20| Jealous..?

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The car pulled up outside a very fancy looking restaurant.

Unfortunately, the entrance or the restaurant was crowded with loads of paparazzi.
Turns out, someone had leaked where the Greys were going and that they were with a woman.

People were going crazy over this. The Greys, finally settling down? Sounds to good to he through. Of course the Greys could get and fuck any women they want, but the three of them decided to stay with one person?!

Everyone at the Greys Company were going crazy. Some girls were jealous, while others were freaking out wanting to know who the girl was.

Of course this wasn't the first time the Greys were caught with the same 'mysterious' girl.
Pictures were taken of the Greys waiting for her after school, at the mall and lots more.

When the trio found that out they were pissed. Not only could there people mind their fucking business, but if they found out that girl was their little Arabella.
They would probably scare Arabella away.

As long as the trio knew Arabella for is enough to know that she hates, loud noises and crowded places. So trying to get into that restaurant was gonna be one hell of a ride.

Lucas turned towards her with a sigh and a sad smile.
"Love, you ready?"

Arabella gave him an unsure smile. She had already knew all those people were here for the trio. It was quite obvious, how they were shouting and yelling each of their names over and over again trying to get their attention.

"Y-Yup I-Im ready le-lets do this!" Arabella gave a little giggle, making the trio smile at her cuteness.

"Alright Darling."
Since Lucas was on the end, he came out first. As soon as he stepped outside the vehicle, the paparazzi went crazy. They all managed to get a few centimeters closer to him.

Lucas grunted.
"Would you people back the fuck up and fucking leave already?!"

Everybody froze, but that just happened for a second before they started crowding him again.


"Come on bella, gave me your hand and come out."

Lucas told her quietly. He didn't want any of those eavesdropping fuckers here her name or anything relatively close to her.

Arabella slipped her hand out into Lucas's and exited the car.
As soon as she did loud gasps and clicking of cameras were all that she heard.

Immediately, Lucas's hand came down and blocked her face before any of the reporters got a picture of her face.

Lucifer and Luther's both stood behind Arabella and kept their hands around her waist.

Lucas began walking ahead, pushing all the people out of their way. Luther and Lucifer stood close behind Arabella making sure no one tried to approach for behind.

At last the four of them made it inside the restaurant, the glass doors were shut and locked after they came inside.

Arabella released a sigh of relief.
"You good baby?" Lucifer asked. Arabella game him a thankful smile.

"I-I am and th-thank y-you."

"That's not a problem Love." Arabella giggled.

"Now madam shall we get a table and have some dinner?" Luther cleared his throat and spoke in a french accent.

Arabella laughed, "Of c-course you c-can my k-kind sir."

The trio couldn't help but smile. Aside from the reporters, they were already loving this date.

"I-Im stuffed, no m-more." Arabella groaned.

The trio frowned,
"Baby you barely ate anything on the plate."

Luther fowarded the fork towards her mouth, but as it touched her lips Arabella made a gagging sound.

The trio sighed. Lucifer fixed her on his lap, so she was straddling him, he made her face him and tucked her head in the crook of his neck.

Luther and Lucas smiled at that, and left two pecks on her neck.
Arabella let out a little giggle cause it tickled.

Somehow, during their dinner date, Lucifer had managed to get Arabella on his lap. So there she was.

Since everyone had now done eat and everything, Luther signalled a waiter to come with the bill.

Loud clicking off heels were heard, and next to the Greys table was a blonde waitress with a notepad in her hand along with the bill.

The trio didn't bother to look up at her, and Luther just put out a hand for the bill.

Arabella whose face was hidden in Lucifer neck, peeked out at the girl, but already found her looking at her with a not so nice look.

Arabella noticed that her working uniform was way tighter than everyone else's. The blondes shirt was half way unbottoned, and she wasn't even wearing a bra! Her skirt was up to her inner thighs and she was annoyingly chewing gum.

Luther had payed now and stood up, the girl looked at him up and down with a flirty smile and inched a little closer to him,

"Is there anything you would like Sir?"

She asked while faking pouting and biting the tips of her fingers.

Arabella eyes widen, what if he did want something else?!

Without thinking Arabella started squirming in Lucifer's hold. Lucifer pulled her out of his neck, and asked her confused, "What's wrong baby?"

Arabella just whined and made grabby hands at Luther. A smile cracked on Luther's face. He happily took her out of Lucifer hands and held her on his hip.

The blonde looked at Arabella angrily.

As soon as Arabella was in Luther's hold, she quickly gave him a quick peck on the lips Infront of the blonde waitress.

Luther was taken back. After Arabella gave him the kissie, she turned towards the girl who had the nerve to clear her throat loudly and glared at her with an angry pout.

Lucas rolled his eyes.
"Do you want something?" He gestured towards the waitress.

"Uhm yes, Can I get one of y'all hotties numb-"

"I w-wanna g-go home!" Arabella angrily cut in. She was in no mood for the girls bull crap right now.

"What's wrong Love?" Lucas teased. He and both of them damn well knew what happen, they just loved her like this, jealous, possessive and all.

"N-Nothing I just wa-wanna go h-home!"  Arabella said with a frustrated huff.

The trio chuckled,
"Okay, Okay baby, no need to get all angry now, we're leaving."

After Lucifer said that, they all left the building.

Luther was still holding onto Arabella who was smiling victoriously.

As they were leaving, Arabella who was facing the blondie on their way out, smirked at her then stuck her tongue out and teased her before they excited the door.

The blonde stood their baffled and purely shocked, at what just happened.



Oof, sorry this chapter took FOREVER to come out.

School have been at my ass lately, so there's my excuse for lack of posting.

I'll try to get a new chapter out as soon as I can,
But I really hope you all enjoyed a Jealous Arabella.



✨25 / 09 / 2022.✨

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