Should this be shared?

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*The Next Morning*

"Why does it have to be everywhere?" Sydney asked "He's a semi-famous gut. People know him, so they're gonna talk about him" Griffin replied "The next thing is reporters" Sydney said sitting down as Griffin wrapped his arm around her "And I'm not ready for that" Sydney sighed "Well, I am still your bodyguard I can keep them away. One glare and they'll go running for the hills" Griffin said making Sydney giggle. Sydney had been checking her phone and every other thing is about her dad, every post was like: "The true story behind Wyatt Matthew's death" or "What really happened to Wyatt Matthew's" it's like if there was anything and everything they could their hands on they would talk about. The how, the why, the when. Everything, Sydney was even brought up as a "broken girl who will never get over this". "These people act like they know me, like they know what I'm going through" Sydney complained "I know. It's reporters doing their job" Griffin replied "Well can't they just no talk about this?" Sydney said "I wish. But they catch everything and anything dramatic that happens"Griffin stated "Well, leave me out of it" Sydney sighed snuggling closer to him. Sydney had enough of media assuming her life or assuming what she's going through. She wished that she could just come out and say it to the media's face and tell them how it really is but that would just make things worse, she knows anything she says will be spun around and used as a new source for a rumor. The last thing she needs right now is the public coming to her doorstep yelling questions in her face asking about her dad or her life, even her mom. 

"Great now there's a story called "Sydney Matthew's road to recovery" these people don't know me. They can't say this stuff" Sydney exclaimed "It's the media and the news and everything else just coming up with stupid stories to tell the public to keep them on this story" Griffin explained "Oh you've gotta be kidding me" Sydney huffed "What?" Griffin asked "There's a report about my dad's death being a rumor for publicity" Sydney said in a mad tone "This stuff is ridiculous. Why can't they just leave me alone?" Sydney asked sitting down "Hey, it'll pass. Just ignore it, that's not important. What's important is you getting over this yourself and not dealing with that, if the media has something to say. Let them say it, who cares? It's fake anyway" Griffin explained "Yeah, it's just frustrating and annoying" Sydney whined "I know, I know. It'll go away. Before you know it there will be a story of how some artist committed a crime or something" Griffin reassured. Every hour there was new story of how Wyatt is still alive or how his accident wasn't an accident. The only story that may have been even remotely true was that they still have no idea who Wyatt's killer was. Who was driving that other car that day? Everyday Sydney hears about it less but they media can't stop talking about it, and what makes Sydney even more sick. Is that people believe that crap. Sydney shut her phone off and turned the TV on to watch a movie and relax. Griffin knew Sydney needed time but the media doesn't care, the second they get their hands on a new story, you'll never hear the end of it. It's sickening really, personal business being turned around and spread as a rumor for publicity. Sydney is sick and tired of it but it's not going away anytime soon, she's on the top charts for stories. Is her dad's death really that important to people?

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