it to Colt right before Felix locked me in the cave."

"Of course you did," I grab her and teleport us back to camp.

As soon as we land, Erin starts to back away from me. I start to ask what's wrong, but then I realize: she still thinks my powers are gone. Well, shit.

"You- you have your powers back... or did they never leave? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you," her eyes begin to narrow.

"No, Erin," I say, "I got them back when you made me look like an ass in front of the lost boys. You of all people know where strong emotions can get you."

"Oh," she replies, sounding nearly satisfied with my lie.

"Now let's find Colt and get the dagger before the Dark One realizes we have it," I advise.

Luckily Colt is still at the camp.

"Give it to me," I say to him.

He hesitates and gives me a confused look, but I know he's aware of what I'm talking about. He notices Erin behind me and obvious relief crosses over his expression. He then hands over the blade with my son's name imprinted in the metal. Colt chooses Erin over me... interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind.

"How does it work?" Erin's voice carries over my shoulder.

I inspect the knife, looking at it from all angles, "I'm not entirely sure, but that's the fun of it."

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