Chapter 4

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Pan's POV

Dinner is nice, Mr. and Mrs.Newman are excellent cooks. They ask me tons of questions that I can't even begin to answer. Somehow, though, I manage to answer just vaguely enough that they don't become suspicious. I probably make myself seem ten times better than I actually am in my efforts to conceal that I don't remember a thing about myself.

Once dinner is over, Erin and I do the dishes together, which her parents approve of. They seem to be warming up to me a little. After I dry the last knife, I'm dead tired.

"Hey, I'm really tired, so you mind if I go to bed?" I ask Erin.

"Oh no, not at all. you remember where the guest room is, right? I think my mom put some of dad's old PJs on the bed for you to change into," Erin responds.

"Thank you again," I say, "I'd be lost without you, quite literally."

She smiles and says, "No problem. Honestly, I would be lost without you, too. We can call it even." Then she looks back and forth, to make sure her parents aren't nearby, and brushes her lips against my cheek, "Goodnight, Peter Pan."

She shoos me away to the guest room and I change into the night clothes that were left out for me. Flannel pants and a t-shirt, that are more than a little bit too big.

It is 9:30. Something about seeing numbers on a clock bothers me. I'd almost rather have no perception of time, that way I can take as long as I need to get my memories straightened out.

I try to push all thoughts out of my head so that I can go to sleep. It's quite difficult, considering I can remember hardly anything. I lay down on the mattress and pull the blankets over me. I feel comfortable and I start to relax...but I cannot fall asleep. Time passes agonizingly slowly, I find myself looking at the clock about every five minutes, sometimes less.

I decide it's pointless after about an hour and a half. I swing my legs over the bed and stand up. I tiptoe over to the dresser, which is almost completely empty. I open one of the drawers and pull out the only possessions I had when I awoke this morning. I don't understand them and have no idea why I would need them in my past life.

I hold a dagger, a pipe, and a bottle of dust. I can't wrap my head around either one, and they don't help me remember anything. All they manage to do is confuse me even more.

I want to scream. But if I do I will wake everyone and probably get kicked out of the house. I go with the next best option: going outside. I hope it'll clear my head enough that I will be able to get some sleep. I walk over to the window, open it, and jump out. I land softly and gracefully on the grass. I instantly feel better, more comfortable than I ever could have been in that bed.

I sit with my back against the side of Erin's house. I pull out the pipe and try to play it. I find that it's one thing I remember how to do.


Erin's POV

Something wake's me up at around 11:30 pm. I hear a tune sounding in the distance. It sounds like it's coming from a pipe. I want to investigate, but first things first, I have to go to the bathroom. Then I'll check on Peter, and then I'll see where the music is coming from, I decide.

When I get into Peter's room, the music is louder. I see why; his bed is empty and the window is open. letting music notes drift into the house. Crap, what if Peter left? Even worse, what if today was all just a dream?

I rush to close the window and guest room door so that the music won't be heard by my parents. Then I rush as quietly as I can to the front door and run outside to find Peter. I follow the sound of the music to the side of my house, and sure enough, he's there. He is also the source of the music, his eyes closed as he blows into the pipe.

"That's beautiful," I whisper in awe. "But you woke me up and you should be glad that my parents are heavy sleepers."

His eyes fly open and he throws the pipe to the ground. When he regains his composure, he says, "Sorry, I was trying to be quiet. I came out here because I couldn't sleep."

"Well you scared me half to death when you weren't in bed and you left the window open. I thought you left me," I say, brushing away a single tear that I hadn't realized was escaping from my eye.

"I'm sorry, he repeats, "but I think I'll sleep out here if you don't mind. It's so much calmer out here. And it just feels right, like I've been sleeping outside forever."

I've come to recognize the look he gets when he's trying to search for lost memories. And then the disappointment that follows when he fails. It breaks my heart. I walk over and sit next to him. I am aware that my parents will kill me, but I kiss him hard on the mouth regardless.

At first he tries to draw away from me, startled, but he relaxes and kisses me back, fitting my form. It feels magical and mysterious, with a hint of darkness; it is unlike any kiss I've ever had. And despite my parents disapproval of romantic relationships, I've shared a lot a kisses in my lifetime.

You're falling in love with him, a voice whispers in my head. I dismiss the thought almost immediately. He probably has a girlfriend back home that he doesn't remember. I've been cheated on before, and it sucks. Although, I can't imagine being cheated on because my boyfriend literally forgot about me. I pull away and say breathlessly, "Peter, we shouldn't do this. You might have a girlfriend you don't remember..."

"I think I'd remember a girl prettier than you," he smirks, a wonderfully devilish smirk.

"Hmm," is my only response. I am suddenly tired again and lay my head against his chest.

Peter asks, "Hey, do we have to go to school tomorrow?"

"Nope. Tomorrow's Saturday, and I have some plans for us," now it's my turn to smirk.

Peter yawns and soon his breathing is slow and even. Not long after that, I join him, using his chest as a pillow.

A/N: I'm updating again because my friend was hounding me about yeah. Hope you like it and vote and comment, etc. :)

Edited on: 10/18/15

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