Luna's Note

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Luna's Note

Message/Messages this story wanted to convey:

1. There are people who deserve second chances and forgiveness. There are those who don't deserve it but you should still forgive not for their peace of mind but for you. Forgive an apology you never had, but forgiveness doesn't always mean reconnection. Some things should be left in the past, while others merit reconciliation.

2. Sometimes people can do bad things because they are driven by negative emotions. Everyone has their darkness. There are no perfect-saint-human beings. Some are capable of conquering it, and others couldn't. Yet, at the end of the day, people learn, grow, and change as a result of their mistakes.

3. Your anger, pain, and trauma are never justifications for harming others.

4.  Vengeance is never a good thing. It will just lengthen your misery; it will just ruin you and hurt the people you love.

5. Accepting the past as something you cannot change and living in the joys of the present is the last message of this story.

This is not a fairy tale story, as I have always stated. There is no prince charming, perfect character, or perfect story plot. Dimaria's a stupid for love and a martyr; Hunter is a red flag. But just like what I said, acceptance is the key. There are some people in life who deserve a second chance, regardless of how evil they have been in the past. Hunter's one of them. He deserves a chance to prove himself, to prove his worth and a chance to be better, but that doesn't mean they have to reconcile.

He made a lot of mistakes and sins in his life because he's clearly driven by negative emotions and grudges, which make him flawed, a fool, and an imperfect character I purposefully created, and he did everything he could to atone for them. We can't all judge wickedness until we've experienced the same pain. We all have different levels of sensitivity, as well as different levels of ability to cope and think critically. Please accept my apologies if the ending did not satisfy you. I simply did what I thought would be best for my characters and my story. I did a lot of deep thinking for this revision and decided to revise the ending. I wrote what I think suits this story. I understand that they went through enough to deserve an ending in which they will be together, but for all the trauma and how their marriage didn't work out, I realized they're better off being just friends because sometimes being just friends is better than being lovers.

Also, I am writing my stories impromptu. No plot outlines or chapter outlines. So if you found loopholes, confusing parts, or inconsistencies. I am so sorry for that, you can reach me out by dropping your questions here or sending me message on my fb account my messenger is always open just message Luna De Chavez.

Thank you so much for being with me on this rollercoaster ride. I am grateful for your continues support. I'll see you in my next story!

I love you Lunatics!

Hunter and Dimaria are now officially signing off.


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