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I still couldn't believe Mason was making me do this. This had to be some sort of cruel joke.

"Kids, it's time for class!" The blonde teacher yelled, her cheerful voice making me cringe.

Following the kids who were my age, I sighed, taking in the bright yellows and pinks of the walls. It was revolting and distracting.

Sitting down in the back, I grimaced when I realized that my black attire stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone else was either wearing white or gold.
I should've worn my uniform.

A new female teacher stood in front of the room and smiled when she saw me.
"Kids, we have a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself, dear?" She suggested, gesturing for me stand up.

Clearing my throat, I stood up, irritated by all of them looking at me like I had some sort of contagious disease.

"My name is Brandy and I'm originally from a small village in Rider territory. I moved here for a fresh start. I'm now Mason's-"

"His Majesty, you mean." A girl two seats ahead of me snapped.

"Yes. Anyways, I'm his personal guard and now he wants me to take this damn class to learn light magic."

When I saw the grimace on everyone's face, I suddenly remembered that none of them cursed. I was used to it since Anya and Mason stopped bothering me to stop doing it since I had been cursing since I learned how to talk.

"Sorry." I mumbled, sitting back down awkwardly.

The teacher nodded and smiled. "Well Brandy, my name is Mrs. Herald and just to direct your attention to the door, those are the rules that we follow. We don't swear or use any type of vulgar phrases and absolutely no touching of the opposite sex."

"Is that to prevent fu-I mean intercourse?"

She nodded and took out a textbook from her desk. "At the moment, we're working on a project. You'll be working with Ginger."

After spouting out directions and warnings, we got with our partners, and I got paired with the most hateful bitch in the class. What a fucking coincidence.

"I'm not doing all the work." She snapped, pulling her light brown hair into a tail as she glared, her green eyes boring into me.

"I never said you were. I'm here to learn." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Mrs. Herald, Brandy rolled her eyes and said something under her breath!" Ginger screamed, bringing everyone's attention to us.

Immediately, Mrs, Herald was at our table, looking slightly irritated.

"Brandy, you can't do those things or else I'll have to report you to the principal."

Is she fucking serious? "I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I wasn't aware of those rules."

"So you can't read?" Ginger said, his tone accusatory.

"Are we going to do the project or are you satisfied with a bad grade?" I snapped, putting my hair into a bun.
I guess that shut her up because instantly she got to work. I was in charge of the chemicals of the project and only half of the magic supposed to be done. The teacher had done a thousand times for me, reminding me to focus on something that made me happy. Of course that was torturing people, but instead I chose to think about bunnies.

When it was my turn to do the magic portion, I bit my lip, a little nervous.

"Do it already!" Ginger yelled in frustration.

Clenching my jaw, I sent out a shot of energy into the chemically doused flower. Immediately, the flower began to shrivel up until it turned completely black.

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now