Chapter 26

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      The sun emerged from the stone-colored clouds. A brown tom's eyes blinked open, "Inkdip?" a hoarse voice croaked. The black-and-white warrior shot up "Dirtpelt! You're okay! Prowlingwind, Beetlebug! He's awake!" Inkdip called, as she had the pale gray Ribbonkit in the fluff of her tail. 

      The two medicine cats rushed into the den. "He's awake?" Beetlebug wheeze, her yellow fur matted while her blue and green gaze was dull with exhaustion. Inkdip felt her heart jump with excitement and love, she thought she may have lost him! Inkdip looked to the medicine cats for permission to approach him, the old she-cat nodded while the three-legged tom fidgeted, nervously. Inkdip ran towards the tom, touching her nose to his.

     As Inkdip got up, Ribbonkit tiredly rose, "hm?" she grumbled, sleepily. "Goodmorning, little bee," Dirtpelt purred, light-heartedly chuckling as Ribbonkit jumped up, suddenly more awake than she was before she fell asleep. "You're awake! I missed you, dad!" Dirtpelt looked to Inkdip, confused. He mouthed What? Inkdip just shrugged. "Inkdip thought you died!" Ribbonkit blurted, Inkdip quickly covered the kit's mouth with her tail. "Guess who saved you," The beautiful black-and-white she-cat grinned. "Well... you, of course?" he blinked, Inkdip flicked her tail as a scarred white tom padded in, his head low. "I only fought off the fox, Gullcaller got you out of there," Dirtpelt's eyes widened.

     "You.. saved me?" the brown tom almost seemed taken aback. "After you tried to kill my mate!" The white warrior jumped back in fear. "I.. I wasn't trying to kill her I just wanted her to shut up! We were apprentices and I wasn't thinking straight and I-" Dirtpelt rose, shaking as he unsheathed his claws. "Dirtpelt!" Inkdip yelped, jumping between the two toms. "Killing him will make you as bad as him! If not, worse!" Dirtpelt looked to Inkdip, hurt sparkled in his eyes. "We don't want our kit to witness it either! She's traumatized enough!" Dirtpelt turned his gaze to Ribbonkit, who was in the corner, whimpering with terror. Inkdip felt her muscles relax as she saw Dirtpelt sheath his white claws. 

      "He isn't worth it," Dirtpelt sighed and nodded. "You're right, Inkdip. I'm sorry, I lost my temper." Inkdip felt herself chuckle, "and we're mates now?" Dirtpelt sharply inhaled, she could tell he was embarrassed. Mouse-brain. "Well I... It was in the heat of the moment and..." Inkdip giggled. "Of course I'll be your mate, Dirtpelt." 

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