Chapter 28

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      Beetlebug padded out of the den as the fresh morning dew dripped off the leaves. Inkdip stretched before padding out of her den, still tired. "Inkdip! Just the cat I wanted to see!" the yellow medicine cat mewed, cheerfully. "Hello, Beetlebug. What's up?" the black and white she-cat tilted her head. "Follow me to my den, dear." As they made it into the den, Inkdip was told to lay in a nest. "You've been complaining about a bellyache recently, yes?" Inkdip nodded. "Yes, and I've also been getting bigger - in my belly," Inkdip put a paw on her swollen belly. "Have you eaten a bee, perhaps?" the medicine cat questioned, grinning. Inkdip shook her head. "Then you may be expecting." Inkdip wasn't following, until she realized. "Kits?!" the medicine cat chuckled. 

      "Well, yes. Dirtpelt is your mate, no?" Inkdip felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. "Yes..." she murmured, "he is. But Ribbonpaw is enough on my paws and she must finish her training!" the warrior insisted. "Oh, I'm sure she'll understand. We caught you earlier than most she-cats, so you have time to train her. Just be careful about what you do. You don't want to hurt the kits, now do you?" Inkdip nodded. "Well, of course. They're my kits!" Beetlebug nodded. "Well, you can tell Dirtpelt if you want. And, I'd like to check on you every quarter moon to check on the kits and their growth." Inkdip nodded, rising to her white paws. "Thank you, Beetlebug." The elderly medicine cat flashed a bright smile. "Anytime, dear!" 

Author's note!

so sorry this chapter is so short! i've run out of ideas and don't want to make the book too long! but i also have tons of plans for inkdip, like her kits!

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