16 | Punishment.

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"LET M-ME GOOO!!" Arabella screamed and cried.

She felt herself being pulled into the car. Her eyes were watery from crying. She looked up and saw she was in Lucifer's lap.

Remembering her situation she started squirming her way trying to get off of his lap.

"Let g-go o-of me." She sniffled. Her face was cherry red from all the crying she had been doing.
Lucifer was holding onto her waist in a tight grip and was looking at her with his darken eyes. They all were.

Lucas and Luther was sitting right next to them, so if Arabella tried to get away she couldn't.

Arabella squirmed some more and tried prying his hands off her.
"Stop fucking moving." She heard a growl. The voice had come from Lucifer and he wasn't looking happy.

She huffed angrily. "Y-You can't te-tell me what t-to do. I-I don't like y-you guys any-anymore."

That made the trios eyes darken even more in fury.

"Alright little girl, were giving you one more chance, Apologize to us right now or your getting punished right here, right now." Lucas gritted his teeth.

Arabella gasped. They couldn't do that, they weren't the boss of her. And why should she apologize? She didn't do anything! It was them! They should apologize!


That did it.

Lucifer growled and presssed her head down on his lap making her ass face up in the air towards him.

Arabella gasped and started struggling and trying to break free, but she couldn't. She cried and bit down on Lucifer's thigh. Luther grabbed her red face before she could do anything else.

"Your fucking getting 20 for behaving like a little brat." Lucifer grunted.

Arabella was still crying and didn't know what they meant. What was she getting 20 off? She didn't know,

But boy was she about to find out...

Lucifer raised up her little pink mini dress that immediately made all three of them hard, when they saw her, And groaned when he saw her plumb little ass. He didn't pull down her panties yet. They'll do that another time...

But it wasn't helping the panties she was wearing was making her look not so innocent.

He rubbed her ass a little before pulling his hand back and bringing it down full speed, slapping her.

The force he used made her jump forward. Arabella gasped and let the pain sink in before she then began crying. Luther's hold was still on her face but not as hard as before.

"L-et me go-go." Arabella cried and started thrashing like crazy. Lucas helped held her down as Lucifer delivered another slap.

"Count Arabella." Lucifer growled.

Arabella shook her head no and stared crying harder and fighting harder.


Lucifer delivered two more equally as hard slaps to her now red ass.

"COUNT I SAY." Lucifer yelled at her.

Arabella's sobs could be heard as she soon gave in and started counting as slap after slap was delivered to cherry red butt.




"Th-three, f-four." She sobbed louder as she felt an unbearable stinging pain on her butt. Luther wasnt holding her face anymore. He was more so stroking her red sweaty face as she counted and cried. Lucas was patting her back as she received her punishment.



When Lucifer finally had finished her punishment, Arabella was a sobbing mess. She was wailing loudly. When Lucifer finished the punishment he immediately picked up Arabella and began comforting her.

He remembered not to touch her butt and picked her up by her waist.

"You did so good baby, Shh stop crying.."

Arabella sobbed loudly in Lucifer's hold and her little hands fisted his shirt as she cried her eyes out.

Lucas was patting her back and also comforting her.

"It's alright love you took your punishment meant so good."

"I-I m so-sorry." She sobbed.

"Yes darling we know, stop crying and be out little good girl now." Luther replied to her.

Arabella nodded her head, as little hiccups and sniffles were coming for her. She was calming down a bit.

Her face was in Lucifer's neck, as he rubbed her back and whispered sweet praises into her ear.

With all her crying Arabella had started feeling sleepy, And the trio noticed that.

"You tired love?" Lucas asked, Arabella tiredly nodded her head and made grabby hands at him. He smiled and Lucifer handed her over to him.

He took his time and tried not to touch her ass as he picked her up.

She placed her on his chest, making sure she comfortable and tucked her head into his neck. His hand rested on her back and was rubbing up and down in a soothing manner.

"Go to sleep darling." Luther whispered to her.

Arabella hummed, and after a few seconds they could here her soft snores.

All three of them chucked.

Lucas fixed her sleeping position better and lulled her into a deep sleep.



Short Chapter.
Hope you guys enjoyed!


✨19 / 06 / 2022.✨

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