18| Butterflies.

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Arabella was standing outside the principle's office door. She was waiting for the trio to come outside.

After what happened with those guys in the hallway. The Greys did not spear neither of them.

Each one of them grabbed a boy and started punching them like a fucking punching bag.

Arabella was pretty sure all their knuckles were badly busted cause those fellas looked pretty unrecognisable.

It was pretty scary, sure Arabella had seen fights but nothing like this. She was pretty sure the trio would have killed them, but thankfully one of the students in the hall saw and called the principle.

The principle Monica and two other guards helped separate the trio from the almost dead boys. By the time Monica got them to the nurses office they were barely breathing.

Of course Arabella got detention for three days. The reasons were because she was the reason the trio got into that in the first place and cause her dress apparently was simply too short for the schools dress code.

To sum it up, she got 2 days of detention for breaking the dress code and 1 day for being involved with the Greys fight.
3 days of pure torture for Arabella.

Of course Arabella had never ever been in detention before, so this will be a first for her.

Now the trio was in the office receiving their 'punishment'. They didn't want Arabella in there with them in case they did try something again.

The office door slammed open and out came the trio. And boy they did not look happy. All three of them had stone cold glares on their faces and their jaws were clenched hard.

Arabella's clasped her hands together nervously before licking her lips and speaking,

"W-What happened? What d-did Mrs.Monica g-give you a-all. " Arabella stuttered out.

She was scared they were gonna yell at her for making them get into trouble. But thats just her thinking..
The trio didn't reply to her. Only Lucas spared one glace before grabbing her hand, and pulling her with them.

His grip wasn't too harsh is was gentle...

They walked out into the car park and towards their car.
The while time Arabella didn't say anything, she was quiet and was looking down the entire time.

Lucas opened the door for her and she quietly entered the car.
The Greys personal bodyguard Sam was with them and he was the driver for today.

Next all three of them entered the car and saw Arabella all the way at the end looking down at her lap and fiddling with one of the many butterflies on her dress.

Still having her head down, Arabella heard one of them sigh harshly before she felt a pair hands snake around her waist and pull her towards their lap.

Arabella let out a cute little shirek before looking up.

She was face to face with Lucifer. His eyes were dark and he was breathing heavily. He didn't say anything,
He just pulled her close against his chest and dipped his head into the crook of her neck and took and big sniff and layed his head there, unmoving from her body.

Arabella was shocked at first at his actions, and then blushed red cause hot flustered she was feeling.

Arabella didnt know what to do so she just rested one of her  hand on his dark and fluffy hair and the other on his back.

Looking up she locked eyes with Lucas and Luther and they were both looking at her with their  and the same intensity like the time they 'punished' her in this same car!

Arabella immediately looked down when she saw both of them smirking at her cause of her red face.

Softly brushing Lucifer's hair with her fingers, she heard him groan, and thrn spoke.

"They want to suspend us for 3 fucking weeks." He grumbled. Arabella's eyes widened. That long?!

She didn't say anything, just hummed and continued combing through his hair. She felt more hands around her waist and  both Luther and Lucas's hand were on her.

Both of them now dipped their head into her neck making her face heat up even more and a weird feeling of butterflies in her tummy.

"We can't even stay away from you for 1 second, we have to stay for fucking 3 weeks?!" She heard Luther whispered harshly.

Arabella gulped hard. She suddenly heard the change of his breathing.

His breaths were becominv heavier and harsh. She quickly looked at his face and a panicked expression took over Luther's face.

Both Lucas's and Lucifer's hand on her waist tightened.

Luther started chanting 'you won't leave us' over and over in her neck. Lucas and Lucifer weren't saying anything, but she could hear the difference in their breathing.

"H-Hey hey, Look I'm n-ot leaving y-you guys." Arabella quickly whispered back to them. It seemed to calmed them down a bit but their breathing were still out if place.

Her face was super close to Luther's and his eyes were locked with eyes.

Arabella didn't know what else to do. She had seen a bunch of people in school kiss each other when ever their in agreements and it seemed to calm them down.

Nervously looking at Luther Arabella huffed before wetting her lips and quickly leaning her face to Luther before placing a quick peck on his lips.

Everything stopped. Lucas and Lucifer who were watching Arabella couldn't believe what happened. As for Luther, his eyes were widden and his mouth agape.

Arabella had her head down. Blushing. It was heaven. Just for a moment Luther felt soft heavily lips touch his but then the feeling was already over.

Luther's eyes snapped down to Arabella. He breath was back to normal and so was Lucifer and Lucas's.

His lifted his hand and placed it at the back of Arabella's neck, tilting her head up and to meet his eyes.

Arabella looked everywhere but any of the Greys eyes. Too embarrassed to even do so.

"Look at me." Rasped out Luther. Arabella immediately made eye contact with him. As soon as she did she gasped, Luther's face was so close to hers that their nose were touching.

Arabella opened her mouth to apologize but was silenced by Luther's lips on hers.

Luther grabbed the back of her neck and slammed his lips back onto hers. He kissed her with so much gentlyness and passion. He bit her lower lip making her gasped and slipped his tounge in her mouth.

Arabella was running out of breath and pulled away breathing heavily. Her cheeks were stained red and so were her lips.

Luther wiped his lips with a smirk and placed his hand on Arabella's cheek. Arabella blushed.

Butterflies swarmed her tummy when looking at Luther. All she could think about was the kiss.

She once against gasped when she felt herself being pulled onto Lucifer's lap. He held her chin making her contain eye contack with him.

He groaned seeing her swollen red lips. He didn't wait anymore before slamming his lips onto her just like Luther.

Lucas's head was still in the crook of her neck. He left little butterfly kissed trailing up her neck down to her throat.

All Arabella could feel was butterflies over and over again as the trio kissed her. And it was her first kiss too.




Sorry for taking forever to update!

Hope you liked this chapter cause I surely did!😏😘

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31 / 07 / 2022.✨

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