Chapter 7

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"Ribbonkit's birth clan didn't even know of her existence, therefore not thinking of her as one of their own." Vineflights growled, clearly upset that his clan wanted nothing to do with an orphan kit from outside. Which reminded Inkpaw that Vineflights was an orphan kit as well, raised by the clan.

"Why do you have an issue with Ribbonkit being an orphan? I was an orphan too but you didn't seem to mind?" The brown leader spoke directly to Willowleg, every-cat knowing it was to Willowleg, the tom looked embarrassed.

    "That was different! We don't know your origins! And I was a warrior!" Willowleg stammered, trying to search for any cat to back him up.

     The silvery tom looked to Spiderflower to back him up especially, they had joined the elders den around the same time and have been getting closer over the moons.

     The brown she-cat looked at her paws, ashamed. "I think Vineflights is right, Willowleg. Ribbonkit should stay with us, especially because her mother abandoned her." Spiderflower's comment made Willowleg absolutely outraged.

"All of you are mouse-brained! Mouse-brained I say!" Willowleg snarled before stomping off to the elders' den, Spiderflower dipping her head to her leader before following him.

"Since we only have three nursery cats, would any of you like to help?" Graniteslip, Stormsong and Mintleaf all stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Vineflights. Crookedkit and Cloverkit are already enough as it is." She mewed with evident sympathy and regret, flinching as Cloverkit hung by her ear and Crookedkit was also trying to pull Cloverkit down. "As you can see." She nervously chuckled before slipping back into the crowd.

    "My apologies, Vineflights but as Mintleaf said, I think that Graniteslip and I's kits will be a pawful, as Eveningflower had said, we might have a quite large litter." Stormsong and Graniteslip looked to each other, love glowing in their eyes.

   A sudden burst echoed through the clearing. "Pepperfur is dead!" It was Olivepaw who wailed that claim. Inkpaw's heart dropped and shattered in her stomach. "What?" She choked back a sob, running to meet her friend face-to-face. "You... you're lying!" She felt tears well in her eyes. Olivepaw's gaze only shone with sorrow. "I'm sorry, Inkpaw." He padded closer to her to put his neck around hers in a hugging motion.

     "Olivepaw speaks no lies. Pepperfur is in FlyClan." Eveningflower announced. She then met Inkpaw's gaze. "I am so sorry, Inkpaw." The black and white she-cat spun around and pelted to her nest. She sobbed for hours, Rueheart, Olivepaw, and Eveningflower did try to comfort the she-cat though.

     All Inkpaw wanted was to have her mentor back and to have a blissful life. All Inkpaw wanted was her father.

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