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I glared at Mason, frustrated by the entire situation. I loathed myself for not loathing him. I had a fiancé for goodness sakes! David was perfect and here I was imagining this stupid Sedentian king's hands on me. Comparing his gentle touch to David's firm hand. David was a person who knew what he wanted while all Mason knew was that he wanted something.
But that wasn't good enough. He couldn't accept me if his life depended on it.
I laughed at the irony of it all.
"What do you want, Mason? Am I darkening your soul a bit too much for your liking?" I chuckled, getting up and making a beeline to the minibar I had installed in my room. Pouring a glass of brandy, I took a sip before turning back to look at him. The boy I had loved. "Make yourself at home."
Watching me suspiciously, he sat on the chest at the foot of my bed.
"Oh don't look at me like I'm a sick puppy. Have you forgotten? I'm crazy." I taunted, lighting a cigarette on the table next to me.
"Br-" He paused, shaking his head. "Look, I shouldn't have treated you like that."
"Like what, honey? Like every other man in my life?" I scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You think that you've done the worst thing in the world, don't you?" When he looked confused, I shook my head in disbelief. "Mason, you seriously don't mean shit to me. All those things you said were right. You reminded me and now you feel that infamous Sedendian guilt."
Walking over to him, I leaned forward, my lips brushing against his ear. "There's no point. Brandy's not coming back."
Clenching his jaw, he shook his head, grabbing my hand as I began to walk away.
"Katya!" He yelled, stopping me in my tracks. "I can't forget. No matter how much my mind says how disgusting you are, my body wants what it wants."
Ripping my hand out of his grasp, I sat on the bed, finishing the rest of the alcohol in the glass. "So I'm just a sex toy now?" I laughed, amused by his entirety. "You must be out of your goddamn mind."
"Listen! Don't put words in my mouth! I still love you."
"I don't want your shitty love! I don't need anyone's love. Because you wanna know what love gets you? A broken psyche and leg that makes you want to vomit just looking at it." I shot back, pulling up my clothes to reveal my mangled leg. "So take your goddamn Sedenian love elsewhere and leave me and David alone!" I cried, throwing the glass at the wall behind him. "David accepts me! So I don't need you!"
"Okay! I judged you when I found out, but I'm ready now! I'm ready to find out about your past."
"No one is ever ready. What's the worst you can think of?"
"I don't know. Neglect? Verbal abuse?" He mused, obviously uncomfortable saying those two things.
Grimacing, I took a drag from my cigarette. I didn't have the guts to tell him as out my past. Once people found out, I was always a victim in their eyes.
"Katya. I've felt pain and anger before. You can tell me." He pleaded, not really understanding the extent of my background.
Sighing, I took his hand without a question, and pulled him into my first memory of my fucked up childhood.
We were standing in the bedroom that I had shared with Kevin. We still used bunk beds, so the rest of the room was chalk full of toys that we played with during the day.
"What is this?" He asked, passing his hand through the desk in the corner.
Before I could answer, the younger version of myself walked in with Kevin and our father at my side. I was in my usual pajamas: a large plain shirt and leggings.
"Kevin go wash up, I need to talk to Katya." Father said, sitting me down on the bottom bunk. "Katya, you've been behaving badly."
The younger version of myself didn't answer, her focus on Father's hand on my inner thigh.
"Katya, your mother is concerned that you've taken after me."
"But that's good, isn't it? Everyone likes you." Younger Katya stated, a smile on her face, oblivious to what was about to occur.
"Katya, you know what I mean. Your magic. It's light magic." He said, disgust in his voice. "I'm sorry you got that part of me."
Mason looked at me curiously and back at Younger Katya. "Your father was Sedentian? What happened to your magic if it was light? It can't just change."
"Shut up and watch." I choked out and backed away from the scene.
As time progressed, we watched as it escalated with my father hovering over me, my clothes discarded.
"We don't have to watch this." He said, avoiding to look at the person he had just saved raping me. Degrading me when I was four years old.
"No." I growled, pushing him closer. "You asked for the truth."
I watched the memory painfully, a wave of filth coming over me as I heard the things he would call me.
His own daughter.
"Katya stop crying. You probably like this don't you?" My father laughed as Younger Katya shook her head a million times 'no'.
Licking my lips, I switched the scene to when I was living with Uncle Theo.
"Katya, we don't have to continue. I've seen enough."
"I haven't." I snapped, taking in our surroundings. We were in the torture chambers that Uncle Theo favored.
Opening the door, the thirteen year old version of me stepped in, a knife in her hand.
"Katya! You can't keep saying sorry to the people as you torture them." Uncle Theo said, his hand on Younger Katya's shoulder.
"I don't want to kill them." She mumbled under her breath as she put away the knife.
I stood still, unable to say anything as Uncle Theo grabbed her by the hair and shoved her into the chair in the middle of the room.
Rolling her head back in frustration, she didn't resist as he tied her wrists and feet.
"I thought we were over your sympathy for those Sedentian heathen." He spat, rolling the cart of torture weapons over to her. "I thought I had purified you of those poisonous thoughts."
"I didn't mean anything by what I said." She whimpered as he cut off her left pant leg, revealing her healing thigh.
"I'm sure you didn't. But I need to make sure." He gave her a reassuring smile, sending a shiver down my back.
"Katya...what is he about to do?" Mason choked out, watching the younger version of me intently.
Pointing to the IV that he had connected to me, I explained how the drug would prevent me from passing out or having a heart attack.
"Let's begin." Uncle Theo said, taking a dagger and pressing it into her thigh ever so slowly. Stopping half way through, he turned off the lights and switched on the screen projector. "What is that?"
"The-umm. The current Sedentian King and his son." She answered, making Mason freeze.
"You knew about me when you were thirteen? I only found out about you when I became king." He whispered, not exactly grasping the idea that they couldn't hear us.
"I was required to know everything about you."
"Wrong. What are they? What do they deserve?" Uncle Theo urged, moving the knife so that it scraped against her bone.
She held back a scream, tears pooling in her eyes. Looking down at her leg, she twisted her hands, attempting to get away.
"Don't make me ask again." He growled, opening a bottle labeled 'acid'.
"I can't." She sobbed, hanging my head in defeat as he drizzled some acid on her exposed thigh.
"Katya, I don't want to do this, but you aren't giving in to you potential darkness." He whispered, seemingly sincere. "This hurts me much more then it hurts for you."
"I'm sorry." She said through gritted teeth as he pulled the knife out, replacing it with his fingers.
"Kat, just tell me what you really want to say."
"I told you. I don't hate them."
"Tsk tsk tsk. I'm not going to waste time on your disgusting mind."
Relieved to hear that, she relaxed until she felt him tie a tourniquet at the top and bottom of her injured thigh. Opening her eyes, she watched as he injected her leg with some liquid that automatically resulting in a vicious burning sensation.
Mason instinctively reached forward, wanting to console her, but unable to touch her.
"I'll leave you here as you think about your sins until you're finally able to fully submit to me." Uncle Theo stated, backing away from her, a smug look on his face.
After a minute or so, she gave in. "Okay! I give up! Uncle Theo! I give up!" She screamed, her voice cracking.
"Say it." He said, standing in the doorway.
Licking her lips, she shut her eyes. "I submit."
"More." He pressed, watching her writhe in pain.
"Thy are scum! They must be eradicated. It is my duty to seek out, torture, and kill the scum for information as well as for entertainment. I will not deviate from the laws written by the Rideran father, King Theo. I will die for King Theo. He is my salvation and I will always trust his decision. Long live King Theo!" Younger Katya shouted fervently, never hesitating.
Before I could switch the memory, we were yanked out of it by a fairly strong force.
"What the fuck is going on in here?"

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now