19| Date.

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The school bell rang indicating that school has now ended.

Arabella was moving alot more quickly today than all the other days, and the reason for that was..
She had a DATE!

After she had her first kiss, in a car, infront of her school.
The trio asked her out on a date the same time.

Arabella was also super nervous and excited at the same time cause.., as you guessed it, it was her first ever date. EVER! Just like her first kiss.

The Grey's got her first kiss and also the privilege to take her on her first date!

Wonder what else they would take first.....

ANYWAYS.., it had been three days since the trio had asked Arabella out. So it was Thursday evening when Arabella was hurrying out school onto the parking lot.

Apparently the trio had fixed everything for their date today.
They had send one of their driver to pick Arabella up and bring her to their mansion.
There the would give her clothes they picked out for her and from there they would go on their date.

Sounds easy enough.

As Arabella was heading out, she heard two voices from behind her.


Turning around, two bodies, one large and one small crashed into her almost making her fall down.

Turns out it was her bffs, Rose and Carter.

A smile immediately made its way up to her lips. How she was always with the Greys she barely had time to hang out with her bffs.

Now thinking about it. She knew she was being a super bad friend. She thought.

"What happened Arabella? You're barely hanging out with us anymore!"

Carter dragged out dramatically, while Rose had her hand on her chest still heavily panting.

Arabella gave Carter and Rose an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry g-guys, it just I-Ive been s-so busy l-lately."

"You have? With what?!" Rose finally gasped out. It made Arabella giggle a bit of how she said it.

Suddenly at her question a blush made it way to Arabella cheeks. Arabella hoped that both of them didn't see it. But that of course didn't happen.

Rose and Carter obviously saw the way of their bff face changed its colour to a bright red.

"Are you hiding something from us bella?" Carter asked suspiciously, while squinting his eyes.

Arabella nervously giggled, before huffing and telling them the news.

The twins eyes both went wide.
"WHAT?!" Rose squealed grathering the attention of a few  students walking pass them.

They just couldn't believe it. Arabella their shy and socially awaward bff just got asked on a date not by one but by three guys. AND THEY WERE ALL BROTHERS?!

Arabella giggled at them with their mouths wide open.

"C-Come on guys i-its n-not a big d-deal." She blushed.

"NOT A BIG DEAL? Omg bella you're like literally my baby sis -no offense Rose- and you just got yourself a date with I'm guessing three hot men and you're telling me this is not a big de-" Carter's rambling came to an end when Rose elbowed him in the ribs making her gasp and groan.


Rose just rolled her eyes before smiling at Arabella.

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