08 | Disgusted.

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After Luther helped Arabella calm down, Arabella passed out on his shoulder. All her crying had worn her out and next thing she knew she fell asleep on Luther's shoulder.

Before the incident happened, the brothers listened to Arabella and stayed by her locker waiting for her to come back after retrieving her phone.

Minutes had passed and she hadn't come back. Luther told Lucifer and Lucas to go and check on her. That's when they heard a scream.

The brothers instantly knew that was their sweet little angel just by hearing her voice and ran towards it. The constant little screams lead them to the math classroom. Lucifer kicked the door open, and was fuming at what he saw.

Lucas and Luther rushed in next, Luther frantically looked around the classroom, and what he saw broke his cold heart into two.

Lucas had pryed two guys away from Arabella's crying form. She was on the floor crying and shaking violently. Lucifer was alreday beating up the bastards along with Lucas. They were to blinded by rage to even stop.

Luther slowly approached Arabella not wanting to frighten her even more. As soon as he reached close to her he gently placed his hand softly on her shoulder.

He was expecting to see her cower away from him, but to his surprise she launched her self at him.

He picked her up. Her legs instantly wrapped theirselves around his waist and her hands around his neck. She started to cry more and tried to speak but Luther shushed her. He whispered sweet nothings into her ears while calming her down. And thank God it worked.

When she was all calm down she passed out on his shoulder.

Luther had felt her sucking on his neck like a little baby. Their little baby. He cooed, and let her do so.

Lucifer had already called a car to come and pick them up.

Arabella was still holding on tight to Luther so he couldn't put her down. Lucas had called some of their workers and told them to carry the bastards that tried to assault Arabella at their warehouse.

After making all the calls. The car had arrived. The brothers decided to carry Arabella back to their mansion and not her house. They didn't want to risk the chance getting caught by her father or one of the maids.

They wanted Arabella to tell her father at her own pace.

The drive took about 20 minutes cause of the unwanted traffic.

Pulling up at the house, Luther was the first to come out of the car. Arabella was clinging onto him like if she let go he will disappear.

Luther and his brothers entered the empty mansion. Beforehand, on their way home they ordered everyone to go home for the day. They wanted to spend some time with Arabella when she woke.
Of course they knew she would still be traumatized by the earlier events, so they'll be there to calm her down.

Luther had already laid her down on their bed, and making sure that she's comfortable. He spread a blanket over her small body before giving her a kiss on her forehead. He could see a little smile appear on her lips as he kissed her.

He chuckled lowly before looking at her one more time then left the room.

Lucifer and Lucas had entered after Luther left. They were busy making sure the assholes were where they wanted them to be.
Lucifer and Lucas did the same thing as Luther.

They both kissed her forehead and then left her to take her nap.

Arabella was awoken to a heavenly smell. The sunlight was hitting straight into her eyes.

Covering her eyes for the light, she yawned and looked around the room. She came to her senses when she noticed that this was not her butterfly themed room.

She was panicking when a memory clicked in her head. She remembered that the Luther, Lucifer and Lucas had take her to their home and this was Lucifer's room.

Now knowing she was in Lucifer's room. She tried to remember what happened for her to be here.

Her brain was turning all the gears to remember what happen. Then all of the awful memories came tumbling back in. Tears again welled up in her eyes.
The feeling of Troy's hand on her body wasn't going away.

Every part of her body she was feeling the hands that was gropping her. She felt disgusted with herself. How could she let this happen to herself?
What was she gonna tell her father? And why didn't she try to fight them off?
She knew she couldn't fight all three of them, but she still felt disappointed in her self for still not trying.

At this point silent tears were streaming down Arabella's face. Arabella was starting to feel dizzy from all of her thoughts.

She was about to collapse on the floor, when she heard multiple fast footsteps running into the room.

Arabella was feeling all kinds of emotions. She was feeling hurt and disgusted but it was more anger. She was angry, angry at herself for not trying to protect herself but also angry at Troy how could he do this?

Arabella felt herself being picked up off the cold floor. She was placed into a warm chest. She was too angry at herself to look up, all she did was hide her face in their chest and let the tears fall freely.

"Aw my baby." She heard a voice. She knew it was Lucifer.
"Dont cry my darling." It was Luther.

Arabella finally looked up only to see the brothers all looking at her sadly. The looks they were giving her made more tears stream down her cheeks.

Lucas was the one holding her as Lucifer and Luther had their hands on her waist.

"Dont cry little one, we're all here." Came Lucifer's comforting voice. Arabella nodded her head to his voice.

The brothers all looked at Arabella once more before Lucas left the bedroom and walked into the living room. Lucifer and Luther tagging along behind.

They were gonna make Arabella forget that horrible event, even if it's the last thing they do....




✨23 / 01 / 2022.✨

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