Chapter 21

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Pan's POV

I don't bother to keep up the "no magic" act, since there are no witnesses. I travel to the beach where Xander told me to go and sure enough, the Jolly Rodger is preparing to land.

I decide to just pay a visit and cut right to the chase. I transport myself aboard, positioning myself directly behind Hook.

"What brings you here, Killian?" I inquire, knowing full well why he has come.

He whips around to face me, he certainly doesn't look very happy with me "You backed out on our deal."

"Does that really shock you?" I scoff.

"Aye, it does," Hook says irritably. "If it weren't for me, then you would still be clueless as to who you are. I think I bloody deserve something in return."

"I've already captured the Dark One, I believe that's payment enough," I state conclusively.

He frowns slightly, "I don't want him trapped, I want him dead. And I want to do it myself."

"He's as good as dead in Pandora's Box," I explain, "the only person who can let him out is me, and I certainly won't be doing that anytime soon."

His jaw tightens, "Fine. But if you don't mind, I'll be sticking around Neverland for a bit longer."

"Okay, just don't be expecting any favors," I tell him before vanishing once more. On any other occasion I would have killed him, but I'm more intent on finding and punishing Erin.


Erin's POV

The smoke is flowing freely from the box, now forming a deep purple cloud in front of me. The cloud takes the shape of a man's silhouette. Then it fades slowly to reveal that a man actually is standing there.

And his appearance... it's, well, revolting. His skin is scaley and reptilian, a grayish hue. There are hardly any whites present in his eyes; the unnaturally colored iris dominates them. He is wearing a leather coat that I would imagine belongs to a supervillain.

My hands fly to my mouth to stifle a shriek. This sends Pandora's Box soaring out of grasp and over the edge of the cliff. Oops.

Then the terror inducing man speaks up, "Hello, Dearie. Thank you for your assistance in freeing me. But how did you do that?"

I explain, "I twisted the ruby an-"

"No," he interrupts, "how did you do it without Pan's help?"

"I- I don't know," I stammer.

The man says, "Doesn't matter. I'm sorry to leave you so soon, but I must pay an old friend a visit."

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