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Gasping for air, I gripped the chair I was in as I stared in horror at my now mangled leg. It looked like some sort of atrocity, but I guess that's what happens when your skin is shaved off, soaked with acid, and punctured with a long needle.

"Uncle, please just...stop." I begged, salty tears dripping down onto my sensitive leg. "I've learned my lesson!"

He chuckled, wiping the blood off the tools he used. "My dear Katya, is it alright if I call you Kat?" Despite me shaking my head, he continued, ignoring me. "Kat, you're to be the future queen. But you're still fucking weak and useless. You're a blubbering fool who doesn't know her ass from her mouth. But I'm here to help you."

"I'm not a fool!" I growled, hurt by his words.

"You're still tainted by you're father's blood." He knelt in front of me, holding my chin in place with his hand. "I'm aware of what your father did to you. But your soul isn't dark enough."

Ripping my head out of his grasp, I looked at the blood splattered floor.
"You knew and you did nothing. You're just as disgusting as he is." I spat, becoming nauseous from just thinking about it.

"Kat, honey, who do you think orchestrated the entire thing. By doing that, your father fueled your darkness, but it's simply not enough." My eyes widen, my heart stopping. He planned the entire thing? "Don't act like its a bad thing. You're not pregnant and you're going to be queen! I did this to make you stronger as a ruler." He said, trying to justify his transgressions.

"It was wrong!" I screamed, exerting my energy, wishing that he would just die.

Deflecting my minor attack easily, he smirked. "You've improved." His endearing smile suddenly morphed into a cruel one. "But it's not enough."

Digging his fingers into my damaged leg, he leaned forward until his lips were right by my ear.

"Do you see it?" Confused by his question, I shook my head. "My Kat, the darkness. Do you see it?"

Searching, I noticed something in the corner, festering as it twitched, casting a shadow. Terrified by it, I shook my head again.

"Katya, don't lie to me. All of this is for you. Pain is your friend; you need to embrace it. Embrace it along with the hatred and sadness and you won't feel it anymore." He explained, moving his fingers away to pick up a hammer and chisel. "Embrace it and you won't feel this."

The moment the chisel hit my bone, I screamed due to the drug that prevented me from fainting.

"Brandy!" Someone screamed in my ear.

Jumping up, I pulled the person down and easily flipped them, pressing my concealed dagger to their carotid.

"Brandy, it's me, Mason." The person choked out, trying to push me away.

Scampering away, at stared at him in horror and waved the dagger in his direction. Waiting until my heart rate was back to normal and I could push the nightmare/memory out of my mind, I spoke.

"Never, ever, do that again." I growled, scolding him. I could've killed him.

Rubbing his neck, he stared at me warily as I fought back sobs. Hanging my head between my legs, I took deep breaths, exhausted.

"I'm sorry, but I was worried. You were fine until you suddenly started screaming. And they were loud." He licked his lips and tilted his head to the side, locks of his hair coming loose. "What were you dreaming about anyways?"

Glaring at him, I shook my head. "None of your business. The deal is that I protect you and you live. I don't need a fucking psychologist." I snarled, getting up, putting the dagger back in its original spot.

"Like it or not, you have my soul. Everything you do affects me. If you're scared, I feel it. If you're depressed, it seeps through the bond and darkens me. You may not care, but I can't be a Sedentian King with a Rider soul."

I scoffed, throwing my hands up in frustration. "For a second there you had me. I actually thought you cared about someone other than yourself. But okay, I'll keep my darkness on my side and keep your stupid light on yours since we're acting like children about this."

"You know that's not what I meant." He whispered, looking troubled by my behavior.

"I know exactly what you meant! You're worried about your reputation as a king. But you know what, I'll wallow in my pain somewhere else." I shouted, walking out the room and into my room.

Slamming the door closed, I slid down onto the floor, the tears finally coming loose. I hated crying, but that memory along with the ones that came with them were too painful. I hated how naive for believing my uncle did all of that to help me. Instead, he was using me as a weapon. But I realized that after he died. I vowed to never be in that state and here I was, sacrificing my beliefs for a Sedentian King. It was pitiful really. Essentially I would always be that girl who was a victim of her father and uncle. But now my own brother who was supposed to be on my side was plotting against me with his little conniving schemes.

But I had to admit, my uncle's methods did make me stronger, but stronger than he intended. I had the darkness he craved for and more. He had successfully corrupted my soul until it was the darkest in magic history.

Shaking my head, I wiped the tears from my face and stood up, opening my door. Mason didn't really give a shit about me.

I needed to pay the dear Catherine a little business visit.

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now