Chapter 20

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Erin's POV

I whip around and see, to my horror, that Peter has broke free from the chains. The scary part is, I don't think he used any magic. It's almost like everyone, especially Peter, has a secret reserve of strength that is saved for the purposes of anger. He stands there, seething, fallen chains at his feet, blood running down his arms from breaking the metal. He rips the gag from his mouth and hurls it behind him.

He looks directly at me and I know he could kill me right now. Snap my neck in half and toss me aside like a rag doll, magic or no. His eyes are darker than I thought possible, deep vortexes threatening to swallow me up whole. I realize I'm still standing here, but his stare has me rooted to the spot.

"You can take away my powers," Peter fumes, "but that doesn't make me powerless, Erin. I'm still the same monster I was, I can still hurt you. This is the worst thing you could have possibly done to yourself. Making me seem weak in front of my Lost Boys? Worst mistake you ever could have made."

Milliseconds after his last syllable reaches my ears, he charges for me. I full on sprint in the opposite direction.

It takes me far too long to realize that I can just teleport myself to another location on the island. I appear on the far side of the island. There is a sheer drop before me. The dark waves eating at the cliff several hundred feet below.

I slump to the ground and give way to hysterics, only this time I sob in place of laughing. I shake uncontrollably, almost seizure-like. It leads to me retching and vomiting onto the grass before me. I wonder numbly how everything is so green here, in spite of the lack of sunlight.

I don't know what, but something broke inside me. Maybe it's because I just received further proof that the boy I love has been erased from my life forever.

I gaze over the cliff, not really absorbing anything. I consider just jumping off and giving up, but I feel like something else would go wrong and I would just end up in more pain and suffering.

Then something catches my eye, something red and sparkling. It rests on a rock jutting out of the wall that serves as a shelf for it. It seems close enough that I'll be able to reach it.

I stretch my arm as far as my body allows me to and I can just barely wrap my fingers around the top of it. If I make one wrong move, then it will go tumbling into the depths of the ocean. I raise it ever so carefully, a centimeter at a time. Once I'm sure I have it in my grasp, I hold it with both hands and study it.

It's a small box, garnished with gears and symbols I don't understand, with a ruby perched on top. It's aesthetically pleasing, but I have no clue as to it's purpose. There doesn't seem to be a lid. Then I try twisting the gem, and purple smoke starts pouring forth from the tiny box.


Pan's POV

Erin has just vanished to who knows where and I am vehement. I ever so badly want to go after the bitch, but the lost boys think I've lost my powers to her. I yank my dagger from my belt and launch it in frustration. It flies through the air and embeds itself in a tree twenty feet away, grazing a few boys on the way.

They are all just standing there stupidly, they should know what to do without me having to order them around. I exhale in exasperation and bite out, "What are you just standing around for? Go search for her before I decide to kill one of you instead!"

This gets them going. They split into groups and go off in all directions. Obviously Erin's little "presentation" didn't diffuse the fear I induced in them, what motivates them to follow my orders.

Once their gone I plan to summon my shadow to track her down, but I am interrupted with a more slightly more pressing matter.

Xander, one of the lost boys that watches the perimeter of the island, comes running up to me, out of breath. He puts his hands on his knees and tries to regain some air.

"What is it, Xander? It better be good. I'm in a poor mood and if this makes the situation any worse than it already is then... well I'll let you fill in the blanks here," I say irritably.

He gasps out, "Ship... approaching....'s.... Jolly... Rodger."

Well, shit.

Just one more issue to take care of. Couldn't Hook have waited until tomorrow?

"I'll take care of it," I inform him unhappily.

Hook's time is bloody impeccable.

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