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He didn't elaborate. Instead he remained silent, leaving me in an internal debate with myself on whether or not to push for details.
Weighing the pros and cons, I kept my mouth shut and lifted myself out of him embrace.
"Thank you." I stated, giving him a smile.
"You can talk to me. I understand, so don't hold it inside."
Averting my eyes, I wrung my hands. "I don't know if I can stop having these bursts of emotions when I see them." I sighed, running my fingers through my thick hair. "I hate that they break me so much."
"Then don't let them. You might not kill them in reality, but imagine it. Imagine the torture that you can inflict on them." He explained in a soft tone as he traced circles on my hand. "I know that you can do it."
Chuckling, I nodded slightly amused that I was being taught again how to bottle up my emotions.
"Anger is the key." I mumbled under my breath as I pulled him toward the door. "I need to see how you would do as a king. I'm giving you small tasks." I stated, pulling a paper with writing out of thin air and handed it to him.
"I'll be in the cellars." I informed him before shutting the door behind me.
Jumping with joy, I jogged down the stairs and my eyes adapted to the darkness automatically.
"I'm back!" I yelled, running the metal crowbar along the bars. "Wake up!"
As I opened the cage in the middle of the corridor, I could hear the moans and groans from the prisoners who were waking up.
"Not again." The girl I shoved out muttered, blood caking her face. "Why can't you people just leave us alone?"
Rolling my eyes, I threw her down on the floor of the torture chamber as I went to get my tools.
"Where have you been? Got tired of us?" The girl on the floor hissed as she pushed herself into a sitting position, her eyes focused on me.
"I had business to attend to." I stated simply, sharpening the knife I was going to use on her. "But don't worry, we'll still have fun."
Spinning around, I sent her a superficial smile and circled around her. "Daisy. How could I forget you?" I chuckled, my laugh echoing in the musty chamber. "You made my day with your screams. But your brother...well your brother was a different story. He didn't have the same fire."
"Shut up. You have no business talking about Dylan to me. He was ten years old and you killed him."
"And I warned him just as I warned you. I stated the rules of our game very clearly. Choose to not comply with them and you die. He simply didn't care anymore."
"You broke him! You killed our family in front of us and expect a ten year old to bounce back?" She screamed, lunging toward, knocking me to the ground.
Wrapping her hands around my neck, she pressed, choking me.
"I did. I expected that of you two because I wanted to prove something, but the results were disappointing." I choked out, not bothering to push her off. "I'm not sorry for what I did."
Letting out a cry of frustration, she jumped off of me and scuttled to the corner, sobs wrecking her body.
Staring at her as if she were the most peculiar thing I had ever seen. Dragging her to the center of the room by her hair, I sat her in a chair, tying her in place. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll be going to hell for this." I mumbled, plunging the knife into her hand and into the wooden chair handle.
Watching silently as she writhed in pain, blood trickling from her bitten lip, I twisted the knife until she was at the brink of passing out.
"Please," she cried, her eyes bloodshot. "Just kill me."
Licking my lips, I backed away and nodded as a reply. "Okay." I whispered, my mind reeling with excitement. So much so that I couldn't hide the mischievous smile plastered on my face.
Circling around the subject, I positioned my hands on the sides of her neck for more control and precision.
Calling upon the darkness, I felt it fill me up, an adrenaline rush coursing through my body and into my finger tips.
"Ciao." I mumbled, moving my hands quickly and suddenly, resulting in blood spurting on my face and a thumping noise as her head rolled to the side of the room.
Walking out of the bathroom, I began peeling off my blood soaked clothes from the many tortures I had constructed in the last two hours.
Deciding to stay my underwear, I sat on the bed, gazing at my seemingly perfect legs, releasing the charm off my leg, it returned to its mangled state, the skin wrinkled and scarred.
I had grown used to the appearance, but not so much the pain. The torturing had blocked the psychological pain, but when that didn't work, magic was the only answer.
As I massaged the damaged
tissue, I injected some of the herbs that I had gotten from the garden that acted as an opiate into my arm.
Feeling the hit almost immediately, I fell back against the plush pillows and shut my eyes falling into a deep sleep.
"Checkmate." Kevin shouted for the millionth time for the day. "You're such a loser, Katya."
Glaring at him, I got up and walked back into the house. In the living room, I watched silently as our parents kissed, confused by their actions. Moving closer, I hid behind the plant and suddenly felt uncomfortable when father looked up, sending me a wink.
Shrinking back, I ran back outside, Kevin playing himself on the chessboard.
"When are mom and dad leaving?" I inquired, sounding a tad bit desperate.
"Why do you want to know, honey?" Gasping, I froze when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for not spending so much time away from you both."
"It's fine." Both Kevin and I whimpered, his grip on me tightening.
"Good. Your mother is taking a nap." He informed us, amusement evident in his tone. "Kevin, you're sister and I will be right back. She needs to get cleaned up." He stated, pushing me back towards the house, not giving me time to protest.
After an hour had passed and I had taken a shower that made me feel even dirtier than before, I emerged from the house, our father hot on my tail.
"Katya! Katya, get back here!" He yelled, reaching for me as I dodged his attempts to catch me.
"Dad, just leave her alone." Kevin said, defending me.
"Kevin get out of the way. She needs to be punished."
"I'm not letting you touch her!" He snapped, sending a wave of energy that rocked our father's body.
Clenching his jaw, he stomped over to where we were and grabbed Kevin angrily. Squatting so that they were eye level, he spoke very calmly.
"Would you like to end up like Katya? Do you want to take her place?" He asked, pressing his nails into his flesh.
When Kevin didn't respond, a fire began to burn in his hand, pressing it under Kevin's shirt and onto his back.
Unable to hold in my rage, I lunged forward and hung onto his back, throwing my small fists against his back and arms.
Throwing me over his head, he released his hold on Kevin and went after me.
"Squirming only makes it worse for you." He whispered, straddling my small frame. "When are you going to learn Katya? You like this."
I opened my eyes immediately, shoved back into a reality that wasn't so great. Being met with my father's grey orbs looking down on me and his body against my own, I tried pushing him away.
"You were dreaming of me." He stated, sniffing my hair. "I always loved it when you dreamt of our fun days."
Struggling against the restraints he had on me, I screamed into the piece of cloth in my mouth.
"Calm down. This won't hurt." He whispered happily, the sound of a zipper making me freeze.
Screaming, I pulled the restraints, my inner turmoil fueling the rage and suicidal cocktail that was already at the edge.
Letting one last scream, he flew off of me, my hands and legs being freed.
I watched silently as he got up and let out a series of bloodcurdling screams as he got closer.
Everytime my energy came in contact with him, I could feel a small and barely noticeable piece of my sanity chip off.
"Katya! Stop it!" He shouted, his hands grasping at air as I lifted him until he was hovering outside the window. "You can't kill me! Think of your mother!"
Grinning, I shrugged and limped to the center of the room, facing his hideous face.
"I can kill you! I have no problem letting you drop to your death. I'm sure your wife will understand. She'll have plenty of money to decorate your dainty, little funeral." I taunted, the night air whipping around us like a whirlwind.
"Please!" He cried, as I latched my energy onto his soul. "Don't do it!"
Clenching my jaw, I began to hear and feel the crunch of his cervical spine when I was tackled to the ground.
"Thank you!" My father breathed, running past the mysterious person and myself.
"Do you have a death wish?" I spat, glaring at the intruder.
"Well not exactly. More of a wish for a second chance."

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now