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Touching the cool metal on my chest, a smile played on my lips as I left David attending to Smaug. I had agreed and I knew that it was for the better.
I didn't know how to explain my love for David. It was a polar opposite of what I had with Mason, which was something I was in dire need of.
With Mason and I, we felt no need to announce to others that we loved each other. It was something special that we had through telepathy.
But with David, everything we said or did announced our feelings towards each other. It wasn't a reassuring factor because somehow, I had fallen for the motherfucker hard and I didn't know how to get up without him.
"Katya," a voice whispered, putting me on edge. "Over here!" I spun around to see James standing in a spot between two walls.
"I am tempted to kill you now." I growled, promptly kicking him in the balls. "Now, what did you have to tell me?" I asked politely as he keeled over in pain. Watching patiently as he recovered, I leaned against the wall opposite to him. "So are you over that crush you had on me?"
He looked up and glared, standing up straight although he still expressed pain in his face. "Why? Trouble in paradise?"
"No! Asshole! Plus it's none of your goddamn business." I snapped, scowling as he smirked.
"Hmm. Well if there is, Mason will find out and do everything in his power to get you away from the Mysterious David." He said mockingly, gesturing for me to follow him. "Anya is struggling by the way. Something's wrong with the pregnancy."
"Well you'll fix it, right?"
He didn't reply.
"James! This isn't a game! Anya may hate me, but you cannot let her lose that baby." I pressed, my nails pressing into his arm, drawing blood.
"Katya, there is so much that I can do for her. She developed a fever last night and I checked on the baby and it's in distress. She's having contractions and she's only in the early stages of her second trimester. I'm sorry, but-"
Clenching my jaw, I turned down the hall that went toward the servants' living quarters. Passing one of the children who worked in the kitchen, I opened the door to the room in which Anya and Mason would be staying in.
Immediately, I locked gazes with Mason who seemed relieved to see me. But for Anya, she was the complete opposite.
"With all due respect Your Majesty I don't want you here!" She shot at me, not hurting me in the least bit.
I sighed and sat down next to her, tuning into the energy that surrounded her. Looking at it intently, I could see the natural energy of her baby, flickering as it struggled to keep alight.
"I don't want your filth on my baby." Anya cried as she tried to push away the pain she was experiencing.
"I promise that I won't do anything to the baby that may darken its energy." I replied calmly, placing my hand on her stomach, only to have it slapped away.
"I told you. I don't want you here."
"Stop being ridiculous! I'm trying to save your baby, so stop being a spoiled brat and let me do what I can!" I yelled at her, frustrated with how she was behaving.
Saying nothing she shut her eyes and turning her face in the opposite direction. Taking that as an okay, I resumed latching onto the baby's wavering natural energy.
I had only done the spell once before, and that had been before I had been tainted by my fucked up family. I had tried to heal Kevin, and instead of using dark or light magic, I used something that could only be described as pure magic.
I whispered the words for the normal healing spell and felt my dark magic taking hold. I shook my head and pushed it back, suppressing it until it was a small, singularity of darkness.
Exerting all my energy into the baby, I felt it mending and strengthening the baby. Pulling away once my job was done, I double checked to make sure that the baby was surrounded by a small portion of my pure magic.
"H-How did you do that?" Mason sputtered out, his eyes wide.
Ignoring his fascinations itch my abilities, I turned to James, ready to tell him all the things he had to do to keep the baby safe. "The baby will be protected as long as I'm alive. But Anya still needs to get better because if she dies the baby won't have a mother."
"Katya, there's still more I need to tell you about."
"James, if it was that important, you would've told me that first." I shot at his, irritated that I wasn't with David. We should've announced our engagement or at least have been together.
"Well how was I to know that you were so invested in some Sedentian pregnancy?" He shot back, confident that he was in the clear.
"So what exactly is on you mind?"
"There have been multiple murders around the interior of the territory. They're scattered in a variety p of places, but they all have the same M.O." He paused, glancing at Mason warily. "This is kind of sensitive information."
"James, if there are murders, time is of the essence."
"Okay, but you won't like it..." He sighed and began again. "The victims have severely mutilated left legs, particularly in their thigh area. They are all females and resemble you, Katya."
My heart stopped immediately.
There was no way.
It couldn't-it wasn't possible.
"I saw him die." I snarled, mostly to myself.
I played the day of his death repeatedly on end, focusing on the death blow that he had sustained.
A swipe of a rusty blade to his carotid.
I had watched helplessly as he bled out, the life draining from his eyes. How he had pleaded for me to help him...that he wasn't done yet.
"Katya, I met with one of the witnesses. I walked in his memory." He said softly as my mind was reeling. "It's him."
Albeit the freaking out that was occurring in my mind, I tried to keep up my emotionless facade. I wasn't allowed to show my least not to my subjects.
"Tell one of the servants to gather the horses. I want to leave by midnight." I barked, already planning out my strategy towards terminating my uncle.

Darkness Falls, Light Rises #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now