Chapter 19

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Pan's POV

After the impact of Erin's words set in, we are transporting somewhere. I guess Erin's catching on pretty fast to her new powers. We land in the absolute worst place possible: The Lost Boy's camp. And best of all, I'm still chained to a damn tree. Wonderful.

Erin knows that if she makes a fool out of me in front of my Lost Boys, then she will know for sure whether or not my powers are gone. If I don't stop her, then she'll know I'm powerless. But I'm not, and that could prove an issue. The only way I can regain her trust is to act vulnerable, but I might not be able to keep up the act if she does this.

The boys are staring at the two of us in disbelief and, they'll regret this one later, amusement. I let my anger show on my face.

"It's okay Peter," Erin says, "don't your lost boys deserve to see what you've been reduced to?"

I clench my jaw.

Felix is the first boy to speak up, "Pan, is this your idea of a joke?"

I open my mouth to deny it, but Erin snaps her fingers and a gag appears in my mouth. Damn her.

"Alright boys, its story time," Erin says, she is having far too much fun with this.

Felix looks like he is about to explode, he charges for Erin. Then handcuffs appear on his wrist and ankles and he falls to the ground. It's something that I would do for fun. Erin is becoming more and more like me, the power is getting to her head. She explains to the boys, "If any of you try anything, Peter dies. Plain and simple."

Another one of the boys, Blake I believe, asks, "That's impossible. Pan is the most powerful one here. You should be dead right now."

"I'm getting to that. If you could shut up and listen I would be happy to explain it to you," Erin glares at the boy, "now, since you're so eager to find out why Pan is chained up, I'll start with that."

She starts droning on about what happened yesterday morning, explaining it rather dramatically if you ask me. Eventually I tuned out what she was saying, some of the boys looked on the verge of sleep.

"Then, I got so mad at him, that I was able to supersede his power. In fact, I now posess any power that Pan ever had," Erin says.

This gets the boys attention. Especially Colt's, he give me a questioning glance. I shake my head ever so slightly and he understands.

Erin continues, "You boys must think Peter is the coldest, evil, most uncaring person you know, but you may want to rethink that."

Here we go.

"A few days ago, Peter went to go after the Dark One, correct?" Erin asks, the boys mumble and nod in agreement, lacking enthusiasm.

"Well," she resumes, "in that time, he wasn't always on Neverland. As Peter trapped the Dark One, he cast curse on Peter. One that transported him to my world and took away his magic and memories. He was a normal boy, just like all of you once were."

A couple boys scoff skeptically.

"Believe what you want, but it's true. He ended up finding me. He was so lost and vulnerable without his powers, and I helped him. I let him stay with me and my family. We went to school together. And then I fell in love with him, and he fell in love with me. At least until he got his memories back. Then he became the monster you all know and love," Erin says, her voice contains a bitter note towards the end.

Felix dares to speak out again, "That's ridiculous, you expect us to believe this madness?"

"I'm glad you asked," Erin smirks, failing completely to match mine, "I have proof."

What proof? She snaps her fingers and something appears in her other palm. I remember the object all too well. It's Erin's cell phone.

Yeah, I remember her parents taking it away too. But, as it turned out, Erin has a backup phone that her parents think doesn't work. That phone contains footage, and lots of it, showing me in my weakest state. Fuck.


Erin's POV

When the phone arrives in my hand, Peter knows immediately what it is. His eyes seem almost black, burning charcoal. If his powers aren't really gone, then I know he'll use them before this is over.

The other boys look at the object inquisitively. I realize that most of them probably haven't seen a cell phone before. The one I've hidden from my parents is pretty old, but new enough to have a camera. One that documented a lot of moments between Peter and I.

Since the phone screen is so small, I try to project it bigger with my newfound magic. To my excitement, it works perfectly. The quality isn't great, really grainy, but you can tell it's Peter and I featured in the pictures and videos


There are selfies of the two of us, making ridiculous faces. There are videos of us joking and messing around with my friends at lunch. Pictures of us at the pool in my neighborhood. And, my personal favorite, a picture I took when we were at the beach, lips locked, with the sun setting over the ocean in the background.

The boys start murmuring things to each other in shock. Things like, "That couldn't be Pan," and "What is he doing with a ton of hot girls?" and "What is he wearing?"

I can't help but laugh at their reactions. I can't stop myself from collapsing to the ground, giggling hysterically. Everything the Lost Boys have ever known is a lie. I don't feel even a hint of guilt. I actually manage to forget the horrible situation I'm currently in.

That is, until I hear the chains rattling.

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