Chapter 9

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The wind howled through the trees. "Surely a storm is coming." Spottedpaw meowed, staring through the trees and into the sky. "Good guess, idiot." Gullpaw growled. "Gullpaw!" It was the LightClan apprentice's mentor, a brown and tawny tom with olive green eyes. "Come on, Pinethroat! I'm not hurting anyone!" The average-sized white tom rolled his eyes and hunched back.

Perhaps the leaders noticed the raging wind since the moment TimberClan padded into the forested hollow the leaders began to start the meeting. "Who is starting?" A very scarred light ginger tabby she-cat that was named Lightflights, the current leader and founder of LightClan tilted her head. "Felicityflights can start since she was so late." FernClan's leader, Visionflights, who is a gray tom with a darker mask and mesmerizing blue eyes glared at TimberClan's leader, Felicityflights. "You try to come on time when you have two kits drown in the river." Felicityflights bristled her curly blue-gray fur. "Stop it, you two. You can fight over your mother's milk later. If you continue, FlyClan will cover the moon." A beautiful yet old white she-cat with beautiful and exotic flowers littering her fur and purple eyes snapped. "Fine fine. I guess you're right Gardenflights." Visionflights lowered his head.

"I heard not one flower Gardenflights has touched has died... ever!" Dirtpaw chirped. "Not even the ones in her pelt!" The tom was quickly hushed by a nearby warrior.

"But I am truly sorry for your loss, Felicityflights." Gardenflights murmured. "It's fine. Despite that, TimberClan has been thriving recently. But if we could speed up this meeting, I must attend to my clan." Felicityflights curled her tail around her paws, looking to Vineflights beside her. "GorgeClan has prospered this season. We have two new apprentices, Olivepaw and Inkpaw." The leader stepped forward, standing tall. "Olivepaw! Inkpaw!" The crowd cheered.

Once the clutter of cats settled, Visionflights meowed. "We have been noticing prey becoming smarter over the course of the past few moons, they have been able to hear us. So I heed a warning to you all, you must learn to sneak quieter and lighter." The tom nodded to Lightflights, who returned the nod. "We have two new apprentices this meeting, Dirtpaw and Gullpaw." The crowd cheered their names and settled. Lightflights' eye glistened as she nodded to Gardenflights.

"Thank you, Lightflights. GardenClan has been doing very well this season. We have two new and beautiful kits, Muddykit, Petalkit, and Lightningkit." The cats cheered once more, it sounded as if the wind was cheering with them too.

Suddenly, a screech split through the air, it was FernClan's beautiful three-legged tortoiseshell medicine cat, Oakbranch. "I-It was a prophecy!" He yelped. The crowd gasped. "Well tell us already!" A cat from the crowd demanded. "When the sound of death pierces the sky at dawn, the river will change its course." He meowed with a shaking voice.

"I don't know what it means but we should hurry home." Oakbranch looked up to Visionflights, as the medicine cat was sitting at the roots of the tree and the leader was in the tree. "Yes, this meeting has come to an end." The leaders all jumped down from the tree, gathering their clan.

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