11 | Coming Clean.

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Hi guys I know it's been a while since I updated, soooo here's a brand new update for you.🤘🏻🥳

I also wanted to say that I was planning to write some future chapters in 1st person. So you know, we can see Arabella's POV, the trio separate POV's and so on. 。◕‿◕。

But I still don't know if I'm willing to write other chapters in 1st person instead of 3rd.🤔

Anyway let me know if you guys want to see some in 1st or 3rd! ( ꈍᴗꈍ).

   Anyways enjoy the chapter!


Arabella took a deep breath before opening the front door and entering her house.

She was super nervous.

Other people would find it strange for her to be nervous when she's just going to have breakfast with her father... But this was a kind of good time to tell him about the... incident that scared Arabella at school.

Walking into the kitchen she saw the dinning table set with food and her father seated with a newspaper in his hand.

Andy was peacefully reading a newspaper, waiting for his daughter to arrived.

A sound of footsteps made him turn his head to the door. There a bright smile appeared on his face.

Andy placed down the paper on the table and got up.

"Arabella dear!" Andy exclaimed. He walked towards her with his hands wide open for a hug.
Arabella smiled happily before running up to him and giving in to his hug.

"Daddy I missed you." Arabella sighed into the hug.
"Me to kiddo."

"Alright enough of this." Andy chuckled making Arabella giggle.

"Come Bella you've waited enough. Let's sit and have our breakfast." Andy gestured. Arabella instantly nodded her head now remembering that she didn't even have any breakfast yet.

Just getting to see her dad made her super happy. Considering she was away with the brothers for a while. Arabella won't lie, she enjoyed her time with the trio, but she also just missed her father alot.

Andy took back his seat at the table while Arabella sat the opposite side of him.

The table was prepared with all sorts of food. Andy had some french toast with some eggs on the side, along with a cup of orange juice.

Arabella filled her plate with some chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate syrup with some bacon and also some orange juice.

"Whose house were you at Bella?" Andy asked.
Arabella stilled at that. She wanted to say the truth about the Grey's but what happened in the past made Andy had a hard time trusting another man or boy other than him.

Putting on a tight lipped smile Arabella answered,
"It was friends Mr. Willow paired me up with. Don't worry Daddy their super nice and friendly."

Andy sighed in relief. "I wasn't worrying Bella. I just what to know who it was." Andy finished. Not liking he hadn't  gotten a specific answer to whom they were.

After all the talking both of them then began to finish eating their food.

Arabella wanted to get this over with. But she was fearing the reaction of her father.

Andy and Arabella had finished eating and also cleaned their dishes together.

Andy wanted to now spend some more time with Arabella cause I'm the kitchen while washing the dishes she had told him that she and her friends hadn't finish the project and it's due Monday. So that means that Arabella will probably go back over to their house to help finish the project.

Andy wanted to spend some more time with her since he had no office work to do. He had to go to work early in the morning so he wanted to spend his free time with his daughter.

In their house they had this big theatre room, with a large TV screen and lots of seats. Andy was taking Arabella their so they could watch movies together.

Entering the room Arabella couldn't help but gasp at the decor and design of the theatre. Even thought she had been in here loads of times as a kid, she still couldn't help but look around in pure amazement.

 Even thought she had been in here loads of times as a kid, she still couldn't help but look around in pure amazement

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The lights were turned off as Arabella made herself comfortable. Here she was going to finally tell him.

Arabella silently looked up from her seat as she wiring for Andy to sit next to her. He was busy picking out all sorts of snacks.

Finally after settling down. He had a big grin on how s face. But not for Arabella.

Andy caught on to that. Seeing the frown and gloomy looking on his daughter's face he immediately knew something was wrong. Turning towards her he asked,

"Bella what's wrong? You're looking all sad and gloomy dear."

Taking a deep breath Arabella gulped. "U-Um Dad I-I have something to tell y-you."
Andy looked at her cautiously, wondering what could she possibly have to tell him.

Urging her to go on Andy nodded his head.
Taking another deep breath, Arabella just decided to get straight to the point and spit it out.

Building up the words in her throat she finally spoke.
"A-At school s-some guys c-connered and  t-tried to r-r-rape m-me." Arabella finally breath. She had managed to control her tears from spilling out.

Those words were a shock to Andy's head. He froze not moving and not speaking. Slowly that shock morphed into anger and sadness.

He faced Arabella was had her head faced down. He could see the tears she tried so hard to hold rolling down her cheeks. Andy didn't say anything but wrapped his arms around his crying daughter's form.

"I-Im sorry Bella." He whispered into her ear.



Lol this was a chapter I was delaying for a while because it was kinda boring.🥱🙄

Please comment, vote and give me a follow if you liked the book so far.( ╹▽╹ )


✨26 / 03 / 2022.✨

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