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I absolutely despised the uniform. No wonder they were being slaughtered by my soldiers. I mean, who the fuck would go to war in white and gold?
Shrugging on the white jacket, I eyed myself warily. There had been one time when I had worn white, it was at my uncle's funeral. White was a sign of death in Rider culture, so wearing white at that moment made a pit in my stomach.

Can you feel it? Behind me I eyed the ghost of my uncle.

Feel what?

Death, of course. You reek of it. Maybe all the pain is catching up to you?

Leave me alone.

Katya, love, you've always been a lightweight. I tried to condition you, I really did, but you're just too weak. He taunted, his usual grin plastered on his pale face.

Shut up.

All that darkness and rage are bound to come out. You're going to die if you don't get stronger.

"Shut up!" I screamed, punching the mirror into a million pieces.

Sliding down to the floor, I quickly repaired the mirror with a flick of the wrist and bit my lip to stop the tears. I hated letting him get me like this.

Usually I would be able to block it out with the cries of helplessness of the people I tortured, but now I was being left to actually deal with the demons that haunted me.

"Miss Brandy, it's time to leave. His Majesty is waiting to start the ceremony, which takes the entire day. It would be rude to deny him that ability to properly make a guard." My so-called servant, Sophie informed me.
"Thank you." I whispered, catching my breath.

Composing myself, I picked myself up off the floor. Opening the door, I walked across the hall and opened Mason's door.

"Finally, I was starting to think that you bailed." He joked, getting up from his bed.

"I have nowhere to run to." I dead panned, glaring at nothing in particular. "I'm ready if you are."

Nodding, he left the room with me right behind him. As we walked, there was complete silence besides our breathing and footsteps against the marble floor. It would've been comfortable silence if it weren't for Uncle Theo's voice in the back of my mind, yelling taunts and malicious jokes.

Every so often I would stare at the back of his head, battling my natural urge to shove a knife through his temple and "gut" his skull until all his brain matter was on the floor, staining the floor. But then there was my strange urge to pounce on him, but I would have to keep those especially at bay. He was a fucking Sedentian King, my sworn enemy.

"Remember, you do as told. If you do anything that changes the ritual, you'll taint everyone with your natural darkness." He said sternly, his eyes dark as he looked at me. "I won't lie, it'll hurt, but it's fast."

"I'm not worried." I snapped, opening the door for him.

Pursing his perfect lips, he walked through the door, the people instantly on their knees as he walked to the center of the room. Gesturing for me to entire the circle, I gulped, knowing that once I did this, he and I would have a connection that no one else had with the king. It was nerve wrecking and a perfect chance to infiltrate them even more. War secrets and plans that could make or break the Riders.

Standing before an alter, Mason took out a knife and dipped it in the clearest water I had ever seen. Without hesitation, he took my hand and carved the crest of the Sedentians, the sun and dove, on the palm of my hand. As he drew, he chanted the ancient language of light magic, conjuring a bright light from thin air.

"Brandy, this is my soul. As king I entrust you with half, confident that you will protect me, body as well as soul, strenuously. Do accept the responsibility of giving your life to me, Mason Aleksandr Palmere?" He asked, looking me in the eyes, his blue ones piercing my own.

"Ahem," I said, clearing my throat. "I do."

Starting with the chanting again, the bright light tripled in size as it broke in half. As they floated there, I watched, slightly terrified that one of them was floating closer to my hand, hovering above it.

"Mason?" I whimpered, my heart beat erratic and eyes wide in fear.

Instead of responding, he gripped my hand tighter, chanting the words louder as the subjects joined in, their bright souls appearing.

Before I knew what was happening, the half hovering above my bloodied hand was burrowed inside my hand, emitting an iridescent light. And saying it hurt like hell would be an understatement. No matter how long my uncle had conditioned me for pain, this still would hurt like hell.

It was as if my entire was burning from the inside out repeatedly as it repaired itself, only to be burnt again.

Despite the distress I was in, I kept my mouth shut as the ritual came to an end. Mason applied herbs to the wound and wrapped it with so called "holy" linen.

When all the subject left the room, I let out a scream. Startling Mason, he jumped, staring at me. Screaming again, I gripped my hand, blood soaking the linen. My legs unable to hold me up, buckled, sending me to the floor.

"Brandy, are you alright? What did you do?" His eyes were full of concern, his hand reaching forward to touch my shoulder.

"I didn't do anything, you little shit! What did you do?" I shouted, blood dripping onto the white uniform.

Shaking his head, he ignored my evident rage towards him and grabbed my bleeding hand. "Brandy, you're rejecting my soul. If you want to live, you have to accept the light now that it's a part of you." He explained calmly.

"No! I'm a Rider and I refuse to do this. I want it out of me! Take it out, Mason." I growled, clawing at my hand, tears threatening to fall. "I want it out!"

"I can't! It's for life! But you can accept it! It's not as hard as it seems."

Rolling my eyes, I snatched my hand out of his. "Mason, I'm not like you! I use dark magic; I like it even! I have the darkest soul out there and you just shoved the brightest one in there with it! It can't be done!" I screamed as I jumped up to my feet, terror spreading quickly through my body. Running my hands through my hair, spread blood across my face and head, the metallic smell sending shivers down my spine. I loved the smell of blood, but when it wasn't my own.

"Brandy, you're scaring me." Mason mumbled, eying me warily. "Just sit down and breathe. It'll be fine if you relax." He reassured me.

Just relax.

Spinning around, I looked for the source of the voice. When I saw the smirk on Mason's face, I grimaced.

Get out of my head. I growled, my eyes narrowing.

It's just a safety precaution. It's useful in kidnapping situations.

Blocking him out quickly, I spoke aloud. "This is more than I bargained for. I don't want your damn soul or thoughts."

"Brandy, you're strong. That's why I asked you to help me at the tavern. You carry yourself as if your packing heavy duty weapons and it's effective." He complimented...At least I think it was a compliment.

"You can't change me."

"I think we can determine that later." He whispered, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now