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OMG today 3 April 2015 fast and furious 7 is out so i thought i HAVE to update to celebrate this with you all..

So here it is!

In Memory of Paul Walker


Today was the day where there was the party or gala. I was getting ready with Mia, suki and ramsey. Mia was ready and was helping us. I didn't wear any of that shadow stuff but just lipstick i put my dress on and heels after showering. Let my hair down and put lipstick.

After mia forced sprayed perfume on me we were ready to go.

"Where is jack staying Mia?" I ask her as we were walking towards the garage where the boys were.

"He is staying with Elena remember" she answered.

"Oh yeah as she don't wanna come with us. I totally forgot" i replied laughing.

The boys were by there car drinking beers and i think that they heard me laugh so they turn around. There jaws went slack. When i arrived at dom's side i smile at him and close his mouth.

"Careful you might catch flies"

He smirked at me and said

"Now i know what was worth to wait"he was completely checking me out now.

"Lets go before we're fashionably late" i said loudly for everyone to hear.

Dom was on the lead and everyone drove behind him. We were driving really fast and i look at dom and look back at the road. He drifted around the corner and i could see the almost full parking lot. The 'gala' was like a beach party. But without girls dancing with bikinis. I could see many persons dressed classy. We parked and got out.

"If this isn't some ass of a party" rome said.

We all walked in the room and showed our invitation to the security guy at the front door.

We walked in and saw that the gala was on the beach. They covered the sand with a wood of some sort and when you partied you could get a clear view of the sea.

I saw the vip lounge from afar and saw Ian surrounded by other guys who were surrounded by women of all sort but jessica is the one my eyes was set on.

Dom also was looking at her. We just continued down the step together and a hostess came and showed us the way to another lounge surrounded by tress that hid us from the blazing sun.

The hostess was really starting to anger me. She kept glancing at dom and try to touch his hand.

I was so annoyed that i told her in an angered tone.

"Don't you have other guest to tend to?" She nodded with a glare."Then go" i said.

She huffed, turned around and walked away.

"Why?"dom asked. I just shrugged knowing he knew why.

I saw the buffet that was full of food and beverages. Suddenly getting thirsty i stood up and look at Dom.

"I'm gonna get something to drink you want something.?"

"No"he replied looking around. I nodded and walk towards the buffet.

I look around and saw many kind of drinks. Vodka, whisky, coke, beer. This is it beer..

I grab the corona and uncap it and took a swing.

"I knew it was you" my eyes went wide at the sound of his voice.

I turn around and saw Ian. I frown up at him. He hasn't change.

"From the way you walk and to the way that you ungracefully took a swing from the bottle of corona itself. The way you drive at that street race. You haven't change Betty"

"Don't call me that."i sneered

"Or what your going to call the big bad toretto on me. You know I'm gonna kill him and his team entirely. I already started. "

"Why? For pleasure or to avenge your brother."

"The two of them."i look down a bit without him seeing and saw he had a gun in his hand.shit. think quick Betty...

"And I'm going to start with his heart. Breaking it to pieces." He click his gun but i reacted quickly smashing the corona on his head.

The gun went off but it was shot in the air as he held his head with both his hands.

Everyone darted from the scene and screamed. I sprinted towards the team quickly and took the gun mia handed to me. I smile at her and said.

"Go home mia" she nodded kissed Brian and left running towards the car.. The guys pushed the tables upside down to create a shield.

We were shot from everywhere. I ran into the building when i saw Jessica trying to go away.

I shot at her from afar and she looked at me. There were no more bullets i through it away and remove my heals knowing what would happen.

"You "she sneered.

"Bring It on skank"i sneered back.

She growled and through herself at me punching me in the face. I got back on my feet and punch her as hard cutting her lips. Not giving her time to get up i threw myself on her and punch her as hard as i could. She used her leg and pushed me so she was on top on me punching me to and she started to strangle me. I look around looking for something and i saw a small lion statue made of iron. I grab it and hit her hard with that. She got off me falling to the side. I tried to hit her again with it but she moved to the side pushing me away i slam against the wall and stood up quickly getting ready. I slam my fist on her face as she did the same with me. I slam my foot in her stomach knocking the wind out of her and i pushed her out the window that smashed into pieces and tried to go after her but she got up and ran towards the exit where a black car was waiting.

" come back pussy" i shouted but she got in the car and glared at me.

I look around and saw that the others were panting heavily. Dom was bruised up. I was too.

I walk towards them and he look up frowning at me.

"What happen" he said.

"Cat fight"i said simply and he nodded. He told me that he and Ian fought too.

We drove to the warehouse and saw luke here suki and ramsey helped me with my injuries and we all looked at dom who started to talk.

"Now we know what is awaiting us. They have guns and are ready to kill us.we now have to be careful on our next move." He look around and his eyes landed on me. I nodded and started to talk.

"He said that he was going to break you to pieces dom starting with your heart" dom gritted his teeth and looked down.

"Now we have to know who he will start with" brian said.

"he already tried to kill betty and failed "Rome said. I look around then gasp.

All eyes were on me. I look at dom with teary eyes who was frowning.

I said the two words that sent fury in doms and brians eyes.

"Mia and Jack"


Hey i know its been long. Reeeeaaaallly long but ive decided that i would update today because Furious 7 is out. Can't wait to watch it.^_^

I hope you enjoyed that chapter and don't forget to comment, vote and follow

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