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Yawning loudly, I turned over to see David sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to me.
Smiling to myself, I crawled over to him and rested my head on his lap, looking up at him as he was in deep thought.

The way his eyes glossed over and the clenching and unclenching of his jaw.

All in all, he was just beautiful.

"If you like my face so much, maybe we should make a bust of it."

"I wouldn't be able to kiss a bust." I retorted, running a finger down his bare chest. "And that's the best part about you."

"I think that could be changed." He growled playfully as he flipped us so that he was hovering over my body. "There are so many things I can do." he mumbled as his hands roamed my bare body.

"I don't think it's fair that you have pants on." I laughed, wishing I could stay like this forever.

"We can't stay like this. We made a room in the middle of a hall."

"I'm the queen; it doesn't matter what people think." I stated, frowning as he rolled off of me. Pausing, I gazed at him, noting the distraught look on his face. "Is something wrong?"

Shaking his head, he got up and tied his pants closed. Using a moderate amount of energy to dissipate the walls around us once I had gotten my dress on.

Walking our separate ways, I ran my finger through my best of hair and walked into the throne room, every eye on me.

In front of the thrones were my parents and Kevin who were speaking quite nicely to each other. When Kevin caught sight of me, he eyes brightened and excused himself to greet me.

"Where were you?" He inquired in hushed tones, his eyes darting to our parents who were probably trying to eavesdrop.

"I was busy." I stated, keeping any emotion off my face. "Why are they still here?"

"They said that they want to be close to us."

Rolling my eyes, I glared at my father as if he were an enemy that I needed to crush. Rushing past them, I quickly morphed my dress into a pair of loose fitting pants and an oversized black tunic.

"Why are you both still here? First you come in without any prior warning and expect us to compensate for your lack of communication and now..." I trailed off and scoffed at how ridiculous they were. "You both have to leave."

"Katya, we're you're parents. We're just here to guide you to be a successful Rideran Queen. Which is why you're betrothed to David." My mother explained, a calm smile on her face. "Besides...your uncle would've wanted this for you."

"You have no idea what Uncle Theo would've wanted. He taught me how to control my magic and molded me into who I am today. You both had nothing to do with my childhood." I corrected them, watching my father closely as he came closer.

"Katya, you can't erase us. I shaped you and you'll never forget that no hard you try." He whispered, his eyes locked onto me, demonic smile creeping onto his face.

Scowling, I looked away from him and walked past them and sat on my throne, Kevin and David close behind.

"Katya, you and David need to get married, so I will take up the responsibility of your wedding plans."

"Mother, what the fuck do you know about responsibility?" I deadpanned, glaring at both my parents. "Besides, I barely even know him."

"So having sex with someone you barely know is normal?" My father inquired, his eyes full of hope that I would argue with him. "Or is that something that is seen as whore-ish?"

"I'm sorry, but all I hear is a man-whore speaking or may I remind you how you're a complete man-whore pedaphile?"

Gritting his teeth, he looked away, my mother rolling her eyes. "Katya, stop being so melodramatic. What your father did isn't his fault."

"So you're still playing that card?" I mumbled, tired of her protective shit for everyone but her children.

"It's not a game, Katya. Accusing your father of this would cost him is life."

"I'm the goddamn queen! You should be praising me for not killing him already." I snapped, gripping the throne until my knuckles split open. "I kept him alive because for some godforsaken reason, this monster makes you so damn happy."

"Katya-" David began, his eyes full of warning.

"No! I'm tired of being treated like I'm the crazy one in this family." Taking a deep breath, I ordered the servants, including Mason and Anya out of the room. "I'm tired of all of you! Our family is fucked up because of this monster and yet you're still with him!"

"Katya, he didn't do anything." My mother shot at me, giving me the look she gave me when I was younger. The look that made me shut up and loathe the world for giving me such shitty parents. "You deserved what you got! You took the throne from your brother and rubbed it in his face. An now you blame us for breaking this family? I think you need to check yourself."

Surging forward, I was ready to wrap my arms around her skinny, little neck until the life left her. She needed to die. Both of them did.

"Katya! Don't!" Kevin yelled, pulling my arm back as our mother moved out of my reach, her face full of amusement. "You can't kill our parents."

"I can, if you let go of my arm." I growled, straining against his tight grip on my forearms. "Let go of me, or I'll kill you."

Turning to David, who stood in the same spot as before, Kevin yelled for him to help, his voice full of desperation.

"She deserves her revenge. I know I would if given the chance." He stated simply, his body free of tension despite what was going on around him.

"Katya, just relax and let's talk it out." Kevin pleaded, his grip on my loosening as I struggled against him.

"We did talk! And now, I want to kill her. Sure, he fucked me up in evey possible way, but she stood by and let it happen. How can you forgive her for that?"

"She didn't know the extent of what was happening! You can't blame her for something she barely knew about." He explained, his voice low so only I could hear.

"She knew everything! She witnessed it and simply ignored it!" I cried, tears streaming down my face. "She knew knew all the shit he had done. She took me to the hospital when I got hurt and lied when they asked what happened."

"Stop lying, Katya." Our mother chimed in, the nervousness in her face, astounding.

"I was pregnant! I was pregnant when I was nine years old!" I screamed, the darkness inside me growing as I spoke. "You killed my baby!"

"I did what had to be done! What? You wanted to have your father's child?" She argued, throwing her hands up in frustration. "I did it to protect you, you ungrateful bitch!"

"No! All you were protecting was your need for money! He had some and you couldn't let me get between that. You're the fucking-" Silenced, I stared up at my mother, gripping my stinging cheek.

Staying silent, I watched as our parents walked out without a word. Clenching my jaw, I rubbed my wet eyes and stayed on the floor, having no energy to stand.

"Katya..." Kevin started, trailing off into silence when I lifted my hand to silence him.

"Kevin...leave." David demanded out of nowhere, his voice level as he squated next to me.

Doing as told, Kevin left, leaving David and I alone, our breathing and heartbeats the only things making noise.This went on for at least an hour. at that point, He was sitting behind me with me between his legs and his chin resting on my shoulder.

The entire ordeal was comforting; holding each other and our breathing in sync. Despite the memories of past flooding my mind and the darkness practically radiating off of me, I felt happy being with him. He somehow understood me and accepted me.

"Katya," David said suddenly, his voice lower than usual. "You're not alone."

"How do you mean?" I inquired, looking at him in my peripheral.

"I was abused as well."

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now