Chapter 2

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Pan's POV

I exit the boys' bathroom, clothed in the uniform I was issued not five minutes ago. It fits perfectly, when it comes to size at least. It's not at all what I'm used to wearing. It makes me feel completely out of my element, weak almost. I ask Erin, "Where to first?"

Her ice blue eyes meet mine and she says, "AP African American History. It's pretty boring, but it's an easy A and raises my GPA."

I don't understand a thing she's talking about, but I go for a nod rather than asking for an explanation.

She tosses her long brown hair and walks quickly ahead of me. I follow her until she turns abruptly and enters a room. There is a woman standing at the front, and several kids watching her. She speaks animatedly, with wide gestures of her hands and emotion lighting up her eyes. Then she notices us, and her previous ebullience is replaced with a stern expression. She purses her lips and says, "Erin, you're late. Who is this boy you brought with you?"

"I'm Peter...Peter Pan," I say, ignoring the way her eyes narrowed when she said the word "boy". I assume she is the teacher, from what Erin tried to explain to me. For some reason, the other kids in the class stifle laughs when they hear my name. I overlook that too and continue, "I'm the new exchange student."

"And I was helping him find his way around the school, Mrs. Andrews," Erin explains, handing our passes from Mr.Bruner to her.

Mrs. Andrews directs us to our seats, which are in the back of the room. As we walk back she continues to gesture madly and drone on about some war.

"Should we be writing this down or something?" I whisper to Erin.

She laughs quietly and says, "Nah, she only ever gives open book tests. This is the easiest class ever. Usually Mrs. Andrews talks the whole period, she likes the sound of her voice a little too much."

"Okay," I shrug, "can you tell me why everyone thinks my name is funny?"

She stares at me blankly.

"What?" I say, shifting away from her stare.

"Nothing. I mean, you really haven't heard the fairy tale Peter Pan? Everyone has heard it, or at least seen the movie."

"Well, I might've heard it. But if I have, it decided to take a little vacation with my other memories," I say, pointing to my head to remind her of my...condition.

"Maybe I'll have you read it sometime. How did you even lose your memories in the first place? Usually its because of head injuries or something, but you seem to be completely fine, physically," Erin wonders aloud.

Honestly, it feels like there is a brick wall concealing my memories and there is no way of penetrating it. I just shrug again, I don't have any answers for her. I wish I did, considering how nice she's being to me.

"Perhaps," Erin says jokingly, "it's magic."

"Maybe," I say it with sarcasm, but when she says the word "magic", something tugs at my mind.

We continue to chat, disregarding everything Mrs. Andrews is saying, until a bell rings. Erin says its time for the next class.


Erin's POV

I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous about lunch. All my friends are boy crazy, and to be honest, I want Peter to myself. I sit at my normal table, with seven of my friends, and Peter pulls up a chair.

"Peter, this is Katherine, Samantha, Xena, Lilly, Audrey, Reyna, and Willow. Girls, this is Peter Pan," I introduce them reluctantly. I'm only doing it for Peter, really, because my friends are gossip hounds. They probably found our about Peter the second he walked into the building.

Lilly is the first to speak up, she gushes, "Oh my God, it is soo cute that you're named after a fairy tale! I can't even!"

"And you're British," Katherine squealed, "that is soo adorable!"

Peter looks highly uncomfortable, like he isn't used to hanging around teenage girls. Almost like he hasn't seen any teenage girls for a long time.

"Oh, um, Peter? I forgot ketchup, could you go get me some please?" I say, attempting to save him from the situation.

Peter gives me a thankful look, "Yeah, sure."

As soon as he is out of earshot, my friends' eyes gravitate towards me. All fourteen of them.

I roll my eyes, "You know I get first dibs. He is going to be living with me and my family, I deserve it."

Seven sets of shoulders slump in defeat when I close my mouth. As their initial disappointment fades, they start arguing about who get's Peter if it doesn't work out for me. They're like a group of puppies fighting over a new toy. That's all boys are to them, toys.

When Peter approaches the table with the ketchup packets, all conversation ceases.

After an awkward silence that seemingly lasts forever, my friends say in unison, "Heeeeeyyyyyyyy Peter." I want to hide my face in my hands, or, you know, jump off a cliff or something. They couldn't be more obvious.

And Peter couldn't be more oblivious, he just gives them an odd look and asks, "Did I miss something?"

"Just girl stuff," I say, sighing.

Peter shakes his head and mumbles something like, "I'll never understand girls..."

My friends all break into their annoying giggles, but I can't help but join in. Peter is so open and honest. I think it's only because of the loss of his memories, though. Like he thinks that if he keeps saying everything he feels, it can help him figure out who he is. But I secretly hope that he is always like this. I've never had a boyfriend who is honest with me. Most of the boys I know are total jerks, I just hope Peter is different.

Edited on: 10/18/15

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