Chapter 6

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Inkpaw blinked open her eyes to feel a small ball of fluff at her belly, it was Ribbonkit. The kit was purring at the warmth of Inkpaw's belly but was still asleep. It was still wet outside from the rain and the morning dew.

The black and white she-cat cautiously rose to her paws, careful not to wake up the kit. Inkpaw padded out, the wet grass slippery beneath her paws. Inkpaw nearly jumped out of her fur as a low voice meowed behind her. "Are you ready, Inkpaw?" It was Vineflights. "Ready for what?" She replied, her ears perked.

     Vineflights chuckled, his sleek pelt glistening in the morning sun. "For the patrol to TimberClan of course." He smiled. "Patrol?" Inkpaw echoed, her heart was tugging her back into her nest with Ribbonkit. "I..."

     The tall leader must've seen the black and white she-cat's loss of speech. "Oh, I see. Yes, great idea. Stay with Ribbonkit, she needs you." Inkpaw felt her heart lift up with gratitude and hope. "Thank you, Vineflights. I won't let you regret any of this." The brown tom said nothing, only nodded before padding towards a group of cats, some looking tired, others looking ready. Inkpaw had guess that was the patrol. Inkpaw heard the deputy and the leader talking before stalking back into her own nest.

     After what felt like hours and hours on end, the sun was about to set and other cats in camp were becoming squirmy and impatient. "They're here!" Another apprentice that was named Woodpaw called, scrambling down the long ramp into camp. Elders, Willowleg and Spiderflower perked. Spiderflower loved kits so Inkpaw guessed she was excited to take care of orphan kits, as that was what she did best in the clan, while Willowleg despised outsiders, so Inkpaw had assumed he wanted Ribbonkit gone.

     Hauntingripple led the patrol while cats poked their head out of their dens, Vineflights met his deputy halfway through the camp, less than 2 fox-tail lengths away from Inkpaw. Inkpaw hadn't noticed Ribbonkit had woken up until she heard the kit mew. "Am I going home?" The kit looked like she didn't want to return to her birth clan.

     After the two older cats finished their conversation, Vineflights returned to his bridge. "All cats old enough to run through the ravine and plains, gather beneath the Stonebridge for a clan meeting!" The brown leader called. "We have received the confirmed answer to the kit incident." Incident? It's not this kit's fault her mother had left her! Inkpaw thought, letting out an angry snort. "Ribbonkit will be staying with us." Some cats' eyes sparkled and glistened with excitement while others scowled with disapproval, mostly Willowleg. "What? So we're just going to keep an enemy clan's kit in our home to just go back to her birth clan and gossip and expose our plans and secrets?" The silvery tom spat and grimaced. Wormwiggle and a few other warriors joined the elderly tom, and some of the cats that were following the idea of Ribbonkit staying argued. Growling, hissing and overall bad energy. "Silence!" Vineflights yowled, his voice split through the air and the crowd of cats fell silent.

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