02 | Perfect.

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The Grey brothers, Luther, Lucifer and Lucas. Anyone who hears these names are always thinking of the worst that could happen to them. These brothers are feared everywhere. People fear the trio for their sad and sadistic minds, the way they brutally killed people in the most disgusting ways infront of people.

Even girls who throw themselves at these 24 year old men, they were never seen or heard from again. The brothers were recently told that they were to get married, to get more deals in the future. Alit of business men all over the place weren't looking forward to work with, what they call teenage boys.

With this news it were making the Greys  flip out even more.

The new was spread around the area where their company was. Looad and loads of slutty women now throw themselves more at the brothers hopping to get picked to be married to them. All they want is just mostly sex or money, that's why it's been hard for the brothers to choose some girl to marry.

With all the stress building up the brothers just decided to sign up to a high school and find a  senior girl.

Everyone in the company who heard the new news were extremely worried. These brothers have horrible anger issues and can't even control it but want to go to a HIGH SCHOOL?!

For the people in the building it was definitely a horrible idea, they had seen not once or twice but millions of times of their bosses wraths and didn't want to face it, but what can they do? They can't interfere or they will most likely be killed.

The week had just start and Lucifer told his brothers that they had to go to the school to get signed up and all that bullshit.

The trio all got dressed and got into the car.

"Where to sir?"asked Alfred, the driver.
"To the nearby highschool." Lucas replied in a bored tone. Alfred shook his head before taking off. The brothers looked at each other before sighing, them marrying someone was something they were  definitely not happy about.

After about a good 15 minutes they arrived at the school, and just lucky for them it was the beginning year for the seniors.

The trio all came out of the car. They reached super early so they don't have to deal with all those fucking annoying teenagers. They all walked up to the door and entered inside. For a highschool the place a big and spacious.

They all walked down the hall to the office. They didn't bother knocking as they just pushed open the door. The door open with a bang making the female principle jump.

As she looked up her eyes widden, a flirty smile made its way to her lips as she stood up. She adjusted her top to showing her chest to the Greys. They all rolled this eyes at another yet  desperate whore.

"What can I help you with gentlemen?" She asked pushing her chest more infront of them. They rolled their eyes,

"We're here to get fucking enrolled." Luther spat.

Monica, the principal shivered at his tone before quickly nodding her head. She began to properly talk with them forgetting about seducing them since it wasn't working.

The brothers were getting so annoyed at all the talking Monica was doing. They were already in the office for 1 hour already. By now the school started filling in with all the students and it was irritating the trio. Monica was telling them about where all the classes were and how to get there.

Finally after an hour and a half she was finish explaining and gave them their timetable. They all had the same classes together. The didn't thank her or anything, they just got up a pushed open the door.

As they were about to walk out they felt something crashed into them. They had glares on their face ready to yell at whoever it was. As they looked down their breath was knocked out of their lungs.

On the ground was the most gorgeous and stunning little girl they had ever seen. To make it worst they had seen a clear glismp at the type of underwear she was wearing giving the brothers a full on view at her little pussy, that caused a smirk to form on their face.

They all watched as she scrambled up from the floor.
"I-im so s-sorry for r-running into y-you M-misters!" She said. Her head was facing to the floor,maybe in embarrassment the brothers thought.

Lucas reached his hand and lifted her chin up before saying "It's ok doll." A little smile made its way to her face making the brothers insides awww.

"Oh and nice choice of panties." Luther completed the sentence with a smirk on his face. They watched as the tiny girl turned red from his statement.

Suddenly the brothers turned and saw two people, twins it look like we're running towards them, well most likely her.

"ARA WE MISSED YOUUU!" One of the clamied. That gave a thought to the brothers. The little Angel near them name was Ara? More or less it was a beautiful name.

What made them angry was the two humans were a girl and a boy not a man like them but a boy, and he was hugging her. That made them pissed why in the world was he hugging their baby. Well she's not their baby yet, not yet.

While they were deep in thought they didn't notice when both of them took away their little Angel along with them.

Coming out of their dazes they now realized that Ara was gone. Luca, Lucifer and Luther looked at each other with a smirk on their faces knowing that that little Angel they ran into was now theirs.



Hi guys this is my second chapter, I have to admit I didn't like writing this one as much and I'm so sorry this took forever.💕🦋

17 / 12 / 2021.

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