14 | Angry.

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Hey guys, finally a new chapter!😆🥳🤩

Anyways, I'm not sick anymore and I'm all healthy.😌😁
Thank God.🙏❤️♥️

Buttt, there is still one more reason I won't be updating alot.😟

It's school work. School work has been having my ass lately.🥱🙄

Anyways but I'll still try to post more frequently.♥️🌺

I know I say that, and don't do it (LOL) but I'll still try.😂😋😝

Hope you enjoy!♥️

After Andy had left, all 3 of the brothers looked at an still embarrassed Arabella who was still staring at the ground.

"Come on baby are you ready to finish the project now?" Lucifer had asked.

Arabella meekly nodded her head, Luther held her left hand while Lucas held her right hand and Lucifer quietly followed behind them.

They both leaded her up to Lucifer's room. They had guessed she had gotten used to doing the project, everything, in his room and didn't want to make her feel any different.

So Lucifer's room it was.

Once they had reached up to Lucifer's room, Arabella was still a little embarrassed but not as much as she was at their supposed 'office'.

They trio didn't once mention anything about what had happen and how Arabella had gotten a little yelled up on by her father, and maybe that's why she wasn't feeling as embarrassed as before.

Arabella also couldn't help but continuously look around the place for that maid Cindy.

When Arabella was sitting down in that couch for a while waiting for the trio to finish their little meeting, the maid Cindy was always in Arabella's sight.
She would either be far away from Arabella cleaning and taking little chances to glare at her, or be right infront of her and be dusting shelves.

The brothers had seen her looking here and there and Arabella had see them looking at her questionably, but they didn't ask her anything anyway.

Not once has that maid Cindy tried talking to Arabella after she had asked for Lucifer and the other two.
Arabella still found it weird that Cindy would not talk to her but take loads of glances just to glare and sneer at her when she clearly knew she hadn't done nothing wrong.

Arabella was so busy looking here and there that she didn't notice that they had reached up to Lucifer's room.

"Wait here Darling, I'm gonna go get the stuff." Luther said.
Arabella smiled up at him and nodded her head.

Luther had left to go and get all the things they needed to finish up the project.
Arabella didn't know why they were telling her all these things and acting like she was going to help them with the project. They will just do it all by themselves and not let her help them even once!

She hoped they would at least let her help them today, but her mind made her think they wouldn't.

Everything was going horrible! Just like last time!

Once Luther had come back with everything, Arabella thought they would let her help unlike last time but she was wrong.

Once again like last time the brothers weren't letting Arabella do anything again. And Arabella was a whiny mess, only asking them to let her help.

If she tried to go and do it for herself, one of the trio would either take the things out of her hands and tell her that they didn't need any help and she could go sit down like a 'good girl', whatever that means.

"G-Guys please let me d-do something!" Arabella whined stomping her feet for the fifth time today.

"No bella we said we'd finish it by ourselves. You don't have to help." Lucas once again said to her softly.

"Bu-But I want to helpppp." She replied, but this time all of them ignored her and didnt reply back.

Arabella huffed, crossed her hands over her chest and shrieked,
"You guys n-never let m-me do a-anything!" Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was mad angry.

The point of her coming here was for herself to help them, but no, they didn't want her to help and it was making her angry and frustrated. Plus it was making her feel like she was completely useless.

If they weren't going to let her help, then she shouldn't have come here anyway, and should've let them do it all by their selves. She thought.

Arabella turned her face away from the trio on the ground and faced the bed head of Lucifer's bed she angrily sat on.

She soon heard multiple soft footsteps approach her. As she was still angry she didn't turn her body to face any of them.

Keeping up her angry stance, she felt the breaths of someone breathing on her neck. She didn't know who it was, but it did make her shudder a little bit.

"Love, we're sorry." She heard a voice talked super close to her ear. It was Lucas. Followed by Lucas was Lucifer.

"We're sorry we didn't let you help baby. Would you please at least look at us, Hmm?" He whispered.

His face was super close to hers. If she wa to turn around surely their nose might touch.

Arabella didn't know what was the funny feeling she was experiencing in her stomach. Just the way Lucifer whispered that close to her ear made her feel a werid feeling she never felt before.

Answering his question, she slowly turned herself around. She tried to remove her flustered expression and go back to her angry one, but she was sure they could see a light little blush on her cheeks.

She saw all three of the brothers looking at her with a little, but noticable smirk on each of their faces. She hugged and was about to speak but Lucas beat her to it,

"Love, we're super sorry, please forgive us and we'll take you shopping since we have more time." He said with a fake pout.

Arabella couldn't help but giggle at the way he was looking. When she did giggle, all three of them smiled at her. "We're really sorry baby, will you forgive us?" Lucifer asked. Arabella pretended to think for a second.
They were taking her out shopping so she guessed she should forgive them.

"I-I will forgive y-you guys o-once you promise me to l-let me help n-next time i-if we g-get to do a project t-together." Arabella finished holding out her pinky to the trio.

They looked at her pinky sighed and each of them joined theirs to hers. "We promise darling." Luther said as they made the promise.

When they broke away their hands, Arabella was smiling big,
"Where are we g-going to s-shop?" She asked excitedly.

Lucas chuckled at her excited state along with Luther and Lucifer. "It's a surprise princess, Go downstairs and wait by the car for us." Arabella obeyed instantly and happily exited the room and ran down the stairs.

The trio all chuckled and Lucifer grabbed his car key before all three of the left to go on this shopping trip.




✨15 / 05 / 2022.✨

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