Chapter 29

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"Dirtpelt! You may see her now!" Beetlebug called, causing the brown warrior to bolt into the den. "Inkdip! Are you okay? How did it go?" Dirtpelt's eyes sparkled with worry. "It went fine, honey. Where's Ribbonpaw?" Dirtpelt rolled his eyes, smiling. "Patrolling with Tailsnap, she'll be back soon." Inkdip nodded. "Want to help me name them? I already have an idea for the she-kit," Inkdip looked to a silver she-kit with a brown neck and cape. "Yeah? I have an idea too, just looking at her!" the warrior chortled. "What's your idea?" the black and white queen looked up. "Silverkit!" Dirtpelt meowed, loudly and proudly. Inkdip giggled, "perfect, I was thinking Creekkit," the father of the kits puffed his chest. "My name is better!" the she rolled her eyes. "Sure, sweetie."

Dirtpelt looked to a black tom. "Hey, he reminds me of your mother!" the tom looked to his mate. "I'm naming him Chaffinchkit!" the queen smiled. "That fits him perfectly..." she murmured, looking down at the kit affectionately. Realization setting in, Inkdip rose her head, smiling yet confused. "But my mother's name is Rueheart?" she mewed, raising a brow. "I know, but he reminds me of a chaffinch as well, and rue means regret. I do not regret his existence." Feeling slightly touched, Inkdip sighed. She was so happy to have Dirtpelt in her life. "Okay, I have a perfect name for him," the black and white she-cat looked to a dark brown tabby tom. "Stickkit!" looking up to Dirtpelt, his face lit up. "I love it! Like how I love you!" Inkdip laughed, "I love you too, Dirtpelt," she mewed, touching her nose to his.

Suddenly, a familiar white and pale gray she-cat bursted into the den. "I'm here! Where are they?" it was Ribbonpaw. "Right here, darling!" Dirtpelt laughed. Ribbonpaw's eyes sparkled, "what are their names?" Inkdip and Dirtpelt exchanged glances. "The brown one is Stickkit, the silver one is Silverkit, and the black one is Chaffinchkit!" Dirtpelt puffed his chest, proudly. "I love them! I've always wanted little siblings! Silverkit will be my best friend!" Ribbonpaw announced. "You'll be the perfect big sister, Ribbonpaw..." Inkdip mewed softly, affection lining her tone.

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