Chapter 5

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Pan's POV

Erin's "plans" consisted of going to the mall (which she had to explain to me as well) and making me try on a ton of clothes and using her parents' money to buy them for me. She claims that she'll pay them back, but I doubt it.

We enter the quote unquote last store, although Erin has been saying that for the past three stores, "Are you sure this time?"

"Yes, I'm positive," she smiles, giving me a kiss on the cheek. It takes me back to last night and I want to kiss her again, but it would probably be frowned upon by the public.

I start to think that I might be falling for Erin, just a little. If just a little means tumbling off a cliff and sinking deep into the ocean. And I can't help but think that maybe I do have a girlfriend back home. I hope I don't, for Erin's sake and mine.

She drags me over to where the bathing suits are and she says, "Pick one out that you like."

"Why?" I question.

She sighs, "I didn't want to spoil the surprise but now I guess I have to. After this I'm taking you to the beach, and I don't think you want to swim in jeans."

"Oh, okay," I say and start to look at the large collection of swim trunks.

After a few minutes Erin huffs, "God, you take too long." And then she picks up as many as she can carry and drags me to the changing rooms for what seems like the millionth time.


The beach is nice. I don't think I've been to one before, not like this one at least. Erin and I walk along the sand, letting the waves lick at our ankles. Erin is wearing a teal bikini that she bought today. She looks beautiful in it, but her parents definitely wouldn't approve.

There are tons of people here, but it somehow doesn't seem at all crowded. Everyone around us are laughing and playing, just having a good time in general.

But there is one person who is comepletely out of place. He's dressed in all black, head to toe, despite the warm temperature. I notice something in his hand that is glinting in the sunlight. It doesn't take me long to realize that its a hook, and that it isn't in his hand, it is his hand. He is coming straight towards Erin and I.

I feel a burning hatred towards him and I don't know why. I feel like I need to protect Erin from him. I could almost say I felt murderous. I try to push my anger away, but it only comes on stronger. My hands curl into fists.

The man spots me and looks shocked. His expression quickly turns to anger as well, but he turns and walks in the opposite direction. I start to go after him, but Erin tugs on my arm, "Peter, what are you doing?"

I look back at her, and she looks almost scared, and that look douses the fiery rage I felt. I say, "I, uh, I don't know. That man dressed in all black... have you seen him before?"

"Never," she shakes her head, "why do you ask?"

"I think I knew him. And I think I hate him... but its not that that bothers me. What bothers me is that I can't remember a damned thing and don't know why I hate him. Do you get what I'm saying?," I try to explain.

She nods her head slightly, but I know she doesn't understand a thing. She says quietly, "Let's just keep walking. I'm sure it's nothing."

I know it isn't nothing.


Erin's POV

When Peter saw the man in black, he honest to God scared me. My mother's death glare was nothing compared to the look Peter gave. His green eyes darkened so much, they were almost black. He looked like he could rip the man's heart out. It's spooky how fast he made the transformation from happiness to hatred. It makes me worried about what memories are buried in his mind.

I think that it's great that he recognizes someone, but not like this. I say, "Let's just keep walking. I'm sure it's nothing."

He and I both know it's not nothing. Truth is, I'm just too selfish and scared of that happening again. I don't want to risk Peter exploding like that again, even if it means he won't get his memories back. I feel horrible for even thinking that, but it's exactly how I feel.

He walks about five feet ahead of me, and I don't try to catch up. I want him to cool down before I say anything else to him.

Then I notice something odd. As Peter walks along the beach, the sun shining brightly upon him, he casts no shadow. None. I rub my eyes and check again, still gone.

I want to say something, but Peter would probably say I'm crazy. I'm probably just hallucinating, anyway. In the real world, no one can prevent themselves from casting a shadow. I do see the irony in it, though.


Hook's POV

Pan? Why the hell would he be here? Why is he away from Neverland, and with a bloody girl? More importantly, why didn't he attack? He sure looked like he wanted to kill me, but it seemed like he didn't know why.

I pace back and forth on the Jolly Rodger, which is shielded from the rest of the world. I can't stop thinking about Pan, the one who killed my brother. I can't figure out what happened back there.

Smee emerges from below deck, probably aroused from a nap by my pacing. He asks tentatively, "Sir, what's the matter?"

"I saw Pan! That's what's bloody wrong!" I snap.

His eyes widen, "But, sir, why would he be here?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. If I knew why he was here, I would be confronting him by now. It seemed like he didn't even recognize me," I explain in annoyance.

"Sorry sir," Smee mumbles, "could it have been something similar to the curse thar Regina put on the Enchanted Forest?"

If it didn't make as much sense as it did, I would have threatened to throw Smee off the deck again, "Aye, Mr.Smee, that is actually quite brilliant. Pan's own son, the crocadile himself, was the one to grant the curse to Regina. And they hate each other almost as much as I hate them. I bet the Dark One put a curse on his father to spite him."

"What are you going to do about it, sir," Smee inquires.

I ponder this and say, "As much as I like seeing Pan under a curse, we share a common enemy here. If I help him, he and I could team up against Rumplestiltskin. I am confident that between the two of us, we can take down his son. I suppose I'm going to assist in returning the boy's memories."

A/N: Updating again just cause I wrote ahead and I'm really excited about this part. This is the last update until Monday though, I'll try to be on time next week :)

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