Chapter 7

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Pan's POV

I have to admit that I'm mad at Erin for making me miss a chance to talk to the man. What if that was the last time I would ever see him? What if that was my last chance to get my memories back? But I did make a promise to Erin, I promised to wait, so I did.

"I think we should celebrate tonight," I say out of the blue as we sit in Erin's living room on Friday.

Erin grins, "I was just thinking the same thing."

So I march up to her mom, who no longer scares me after living with her for a week, and say boldly, "If you don't mind, Mrs.Newman, I would like to take your daughter out to dinner tonight. It will be strictly friendly and you and Mr.Newman would have the house to yourselves. I'm sure you could both use a break from two 17-year-olds in your living space."

I hear a stifled laugh from in the living room and I find it hard to keep my composure myself.

"Yes, I suppose," Mrs.Newman says and puts on a stern face, "but if you so much as hold her hand, her father and I will be on you like a pack of wolves."

"Thank you, I won't so much as lay a hand on her," I say, fingers crossed. I can't help but smile, and I guess its contagious because Mrs.Newman smiles too. I think its the first time I've seen it, and it's identical to Erin's.

I retreat back to the living room. Erin is sitting on the couch, her grin stretching wider than I thought possible.

"I think she's starting to warm up to you," Erin manages to say before she lapses into a fit of giggles.

I join her, and we just sit there, laughing our heads off like mad men. When I finally find the ability to speak again I say, "So, um, where do you want to go?"

She wipes happy tears from her eyes and holds her side, "Well, there's a Montgomery Inn near here. We can go there."

"Okay," I say, "by the way, has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful laugh?"

She shakes her head, "No, because it's you who earns that title."

And then we're laughing again.


Erin's POV

I feel so happy I might explode. This is my first official date with Peter, no matter what my parents think. All my problems have vanished. All I have to worry about now is what to wear tonight.

I stare at my closet for ages. Nothing seems good, but something catches my eye. The pale blue high low dress with pink flowers (shown above) that I bought when Peter and I went to the mall on Saturday. He told me I looked stunning in it, and I could tell he wasn't lying.

I pair it with a white belt and grab a pink handbag. I go to my bathroom and spend an hour perfecting my hair and makeup. When I'm convinced that I look halfway decent, I go downstairs. Peter is waiting for me on the living room couch.

When he sees me, his face brightens. I can't help but smile. We kind of just stand there for several minutes, taking in each other's appearances.

He is wearing khakis, dress shoes, and a button down plaid shirt. It's blue, practically the same shade as my dress. I didn't see him buy it, but he must have done he secretly so he could match with me. He must have been planning this since Saturday. I'm so ecstatic I could cry. I suppress the urge because I don't want to mess up my makeup.

"You look gorgeous," he goggles.

I smile, "And you look handsome."

I can't help but run toward him and hug him. He hugs me back and nothing could be better. He smells like Axe, and normally I hate that, but it's perfect on him.

"Ahem," my mom says from the stairs.

We jump out of each other's arms. Peter rubs his neck in embarassment and I shift my weight uncomfortably.

Mom purses her lips but says, "Since you too look so cute, I'll excuse that mistake. But if it happens again, there will be consequences."

"Sorry ma'am, it won't happen again," Peter says, simulating shame perfectly.

We head out to the car and Peter jokes. "Want me to drive?"

"I wouldn't let you drive even if I had no arms," I laugh. He holds the driver door open for me and I step in. He hops in the passenger side and I drive us to our first date.

A/N: Sorry this update was so short, didn't have a lot of time or much to say for this chapter. I'm including the next part as well today :)

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