05 | Project.

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The next day for Arabella had came fast. As usual Arabella hopped out of her bed and walked into the bathroom.
In there she took her time brushing her teeth and then she stripped out of her PJs and hopped into the shower.

Today Arabella had remembered what Luther had told her. "They wanted m-me to come over to start the p-project." Arabella said to remind herself.

She came out of the the shower and headed straight to her closet.

If she was going to go by their house after school, which she knew she shouldn't, she had to wear something appropriate.

Arabella was still kinda uncomfortable with the fact that she had just agreed to go to the brothers house without even getting to know them. She didn't even know what they could do to her there. But she had a feeling in her heart that the brothers won't lay a finger on her and hurt her.

For her clothes Arabella had picked out yet another butterfly designed outfit. She had chosen a white top with a blue butterfly print on the middle along with some blue jeans with black butterflies all over it.

 She had chosen a white top with a blue butterfly print on the middle along with some blue jeans with black butterflies all over it

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Arabella decided to leave her hair down today. Once finished with picking her outfit and her hairstyle, she grabbed her book bag by the door and exited her room.

It was different from yesterday when she came downstairs. Today she didn't see her father sitting by the table waiting for her. Instead the table was empty expect the pancakes and strawberries left on the table for her breakfast.

'I guessed daddy had to go to work today.'  Arabella thought with a big pout. With a frown on her face she ran down the stairs to the table and began eating her breakfast. Maids we're running here and there as she was eating but she wasn't paying a lot of attention to it.

When she was finished eating she quickly put her dish in the sink and left for school.
Outside she hopped into the sleek black BMW with the driver begin Terri.

"Good Morning miss Arabella." Terri said. Arabella gave him a smile and responded with a quick 'Good Morning' too.

Terri had been Arabella and her father personal driver for 13 years. He was a blonde man with the age of 65. He basically watched as Arabella grew up and loved her like his own daughter. So goes for Arabella.

After a quick 5 minutes Terri pulled up at the school. Arabella gave him a quick 'Thank you' and sprang out of the car.

Arabella ran into school expecting to see Lucifer, Lucas and Luther but to her surprise they weren't there. 'Maybe their a little bit late? ' Arabella thought.

She shrugged and headed off to class when the bell rang. She expected to see the brothers in her classes like yesterday but not even one of them were in school.

A frown made its way to Arabella lips. How was she supposed to start the project with them today if they weren't here at school with her?

For the rest of the day Arabella went to all her of her boring classes till it was hometime.

Arabella had already told her father that she was going over to some friends house to do the project. Guess she just had to go home now. Bummer.

Today Arabella didn't tell Terri to pick her up, she wanted to enjoy walking back home. Terri agreed with her, so that he wouldn't come pick her up but said if she changed her mind still call him.

Arabella was gonna go on the side walk to leave when she saw Lucifer standing at the gates dresses up in a fancy all black suit. Without thinking Arabella happily skipped over to him to question why they weren't there at school today.

Arabella slowly approached Luther, but Luther had his head turned so he didn't see Arabella. Noticing Luther hadn't seen her she softly tapped his shoulder.

Luther wasn't paying attention to the students leaving the school, he was only looking for one particular person, or girl.

He knew he told Arabella that they were gonna be here at school but some unfinished business came up and they had to miss it. Of course they hated staying away from Arabella one bit, but this was something important.

They ended up finishing super late, so they couldn't just come back to the school building.

Instead Luther told his brothers that he will come and wait by the gates hoping to see his darling.
He would tell her that there was a problem at home that's why they could come but they fixed it and came to pick her up to start the project.

Luther turned a bit to stare at Lucas who kept on asking if he saw her, his baby. Luther didn't come alone Lucifer and Lucas were in a sleek black Lamborghini near the school.

While Luther was glaring at Lucas who kept on asking the same question over and over again he felt something ligtly touch his shoulder. He turned around and his eyes soften and a smile made it way to his lips.

Arabella started at Luther who was now smiling at her. He gave him a smile backing before speaking "W-why didn't you guys come to school t-today?"

"Oh darling we wanted to come but we had a little problem back at home." Luther said. Arabella released an 'oh' sound.

Luther smiled at her beforing continuing "Darling we got the problem fixed so we were wondering if you still wanted to go and start the project." 

Arabella was happy they were still going on with the plans they made. It would be her first time begin at her new friends house that for once was not Rose of Carter.

Happily she quickly nodded her head. "Yes, y-yes I would still like to do t-the project Luther." Arabella squealed.

Luther chucked at her happness and cuteness. "Ok darling." He put his hand on the lower of her back and lead her to the Lamborghini.

This was gonna be fun for the brothers.




✨10 / 01 / 2022.✨

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