15 | Brat.

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Lucifer and Lucas was holding onto Arabella's hands, as their little girl was excitedly hopping here and there in their hold.

After Lucifer had grabbed his car keys, all three of them reached downstairs and entered the car along with Arabella.

They told her where they were going and she was as excited as ever. They were going to the mall and after to get soft served ice cream.

To other people it would be dum to be as excited as Arabella to just be going to the mall and for some ice cream, but Arabella didn't care.
She never had gotten to go anywhere with her father cause he was always busy with work, and if she wanted something, the staff would either buy it for her, or some of her father's bodyguards would come with her to get what she wanted.

But now she was overjoyed, she didn't have to worry about any bodyguards and she was with the trio so nothing would happen to her.

Luther was following behind them, as Arabella happily skipped here and there while being in their holds.

"Where do you want to go shop baby?" Lucifer asked, looking down at his happy girl, who was smiling real big.

"Mhmm I don't k-know, let's w-walk around a little and t-then I'll ch-choose."

Lucifer smiled at her and nodded his head.

They continued to hold her hands as she skipped with them.

They were passing lots of stores, but none of them made Arabella stop her skipping. But while passing, one particular store caught her eyes.

Seeing the stuff inside the place, Arabella detached her both hands from Lucas and Lucifer and ran towards the place.

Luther eyes widen in panic as he saw their little angel run away from them,So did Lucifer and Lucas. But They all saw where she ran off to.

It was a toy store, with little stuff toys inside it. They saw their little brat happily gazing at the toys in the display case through the glass.

The trio faces turned hard at how their little girl just decided to run off as she saw some stupid little stuff toys. The three of them walked their way over to her.

When they reached her, she ran up to Lucifer.

"C-can I please get t-that L-Lucifer?" Arabella asked with pouted lips and her hands pressed together.

Lucifer was tempted to say yes, just by looking at her face and her pink kissable lips. But he was still angry at how she ran away from them so he shook his head.

"No baby, if you wanted this, you could've just tell us, and you didn't have to run away from us." He said sternly.

"He's right love, if you wanted this you could've just tell us, and we could've gone together." Lucas agreed.

Arabella eyes became teary. She turned to look at Luther, hoping he would say yes, but to her dispair he looked at her with a stern manner and shook his head saying no just like Lucifer and Lucas.

Arabella gasped, she pouted and her eyes were teary.
"P-Please I'm sorry can I p-please get i-it." She begged almost whining.

Lucas still shook his head no. "If only you had asked us love then you could've get it." He reached for her hand and held it tighter. Lucifer grabbed her other hands and Luther was behind again.

Arabella watched teary eyed as they pulled her away from the toy she wanted.

Arabella watched teary eyed as they pulled her away from the toy she wanted

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(I love it. My favourite is the mint. Idk why! Which one is your fav?).                ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🤍 💖 🖤

"C-can I p-please get it, I-Im sorry." She begged, still trying to get the only toy she wanted.

"We said no Arabella." Luther's stern tone came from behind her, super close to her face. She could even feel and smell his warm minty breath on her neck.

She slightly shivered at the contact, but nonetheless pouted, angrily.

She didn't say anything to them. She folded her hands against her chest and had an angry pout on her face. To be completely honest she looked more adorable than angry.

It was a dumb thing to get angry over for, but she just was angry.

As the 4 of them continued to walk and pass buy all the stores, Arabella didn't once ask for anything else. She wasn't even holding any of their hands!

She was in the middle of them. Lucifer and Lucas was walking infront of her and Luther was at the back.

Her being silent was killing the trio. They were all accustomed to her sweet voice rambling here and there to them, but now she was completed quiet. It was killing each of them!

"Baby we're here for the ice cream." Lucifer sighed. Even though he was mad at her, he couldn't help but still call her 'baby'.

"That's if you still want it..." Lucas added.

Arabella turned towards him and glared at him. He smirked at her glare which was supposed to look 'scary' but looked more cute than anything else.

"Y-Yes I still w-want the i-ice cream." Arabella replied angrily and in a harsh tone.

Lucas little teasing smirk let his lips at she talked to him.
His face when back to being stern or angry.

" Now Now, watch than tone Arabella." Lucas she pointing his index finger to her.

Arabella rolled her eyes. All three of them were seeing her little attitude. They kenw it was because they didn't buy the toy for her.

The trio gave her a glare. Arabella looked at them and rolled her eyes one more time in their face.
It was making all three of them fucking angry at her brattiness.
Lucifer almost lost it at her brattiness and was about to teach her a lesson right then and there, but he told himself to calm down and give her one more chance.

"Arabella stop with the fucking attitude or you'll get yourself a punishment little girl." Lucifer husked into her ear, so only her and Luther and Lucas could hear.

Arabella pulled herself away from him furious. They couldn't tell her what to do!

"You guys are n-not my p-arents, You c-cant tell me what to d-do." She shrieked all while angrily stomping her feet. They way she said made the trios eyes darken in pure angry, it also caught a few people eyes.

Thats it the three of them were done with giving her chances.

"You fucking asked for it you little brat."

Luther whispered as he reached out of Arabella.
Luther picked up Arabella and threw her over his shoulder. Arabella was shocked, she didn't think they would've done this.
She then screamed and slammed her fists in his back.

Lucas and Lucifer were following close behind them, still with that dark look in all three of their eyes.

"P-PUT ME DO-DOWN!" Arabella cried as she kept slamming her little fists into Luther's back. Luther didnt feel one thing.

Everyone in the mall was seeing this, they would've helped the poor girl but they couldn't. These people weren't stupid. Almost everyone all knew who the three men was.

If they was to go and help her they will probably most likely loose their heads, and nobody wanted that!

The trio made it out, to where the parking lot and where they parked. Arabella was still crying and swinging her fists hoping it would do something, but it was too late.

Inside their car, she will be  getting her first punishment from the Grey's and she wasn't gonna like it......



Hope you guys liked this chapter.😚🙌💗


✨27 / 05 / 2022.✨

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