01 | First Day.

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Today was Arabella's first day of senior year in highschool. Arabella was super excited and also super nervous about it. So when her alarm woke her up this morning, she was having seconds thoughts.

Arabella was an business man only daughter. Her mother died with she was 11. After that her father never remarried anyone else. Everyone at her school thought she would be some slutty, bossy bitch, but they weren't expecting an innocent, shy girl who loves butterflies like alot.

Those 'fuck' boys in Arabella's school would cat call her but her innocent mind wouldn't know what they were talking about or calling her.

Arabella had two of her bestest friends at the school.

They were twins and Arabella loves them with all her heart just like them. Their father was best friends with hers. So they grew up with each other.

Coming back to reality Arabella decided to ignore her nervous self and just go to school like normal. With a little smile on her face she fully got out of bed and walked into her connected bathroom.

She brushed her teeth before stripping and hopping into the shower. Arabella lathered cherry scented shampoo on her hair and body. After washing out for 15 minutes Arabella was finished. She wrapped herself in a towel before going back to her closet.

After a few seconds of looking for something to wear Arabella had finally found the perfect clothes.

She had picked out some very, very revealing underwear from her draw.

Everytime when Arabella goes to the mall shopping with Rose and her twin brother Carter, her bffs, Rose always carry her to a store called 'Victoria Secret' when Carter leaves to go and eat or do 'boy things'as she put it

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Everytime when Arabella goes to the mall shopping with Rose and her twin brother Carter, her bffs, Rose always carry her to a store called 'Victoria Secret' when Carter leaves to go and eat or do 'boy things'as she put it. She always buy loads of these lingerie sets for her. Arabella doesn't want to just have them in her closet not wearing it so she chose this to wear today.

She paired it with an black dress that has white butterflies all over the dress and a denim jacket.

She paired it with an black dress that has white butterflies all over the dress and a denim jacket

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Arabella always just loves butterflies so almost everything in her room is butterflies. To her clothes to even her bedsheets. Arabella just absolutely adores butterflies.

After Arabella had changed her clothes she had alot of time left, so she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Arabella knew her father was home today and that made a little smile come to her face. Arabella and her father always had a close relationship. She also has an older brother who is happily married and is living in Italy with his husband and son.
He cam out gay last summer to them and told them how he was dating this boy and he was gonna propose.

Her father and herself couldn't be more happy for him. After all it had been a long time since he fell in love again.

Walking down the stairs Arabella saw her father sitting at the head of the dinning table.

"Good morning daddy." Arabella smiled as she kissed his cheek. Andy smiled at his daughter. "Good morning dear come and sit." He said. Arabella smiled before taking a seat near him.

In 5 minutes the maids brought their food which were pancakes and bacon.

Arabella and her father made some small talk while eating to pass the time. After they were finished it was time for her to go to school.

"Bye dear and remember to be safe." Said Andy. Arabella smile

"Yes daddy bye bye." Arabella waved as she left.

The highschool wasn't so far from Arabella's house it was just a 10 minute walk and Arabella didn't mind walking. She actually loved walking instead to begin in a car.

Arabella had arrived at the front gates of the school. There were students everywhere. Arabella didn't like all the attention the students were giving her. As soon the teens saw Arabella, some girls will look at her in jealousy while others would look at her in pure amazement. While all the jocks would all eyes Arabella up and down tearing her clothes apart with her gazes and some would even go as far to wolf whistle.

Arabella just gave them a little smile before hurrying herself into the school hall. When she entered everyone went to back to what they were doing before acting as if they weren't just oogling her.

The first thing Arabella needed was her time table which was at the office. Arabella was walking down the hall to the office when the bell rang indicating classes had now started. Arabella started panicking cause she was gonna be late.

Arabella sped up her pace and quickly reached the office. As she was about to open the door, it was pushed open and Arabella crashed into a wall. Arabella fell down on her butt making her eyes water. She sniffled before she noticed her dress at rolled up to her hips making her almost see through panties be shown.

Arabella blushed a deep shade of red before quickly pulled her dress back down over her knees.

Arabella heard a multiple low growls. She looked up to see what supposed to be the 'wall' was three of the most handsome she had ever seen. She quickly broke her eye contact and scrambled up from the ground.

"I-im so s-sorry for r-running into y-you m-misters." Arabella apologized while looking at the floor. Tears we're building up in her eyes thinking they would yell at her and maybe tears of embarrassment of them seeing her underwear.

She felt a hand go under her chin and lift her head up. She looked and she saw the three men held soft expressions on their face.

"Dont worry darling." The one to her left told her. A little smile made it way to her face happy that they yell at her.

"Oh and nice choice of panties." The three of them smirked at Arabella. Arabella's eyes widden at that and she turned even redder if possible. "I-I-" Arabella stuttered trying to say something but nothing came out of her mouth in embarrassment.

Just then Arabella heard multiple fast footsteps her way. She turned only for a huge grin to be placed on her face.

Rose and Carter her best friends came running towards her. As Rose reached her, she basically threw herself at Arabella almost making her fall down.

"Hi guys!" Arabella grinned. "ARAA WE MISSED YOUUU!" Carter and Rose practically shouted. Arabella cringed at the loud noise but never the less she was happy to see her one and only bffs.

Rose and Carter hadn't notice the three guys next to Arabella or Carter would've definitely said something. They threw their arms around her shoulders before pulling her away to with them to attend their classes.

Arabella was still thinking about the 3 men she saw at the office and totally knew they had to be new cause she had never ever seen them around the campus before.

And with that thought Arabella was off to class with Carter and Rose. :)




Hi guys this is my first chapter in this book. I've wrote alot of books but all deleted them because I didn't like them but I'm hopefully planning on keeping this book.🥰💖🦋


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