Chapter 28

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Pan's POV

Erin doesn't seem to like Dark Hallow much. I proceed to show her Crocodile Creek, a swampy area on Neverland. I spot a shadow there and I wouldn't be surprised if it's Rumple's. That would make the name very fitting. We visit the beach and Wendy's old tree house, though I fail to mention to Erin that it belonged to the girl.

Then I decide to take her to Neverpeak Mountain, the highest point on the island.

"Why do we have to walk there? Can't we just transport ourselves there?" Erin complains.

I answer, "We could, but that would take all the fun out of it." I kiss her on the cheek and she immediately softens.

She asks me questions about Neverland as we ascend the mountain, and I tell her what she wants to know. She notices the dreamshade and inquires, "What are those thorns?"

"They contain dreamshade. A single prick and you're dead. But there is one cure," I explain.

Erin asks, "What's the cure?"

"There is a spring at the top of this mountain. The waters can heal it."

When we get to the top Erin gasps. She peers down at Neverland, admiring its beauty. I used to come up here a lot when Neverland was still young. I liked it because it reassured me that I was the most powerful being here. As I was here longer, I came up here less often, because I knew my position of power.

I notice that Erin has laid down and is gazing at the moon and stars, which are much more clear here. I find myself studying her as she studies the skies. She has a smile on her face and her eyes are bright. It's the most happy she's been since arriving in Neverland. I decide to lay down next to her

As soon as I raise my eyes skyward, I notice something is off. The stars are in place, there is an occasional cloud rolling lazily across the night sky, that's all fine; it's the moon that's off. At first I can't put my finger on it, but when I do it's the worst realization: the moon is lower. The moon is setting, which can only mean that time is starting again. The moon is almost full, which means I have to get Erin to Skull Rock now.

I'm itching to just grab her and transport there with no warning. But then she won't trust me. I have to think of a reason for us to go there.

It takes all my strength to keep demeanor calm and collected when my head in a panicked jumble of thoughts and questions, but my voice sounds normal when I ask, "Erin, are you a virgin?"


Erin's POV

The sky is so beautiful from Neverpeak Mountain, much more beautiful than at home. And, I hate to admit it, but Neverland is astounding from up here, and it almost makes me forget the bad things that have happened here.

I vaguely notice Peter laying down next to me. I don't acknowledge him until he says, "Erin, are you a virgin?"

The question completely startles me. My eyes widen and my head snaps to the right and Peter is looking at me, raising his eyebrow seductively, and looking, well, sexy. I want to say, "I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable answering that question" but what comes out is, "Yes."

"Follow up question, do you want to be a virgin?" his smirk isn't helping matters.

I try to look anywhere but him, but it's difficult when he's lying in front of me. I say quietly, "No."

"Well I can fix that," he says, "I have one more place too show you."

Before I can change my mind, he transports us somewhere else. We end up in a boat, headed right towards an immense rock shaped very similarly to a skull.


Colt's POV

At camp tonight all the lost boys are wondering where Pan is. And since I am the last one who saw him, they're all asking me.

Felix, who is always in charge when Pan is absent, is the last to ask me, "Do you know where Pan is?"

"For the last time, no. All I know is that he's with Erin and he isn't here," I say irritably.

Felix says, "I don't see why he hasn't killed her yet. All she does is get in the way and she isn't even that pretty."

"Maybe she's special in some way," I shrug.

He scoffs and looks up at the sky, it seems like he's going to say something sarcastic and witty but his smirk turns into a frown. This mars his features even more.

He just keeps staring at the sky and I start to get concerned, "Felix? Something wrong?"

"It's the moon," he says without glancing at me, "it's setting."

A feeling of dread settles in my stomach, that can't be good, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I've been here almost as long as Pan, and all this time the moon hasn't budged from it's place, and now it is. This is an emergency, we have to find Pan."

"I'm sure that he's realized what's going on as well. And he tells us that when there's an emergency we should all meet at Skull Rock. He's probably there waiting for us now," I tell him.

"Then that's where we'll go," Felix says. Then he turns to the rest of the Lost Boys and says, "We're going to Skull Rock. There's an emergency, I'll explain when we get there."

A/N: Oops... I'm updating a day late... better late than never, right? Anyways hope y'all like it :)

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