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"David, it's not what you think." I breathed, taking his hand in mine.
"Katya, don't lie to me. I saw you two." He growled, scolding me as he became even more enraged.
"I was showing him a goddamn memory! We didn't do shit." I shot back, irritated that he would think that I was a cheater.
Licking his lips, he turned on Mason who sat beside me, our hands no longer touching. "You're the Sedentian fucker that had her depressed. You don't deserve my Katya." He said, sending him a murderous glare as he grabbed him by the shirt, shoving him against the wall. "She is mine. You stay away from her or you'll wake up in the pits of hell with your little sister beside you." He let go of Mason and stepped away, staring Mason down as Mason did the same.
"I made a mistake. You'll have to crush my heart to stop me from trying to get her back." Mason announced sending me a wink as he left the room, leaving me with a seething David.
"He's not going to get you." He snapped, giving me a hard look, daring me to argue with him.
"I wasn't going to fucking argue with you."
He eyed me for a moment and relaxed, plopping down on the bed. We sat in silence, our thoughts occupying our time. Mine were scattered; divided between David and Mason.
Oh, David. He was the safety my heart required as it took time to mend from Mason's strikes against it.
Before I could even finish my thought, I was pulled backwards into the bed, a laugh escaping my lips.
"What are you doing?" I chucked as he picked me up so that I was straddling him.
"Well to be literal, I'm breathing, but I don't think you care."
I rolled my eyes and leaned forward so that my face was hovering over his. "You're ridiculous." I laughed at his glittering eyes. "And yet you're so serious with everyone."
"I'm not serious with you." He countered, his eyes full of something I could only identify as adoration.
"Yes you are. I've never seen you not serious."
"Well then I'll have to stop that, won't we?" He joked, poking my side aka my tickle zone.
Pushing him away, I rushed for the door and sprinted out the door with him hot on my tail. I turned the corner sharply, hoping that I would lose him.
"Where are you going, Katya?" He inquired as I looked at the dead end. "My real question is: how the fuck did you lead yourself into a dead end when you've lived in the palace all your life?"
Saying nothing, I touched the wall, knowing something was off about it. Almost instantly, I could feel his energy coursing through it.
"You bastard!" I shouted, poking him in the chest. "You cheated!"
"What are you going to do about it?" He whispered, pushing me against the wall.
Letting him have access to my neck, I braced myself and let my energy seep into the wall behind me, morphing it until it was soft enough to fall through. Immediately, I closed the space, David's body stuck in the wall.
"Katya!" He yelled, as he hit the wall with as much force possible.
"It seems that the wall has split you in two. I wonder what the person on the other side will say when they see your underwear?" I giggled, opening the door that led out to the hall where his butt and legs were sticking out.
"What do you mean under-" He paused, realization coming over him. "Katya, don't even think about it!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I taunted, faux innocence seeping into my voice.
I smirked when I stopped in front of his derrière and knelt next to it, not wanting to be kicked.
Unbuckling his belt, I tied it around his ankles and quickly pulled down his pants, hearing his muffled protests.
"Unicorns or hearts?"
"What?" I called out, sounding completely distraught.
"Unicorns or hearts?"
Stifling a hysterical fit of laughter, his plaid boxers turned into pink and unicorn decorated boxers.
"Alright, I'll let you out now." I said, repeating my prior actions and helped him onto his feet. "Likey?"
"You didn't!" He gasped as he looked at his boxers. "I'm gonna get you for this!"
Giggling, I skipped away. "Okay."
Immediately I heard a thud. I guess he forgot about his ankles.
"Sorry, not sorry." I teased, laughing as his face turned a bright red.
Growling playfully, he lunged, making me jump out of the way, my heart racing.
"Are all anarchists this slow? It must be the all salad diet." I said mockingly, sprinting down the hall, dodging the servants carrying things down the corridor, screaming happily as I went.
"You are in so much trouble!" David called out to me, his voice surprising close.
"Not unless you get me!"
Pushing myself to go faster, I made a beeline for some stairs and slid down the bannister until I got to the ground floor. I vaulted off, landing on the ground in a crouch.
"You can't catch me, fuckboy!" I yelled as loud as I could, rounding the corner and knocking onto the floor by a strong force.
Getting up quickly, I frowned at my father.
"So you're the one making all that noise." My mother said from behind him, her voice nasally and accusative. "That isn't how a Rideran Queen should act."
"How would you know how they should act? You're just a noble, whose title comes from her daughter whom she hates." I chuckled humorlessly, my tone condescending. "See how that works?"
Before she could argue with me, David came up behind me, throwing me over his shoulder.
"I caught you, kitty cat." He said, evidently amused by the nickname he gave me.
"I let you, brick head." I shot back as playful banter.
"Don't make me tickle you." He threatened, tightening his hold on me.
"Bastard." I muttered under my breath, punching him in the back for good measure.
"Good to see that you two are getting along. Have you two have sex yet?" My father asked, his envy or whatever pedaphiles felt, obvious.
"Our personal lives are none of your concern. Would you like me to ask you about your need to touch my future wife?" When he didn't get an answer, he nodded. "See how that works?"
I was speechless. No one had ever done that.
As he walked past, I refused to make eye contact with my father.
"You alright back there, kitty cat?" David inquired when we were out of earshot.
"Yup," I replied, my mind wandering. "So what do you wanna do now?"
"Have sex with you, but I don't think you want to."
"David. Sex with you is mind blowing; who wouldn't want to have sex with you?"
I heard him chuckle, his laugh sending vibrations throughout his body. "All true. But I want to do something." He mumbled, setting me on the ground...finally. Conjuring a blindfold from the air, he tied it around my head and took my hand. "Trust me."
I didn't even have to think about it, I knew that he was trustworthy.
As he guided me down the winding stairs and seemingly never ending corridors, I could only think about how simple it would be to him. Sure Mason would always have a place in my heart, but slowly but surely, David was making a permanent impression on my fragile heart.
I didn't have to become a fugitive in my own territory in order to love him. He had never hurt me to the point where I felt like I would never recover.
But I couldn't help but think that without the history, our love would based on essentially nothing.
"We're here." He announced, untying the knot.
Once my eyes adjusted to the bright light, I noticed the dragon in the corner, chomping on about a hundred pounds of red meat.
"What are we doing up here?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"It's a surprise. Just get on the dragon and wait for me." He demanded, pushing the direction of the harnessed dragon.
"Fine, grumpy pants." I grumbled, sticking my middle finger up quite clearly.
I climbed up as told, feeling the heat radiate from the dragon's torso. Running my fingers against its scaly back, I watched as David gathered things at random.
"What's his name?" I called out over the roar of the wind in my ears.
"Real original." I muttered, shaking my head in distaste. "Your name is Smaug. You'll suit it well."
"Ready?" David asked, a goofy look on his face.
"Yeah, although I don't know what we're doing exactly." Moving out of the way, I allowed him to sit at the reins despite my desire to be in control of everything.
As we pulled away from the ground, I gripped onto his waist tightly, not having a death wish.
We flew in comfortable silence, my mind stuck on how close our bodies were. How our breathing was in sync and our energy fused together as if they were from a single person.
Suddenly we were suspended in the air, the beating of Smaug's wings keeping us from plummeting to our deaths.
"So what exactly are we doing here?"
"Is it possible for you to just relax and let me do all the work?"
"You expect me to relax around an anarchist like you?" I mocked, poking him on the side.
"Yes, I actually do." He replied, peeling my hands off of his waist. "One moment please."
Looking at him curiously and slightly worriedly, he stood up and balanced on the side of Smaug.
Making his way behind me, he sat down, opening his legs so that I could fit between.
"Do you believe in love? Not that parents shit where they claim that they'll love you unconditionally. The real thing where you feel like you'll be killed by it if you don't confess."
"I don't know. I don't know any type of love that didn't end in disaster."
"That's what I thought when I was younger, but now I know how it feels. I know what it is the love a person so much that just the thought of them brings a new found joy to my heart."
"Please, just let me speak my mind." He said quickly, squeezing my hands tightly. "I knew the pain that you've endured. I can deal with that, but in the short amount of time that I've actually known you, I can't imagine life without you."
I was speechless.
"This is fast. I get your anxiety because I experience it all the time just like you and I know your desire for revenge or to keep yourself shut away from people. But let me in. Be mine," He proclaimed, a solid gold and silver necklace in his hand. "So that I can be yours."
"David...I you don't know me." I disputed, not wanted him to commit to a broken toy.
"I know enough about you that I need you. I can't express how much you mean to me and I don't know if I ever can. But the closest words that I can conjure are," he open the necklace, waiting to put the sign of engagement on my neck. "Will you marry me?"

Well this took me forever to write! If you haven't noticed, we're getting closer to the end. Due to his strange phenomenon, I would like to take a poll to see who is Team Mason and who is Team David.

Thanks for reading! Please don't forget to vote, follow, and comment your choice.

Ich liebe dich!

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now